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Funky Dunky

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Everything posted by Funky Dunky

  1. Mine started out as a Jim Deacon P Bass, given to me for the Princely sum of diddly-squat! I have added: Gotoh 201b bridge Bare Knuckle '58 Split P Wilkinson tuners Can't wait to hear it!
  2. Richie Kotzen. Otherworldly guitarist, and a really good bassist. Stevie Salas is much the same. I witnessed Bumblefoot dicking about on a bass on the Vigier stand at Music Live in 2002 and he was staggeringly good.
  3. It's nigh on impossible to narrow it down to one song. Can I just nominate the entire back catalogue of The Beautiful South? Born Slippy by Underworld is up there, and so is Tubthumping. Some songs are so bad that I feel anger when I hear them!
  4. [quote name='lownote12' timestamp='1493055889' post='3285251'] Scott Devine raves about his in a recent vlog, comparing it to Fender Nate Mendel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YarWwi7gRqI [/quote] Watched this a couple of weeks ago, and I thought his Nate Mendel sounded KILLER, but when he put it up against the Moollon, the Moollon was a class above, imo.
  5. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1492937642' post='3284173'] This has been my main bass for a few years now. 2 piece swamp ash PJ body, oil & wax finished by myself. Jazz width neck is from a seller in the Netherlands, I can't remember what they were called and can't find them on the web any more. Bridge is the excellent Schaller 2000 (choose your string spacing !) pickguard, tuners, knobs etc are generic. Controls are simply vol, tone and a 2 way switch between having both pickups 50% and the P pickup only, which are the only 2 sounds I ever need. Strung with Fender 7250M 105-45 nickel roundwounds. Weight is an extremely manageable 3.4 kgs (on my bathroom scales) Edit .... forget to mention that the pickups are my secret recipe (which shall now be revealed to you !). A Tonerider jazz bridge pickup and a Wilkinson ceramic P pickup. These 2 together are awesome and ar my very favourite PJ mix (and happen to cost less than £50 together brand new). I have owned and tried a shedload of expensive PJ pickup selections and these truly are excellent - don't waste your money on boutique ones. The very sad news is that I have just fallen in love with a Tune Bass Maniac I have just bought from Dandelion and this lovely bass has just been relegated to number 2. [/quote] That......is bloody gorgeous. Mine will be done end of May/beginning of June, but I will warn you....it IS pink. Ideally it would have a sexy natural wood finish like that, though.
  6. [quote name='shug' timestamp='1492032001' post='3277416'] Just bought a BVV3000 Infinium. Early indications are pretty promising to be fair. Already feel it to be better than the SVT-VR which I got a few years back in terms as sound quality, at least. A kitchen test shows it to be quiet (in terms of hiss and hum and background noise) and all the controls have a tight, positive feel. Although new, I bought it as B-stock with no manual, The amp is simplicity itself but I wouldn't mind a bit more info on the infinium valve condition-indicator thingie on the back. I'll have to get me printer working and download one, I guess. Got three gigs this weekend and I should be able to use it on at least two of 'em. I haven't got an 8x10 any more but my Aguilar 4x12 will be fine I'm sure.Given Bugera's rep I'll be taking a spare head... I'll keep y'all informed... Shug [/quote] Where did you get it? Pre-owned, I take it? I just spent the last half hour trying to find one and every website said discontinued.
  7. I'm sorry, I can't be of any help, but the thread title made me think of the Dropkick Murphys
  8. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1490432415' post='3265070'] A stunning player and genuinely nice guy it seems. I saw him live with Mr Big, a great gig, but I've never liked his tone. I've always thought he'd have been the best choice to replace John Enwistle in The Who. [/quote] Oooo imagine that? As long as he kept it focused and didn't shred, Billy Sheehan in The Who would be amazing. The only problem I could see is that he maybe brings too much of an identity in his playing to fit in, but I reckon it could be worked out. Billy Sheehan is not my lover.
  9. http://youtu.be/RlC6zZvXMnE http://youtu.be/_cp-NUVhg2k http://youtu.be/mtZYmdNAVvc
  10. Fender American Elite Jazz bass. All my wee technique flaws just disappeared and everything sounded killer.
  11. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1489774742' post='3259805'] Plectrum technique to die for. [/quote] Totally. I've been a Megadeth fan since I was about 16, mostly the early middle part of their career, Rust In Peace, Countdown To Extinction. Someone on this very pages mentioned that if you listen to isolated bass tracks, David is an absolute beast, and so it proved. I spent an hour and a half today just watching Ellefson videos on YouTube and listening to isolated bass tracks. So clean with a pick it's incredible. The Holy Wars bass line is just silly good.
