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Everything posted by cybertect

  1. Might be worth asking in the Brixton forum on Urban 75, which is locally based and very active http://www.urban75.net/forums/forums/brixton.47/
  2. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1456302123' post='2987456'] Deduction from a page / comment in Detlef Schmidt's book about Keith Ferguson. This seems to be Tommy Shannon's Jazz Bass bass from when when he (Tommy that is) was playing with Johnny Winters band in New York, mid sixties. Apparently Mr. Shannon still owns the bass and the picture in Detlef's book shows that is now more roadworn than a roadworn thing. Your useless piece of info for the day, kiddies. [/quote] Roadwear, 2006
  3. [quote name='Loudhailer UK' timestamp='1455970017' post='2984057'] Hey Rob, how's your Stingray? [/quote] Oh, I'm very much enjoying it
  4. [quote name='Loudhailer UK' timestamp='1455912287' post='2983657']Aha, just been directed to this post as someone has clicked onto our website from it.[/quote] Great to see you here, Lou
  5. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1455906730' post='2983583'] Funny, I've been listening them a lot recently as I suggested my band do a cover of their version of Hush. I saw them live on the K tour, circa '96/'97 and I still rate it as one of the best gigs I've ever seen. They took the roof off. [/quote] Yes, I saw them about the same time. They had incredible energy as a live act; very few bands I've seen have matched them on that.
  6. [quote name='Sausages' timestamp='1455804150' post='2982580']Used to do The Greyhound in Fulham Palace Road a lot as well. Wonder if that's still there? [/quote] Closed, I'm afraid. As is The Kings Head at the other end of Fulham Palace Road. I used to play both of them and the Half Moon Herne Hill at the end of the 80s and early 90s.
  7. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1455728592' post='2981900'] I live minutes away from his place. This is happening everywhere in London, as a direct result of gentrification. As wealthy people replace 'normal' people, the shops and places to eat/drink also change to accommodate their needs. Culture in London is dying. The only thing you can do here anymore is stuff your face. Which isn't bad in itself, but it's no replacement for the endless cultural movements London has always been renowned for. [/quote] At pretty much the other end of Railton Road, another music venue, The Canterbury Arms in Brixton closed in September. Demolition is just about complete to make way for apartments http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2015/12/brixtons-canterbury-arms-boarded-up-and-soon-to-be-demolished-to-make-way-for-yet-more-luxury-flats/
  8. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1455725884' post='2981866'] Ah I see. In that case it's a shame that Fullers got there first. Were there any other organisations in the running to take over there or were Fullers the only ones who showed interest? [/quote] The Dulwich Estate (who are the freeholders) bought out the previous lease after the flood and the made an unsuccessful attempt to turn the building into apartments. When that fell through, they agreed a new lease to Fullers. Whether anyone else was in contention is unknown, because The Dulwich Estate have not discussed it. The Dulwich Estate is a registered charity which owns about 1500 acres on behalf of fee-paying Dulwich College school and has been criticised for increasing rents on other local property by 50% recently, forcing some businesses to close. The Half Moon has been declared an Asset of Community Value under the Localism Act 2011, which offers it some additional protection under planning rules, largely on the basis of its musical heritage. Dulwich Estate launched an challenge to that ACV status this week.
  9. Off stage: A Korg DT-3 that I've used since the early 90s On stage: Zoom B3 For backup, a few months ago I bought a Polytune Clip to keep in my gig bag as it takes up practically no space.
  10. A pair of One-10s is definitely on my agenda too... Take a single to rehearsals and quieter gigs (my band often plays as an 'acoustic' trio with a cajon) and both of them when we are a four-piece electric with kit drums and our lead guitarist with his Fender twin.
  11. [quote name='Macker5' timestamp='1455470837' post='2979373'] Pots are a wear item and can / will fail. An American dealer told me he would 'devalue' a 1961 Precision with both pots changed by £225. I wouldn't worry about a changed pot as long as the bass plays and sounds great! [/quote] I am in the process of having the pots replaced on my 1967 Hofner Verithin. They have been terribly scratchy for a while and the volume controls were getting to the point where they simply cut out at some (wrong) points. My luthier cleaned them up before Christmas and things were good again for a couple of weeks, but then quickly deteriorated back to square one again. So they are coming out - I'll keep the original pots in a box somewhere just in case they are ever needed. I'm taking the view that I own the bass to play it, not for it to be an ornament. Besides, I've owned it for 28 years, it's exactly as old as I am and I'm unlikely to part with it before I'm in my grave.
  12. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1455265614' post='2977540'] 18 million users most of whom will be using for free. Average salary of the employees of € 79,000. Hmm, wonder what has gone wrong? [/quote] They have other, bigger problems. With a loss of €39.14m on turnover of €15.37m, they're still €21.2m in the red even if you strip out the wages costs of €17.9m entirely.
  13. The article is inaccurate in suggesting the sing will enter the public domain forthwith. All the court case settled was that Warner did not own the copyright; the judgement specifically excluded assigning copyright to anyone else or placing it into PD. It is unlikely but still possible that another claimant may step forward.
  14. I have the luxury of Wunjo Bass being about five minutes walk from my office in London. Lawrence and the Toms are a delight to deal with and they're usually competitive with any deals I can find on line. On the matter of Whirlwind cables - I have two Whirlwinds that I bought around 1990 which I'm still gigging with over a quarter of a century later, so I'm pretty happy with them. Unfortunately Wunjo Bass didn't have any a few weeks ago when I went in to get a replacement for a (non-Whirlwind) cable that was going dodgy; I had to go a couple of doors along the street to Wunjo's guitar shop to get one
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1454011202' post='2965458'] Lignum vitae is crazy stuff - feels halfway between wood and stone, and so heavy. There's a reason you never see a Lignum vitae bass [/quote] I did find this neck-through Lignum vitae guitar [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oke6kgvQUrA[/media]
  16. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1453728504' post='2962150'] The rule of thumb seems to be that cranes prices are about double that of a anywhere else. [/quote] Not much has changed since I was a student in Cardiff in the late 80s, then [Edit: I spent far more of my limited cash in [i]G M Music[/i] round the corner on Wharton Street]
  17. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1453199500' post='2957246'] The R&R lifestyle....guess it catches up in the end....and sadly so it seems sooner than later. [/quote] Dale begged to differ in an interview about his Alzheimers in 2010 http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/190765/Despite-dementia-I-m-still-the-same-person-inside [quote]Not that he is likely to be recalling any wild and hedonistic antics. He and almost all of his fellow band members were articulate, clued-up ex-grammar school boys from the Welsh borders, committed musicians and none of them were ever interested in getting stoned or wrecking hotel rooms. Nor was Dale the hellraising extrovert many imagine anyone in a hit band in the decadent Seventies must have been. He was always the thinker of the group, the one who wrote long erudite articles for New Musical Express and contributed to the band’s fanzine. “I was never a drinker or did any of that other stuff. People who do that kind of thing tend not to live very long,” he says, displaying a touch of the bone-dry sense of humour that made him firm friends with the late DJ John Peel. Both he and Jean feel it is important to get this part of their experience straight because it particularly angers Jean when assumptions are made about Dale’s lifestyle in his early years on the road with his various bands. “We’ve even had a health professional suggest it’s no great surprise that a man who spent his early adulthood in a rock band has developed Alzheimer’s disease and you would really expect someone like that to know better,” she says. “There is such a lot of ignorance surrounding the subject. He’s always been in good health and there is nothing in Dale’s early life that would have made Alzheimer’s any more inevitable for him than it is for any other sufferer. We both want to do what we can to dispel these kinds of myths.” “Tea,” adds Dale with a shy smile. “We drank a lot of tea.”[/quote]
  18. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1453159512' post='2957084']Wyman's bass must have been a stock L2 with the end of the neck cut off- there were no short scale moulds.[/quote] Apparently something like that - from [i]Guitar Player[/i] mag 1983 http://www.steinbergerworld.com/mktng.htm
  19. cybertect

