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About Storky

  • Birthday 20/09/1962

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  1. Unfortunately not, long gone I’m afraid. It sounded great; I liked the playability as well, I wasn’t mad on the shape though!
  2. I think you’ve joined my old band! I was with them before the guy with the Ricky. I used the Warwick reverso (much less expensive then) and I got a fender classic 70s Jazz (it had the blocks) and had it refinished in Sherwood Green. I was with them for a couple of years - it was good fun! Enjoy!
  3. I’m really interested to know if there is a workable solution, ie a pedal which can drop a key in semi-tone intervals? Like others, I am more comfortable on a four string and dep in bands that play in varying degrees of detuning (typically either one, two or three semi tones down, or a mixture). For example I’m required to play “Stuck in the middle with you” in C, which doesn’t sound great utilising the B on a 5er and is way more fiddly than it should be, especially for such a standard song. Any suggestions welcome.
  4. Short scales are great. I don’t think there was any reason basses started off at 34” - I believe it was an arbitrary decision by Mr Fender. I’m very tall and find the fit better for fretting, the weight lighter and they are less prone to neck dive (generally, I know there are exceptions as with 34” basses). There are many retro styled shorties, but there are quite a few modern styled examples if you prefer those. Those that knock them are showing their ignorance and are probably stuck in the past “student bass” mentality.
  5. I’m off to see Luke Combes at O2 on Thursday. Really looking forward to it.
  6. So, my newly acquired heavy aged VS has been returned 😞 The bass looked, played and felt great. The sound could be tamed and sounded good enough in the gig I did with it, but compared to other basses, the pick-up and two band EQ combo sounded harsh and “brittle”. I did consider swapping out for something else, but at the end of the day, it’s an expensive instrument and I shouldn’t need to muck about with it. I p.ex’d for a Japanese Sadowsky PJ, it’s heavier and doesn’t play quite as nicely, but it’s a much sweeter tone.
  7. That sounds like what I need to do! Do you have a link to the pick-up you put in?
  8. Not well known in uk perhaps, but a big name in certain circles. RIP, 76 is too soon.
  9. You didn’t ask for “buts” or mitigation, so I’ll just say I can be too critical 😞
  10. I saw you video; I find it “almost” unbelievable that there are those who feel they have the right to say you should look a certain way, or play a certain way. I’d have probably told them to F off, although probably better to just ignore them. I felt you had no need to justify yourself. I’d say keep on doing what you do, it’s clear enough people are enjoying your content and even if they weren’t, it wouldn’t matter as long as you are enjoying it!
  11. I had one a while back, very nice bass - very unique, but has many applications. GLWTS
  12. Very nice, I’m not really in the market right now TBH, but would be interested in how much it weighs? GLWTS
  13. I believe these are chambered, so body is very light and of course, no headstock either.
  14. Just wondering where you got the fret stickers from? Nice bass, I have the 1505. GLWTS
  15. Nice, still available?
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