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Funky Dunky

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Everything posted by Funky Dunky

  1. I know, I was playing the innocent
  2. A Dan Lakin Bob Glaub P bass. Please!
  3. Anyone know if you can buy Lakin designed pickups as aftermarket accessories, or are they only available in Lakin basses?
  4. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1474121420' post='3135761'] Quite possibly. Assuming that's not some sort of euphemism, that is... [/quote] Dunno what you're implying there chief
  5. I look forward to some new video demos. Wonder if the Precision still uses the same pickups?
  6. That colour....oh bejaysus!! *drool*
  7. Identical to my Jim Deacon!
  8. Fantastic, cheers!
  9. Can you post a review? Would love to hear your thoughts on the gig.
  10. Yeah, I noticed this a long time ago, quality bassline and definitely an improvised feel. So sexy and smooth. Lamarquis Jefferson is another of those brilliant Gospel-influenced players, along with guys like Andrew Gouche and Sharay Reed, popping up every now and again to lay down a piece of absolute brilliance. The feel on 'Waterfalls' is sublime.
  11. What, pray tell, is this?? http://youtu.be/96CMxTH3Ldk I tried googling Burny Rex-Bird and got nada. I can find some Fernandes JB copies and a couple of other Fernandes basses, but nothing about the bass in the above video. He calls it a Spector killer, and I see what he means from a tone point of view, especially around the 0:40 mark in the video. I wonder how much these go for, but if they're that rare, I bet they're not cheap. I don't love the look of this but the sound intrigues me. Very muscular-sounding. Anyone know much about these?
  12. Maybe. If it belonged to a hero of mine and I was flush to afford it, yeah. But it would have to be a real influence of mine, someone who had made me want to play and shaped my playing. Like if it was Paul Turner's 1966 Fender Jazz? Or one of Flea's, or 'Nards? Yeah, I'd spring for that if I could spare the change.
  13. He's a cracking player, and has a great tone. Fantastic timing, too.
  14. I continue to agonise over the choice of pickup for my upgrade job. I hear great things about the Thumper but so far have only been able to find one demo. Do any of the owners of these puppies here on BC have soundclips they could post to help me out please? Thanks
  15. [quote name='Jazzjames' timestamp='1473970487' post='3134657'] Bareknuckle '57 P. Look no further. Proper hand made vintage pickup, but not mass produced stuff like a couple of the suggestions above. You won't be disappointed. From Cornwall too! [/quote] The Bareknuckle is a peach, that's the one I want to put in my bitsa.
  16. You don't have to get it. I don't get it either. I like Les Pauls and I've seen a few SGs I thought were cool, but absolutely everything else, especially basses, are hideous-looking to me.
  17. Just looked the Hot Rod Thumper up. £70. Not bad! http://youtu.be/QjzgCdNLLlw
  18. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1473845516' post='3133489'] I love the 62s and swapped out my QPs for them, but my other favourite is Wizard Thumpers. Fantastic P sound. Now made by HotRod I believe to rhe same specs.. [/quote] Tell me more.....
  19. I was thinking of a comment or witticism to make about this tail, but all I could think about was "pervert.....pervert.....pervert....pervert....pervert".
  20. Anyone had any luck using the DHL tracker?
  21. Lollars sound superb but are really expensive - I think you can only import them, and shipping alone is $41, not including import/customs taxes. If memory serves the pickup itself is about £90. A good pickup but pretty pricey once you add shipping from the States and import duty etc. Lindy Fralins are highly recommended, but I don't see what all the fuss is about - although to be fair I'm judging them entirely on home-made YouTube demos. I personally really like the Bareknuckle 58 Split P and the Nordstrand NP4, but you're talking £90-£100 for them. Short of replacing your '62 with another '62, you're really looking at something from the DiMarzio or Seymour Duncan ranges for round about the same money.
  22. Only £2, but a tenner customs charge!
  23. Chicago? Dang. Be a couple of weeks before we see them. Oh well! Only two dorra!
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1473756334' post='3132739'] Surely you must know by now? If there's a dangling modifier about, I'll jump all over it... [/quote] Oo-er!
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1473750613' post='3132689'] I had no idea you hated me. [/quote] Do you know, I spotted that as I was posting it and thought "someone witty will jump all over that and treat it as a dangling modifier." And then I thought "Nah, it'll be fine, nobody would do that". I should've listened to my gut! The one time it said something other than "put food in me"!
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