    Zoom B3

    [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1451404626' post='2940212'] For a multi FX unit I don't think anything can match its value. I pretty much use mine as an overly complex tuner and EQ unit with occasional looping. The only thing it lacks is an AUX in for playing along to things. [/quote] Hook it up to the computer and use it as a USB audio output - plug headphones into the B3, play song on computer and play along on the bass. Works for me :-)
  20. One of my reference albums for good production and arrangements is Rickie Lee Jones' [i]Pirates [/i]from 1980. I borrowed it from my local library (along with Zappa's [i]Hot Rats[/i]) not long after it was released on the strength of liking the cover images and was completely bowled over by both albums - I don't think I've quite recovered since Most of Steely Dan present, including Steve Gadd drumming and Chuck Rainey on bass. Sublime [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl6YWgumUBc[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhBgGwr_Ktg[/media]
  21. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1343829775' post='1755911'] And him! So tasteful. Shame he's given up on music. [/quote] There is some hope. Colin seems to have softened on the being [i]completely uninterested in music[/i] line. Last year he made an appearance as guest vocalist on [url=http://somethingelsereviews.com/2014/06/26/one-track-mind-days-between-stations-with-xtcs-colin-moulding-the-man-who-died-two-times-2014/]The Man Who Died Two Times[/url] by [color=#211F1F]Days Between Stations (with Tony Levin playing bass) and this year he seems to have been playing bass on the soundtrack of a musical named Paper Hearts[/color] https://www.flickr.com/photos/134151756@N08/21038080801/in/dateposted/d and singing on a concept album about Galileo http://www.melodicrock.com/articles/news-feed/2015/10/14/billy-sherwood-“just-galileo-and-me”-feat-colin-moulding-xtc
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1449236821' post='2921843'] Good afternoon, Rob I use Chrome on a PC. On the left of any topic, there's a dot which takes me to the next unread post (see below...) Does this help..? Not sure about other OS or browsers. [/quote] Yes, that does the trick nicely. Thanks.
  23. On the mobile version of the site, when I open a thread that I've already looked at, in common with most other forums I use, it takes me to the oldest post that I've [i]not [/i]seen yet. This doesn't happen on the desktop version of the site; the thread is always opened on the first page. So if I happen to open a multi-page thread, I have to page my way forward until I can find some stuff I think I've not seen, or go to the last page and work my way backward. Is there something I've missed in the settings or is this just unavoidable behaviour? Seems a bit odd that it works brilliantly when I'm using my phone, but not at all on my desktop or laptop computers. Tried with both Safari 9 and Google Chrome on Mac OS X 10.10 FWIW (and I use mobile Safari on my iPhone with iOS 9.1) cheerz Rob
  24. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1449153399' post='2921147'] OR if you need it to apply to anything... Gear Acquisition Syndrome. [/quote] Precisely - from first hand experience, the TLA is still [i]GAS[/i] in photography circles.
  25. Actually, upon closer inspection, the scratch plate is more like a Burns TR2, but with fewer controls [url="http://guitarz.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/1962-burns-of-london-tr2-bass.html"]http://guitarz.blogs...n-tr2-bass.html[/url]
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