  12. Some of you will no doubt already know about this, but I just learned about it and thought I'd pass it on for those who don't - Megadeth bassist David Ellefson has a YouTube channel with a series of videos called Rock Shop, in which he passes on tips on playing/learning bass and a bit of gear chat as well. A lot of the stuff is aimed more at novice bassists, but it's still good to hear a pro talk shop. Great metal bassist, really good pick player.
  13. Done. An interesting idea, this. Keep us updated. I'd be willing to answer more questions if you'd like.
  14. Anyone know of a vocal coach in Glasgow who could help train me to dirty up my voice?
  15. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1488720282' post='3251238'] "You feckless thug." The writing in those early seasons was peerless. http://youtu.be/dVgK5HKj3P4 Apologies for the derail; as you were. [/quote] You're spot on, though. When Aaron Sorkin is good, he's unreal.
  16. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1488716519' post='3251206'] Having owned a shop in the past, the rates was a very considerable overhead. It's like the Council is another member of staff - only that one doesn't do much. They don't even take much rubbish away. You have to take out a contract with a private company to get that done. [/quote] This is a very good point which we all too easily overlook, actually. We need to remember that the poor old retailer is at the mercy of numerous folks - in fairness, I've been in shops where they have opted to put up signs apologising to their customers for price increases, but sometimes if they don't put up prices, they go out of business. We often point the finger at the supply chain, but Council rates can be crippling.
  17. Never been a Dire Straits fan, but Sultans and Money For Nothing never get old. Re: Brothers In Arms - there's an episode of The West Wing called Two Cathedrals, where they use the song as the President berates God in the Church after a funeral. Serious, serious shivers down the spine. I went and downloaded the track immediately after watching it.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1488644444' post='3250745'] Any excuse to gouge the consumer. Decimalisation, Referendum to join the Common Market, Referendum to leave the EU, general election, Saturdays, holidays, post-holidays, having a pee, breathing... pretty much anything at all will put prices up. [/quote] This. My strings have jumped up a fiver!
  19. Gah, wrong end of the country. GLWTS mate.
  20. My rig is extremely unimpressive, unfortunately, but here goes: 2015 Fender Am Std Jazz 2014 Sterling Sub Ray 4 Early 00's Jim Deacon Precision copy (my first bass, bequeathed to me by a friend who had given up playing, to get me started on my journey - currently awaiting modifcations including new hardware and pickup) Fender Bronco 40 (I know, I know, I will upgrade at some point) typically set largely flat with a little extra mid and treble, and kept on the SWR Redhead preset for my Jazz bass, but I switch to the Gallien-Krueger for the Sterling. DR Fat Beams 45-105 DOD FX25B DIGITECH Digidelay BEHRINGER BDI 21 I prefer the sound of my bass clean, but would like a fuzz pedal and an octaver just for messing about. NEXT!
  21. But you didn't, so you're still up one gig
  22. I would gleefully do the one gig, and say nothing. It wouldn't even enter my head to moan about it. This is the nature of deputising, and I doubt they meant to muck you about. Unfortunately they are technically your employer, and as such you're at their mercy a wee bit. As a hired gun, you have to be flexible and complaining or turning them down flat would more likely see you painted as unreliable. Did you turn down any gigs in order to play for these guys?
  23. [quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1487956890' post='3244610'] Same here. It saw it voted best bassline ever, bought it, realised it was beyond my ability! Fast forward a year or two and the band suggest adding it to our set. Cue six weeks of slowly gathering pace and fx pedals! [/quote] It is an AWESOME line, isn't it? First time you hear it, you pee your pants a bit. I was lucky enough to pick it up really quickly - not sure how, but I got it down pretty fast in spite of my lack of talent!! Something about it just locked in for me and it's always a great one to rip out the bag. I struggled to get a couple of the transitions smooth but it was worth putting the time in. Chris Wolstenholme's finest moment, IMO - and when the drums and guitar kick in, it's all over. Blinding.
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