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Funky Dunky

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Everything posted by Funky Dunky

  1. Cool, thanks Cameron. I'm really just wondering what it would fetch, if anything might be of interest. There's no guarantee I would go ahead if nothing exciting comes up, but I don't want to waste anyone's time. I don't want to trade the bass, it sounds killer and looks beautiful but it just doesn't feel right. The neck is a tad cumbersome and it shouldn't be, but somehow it is.
  2. How do I test the water for a trade without breaching forum rules/etiquette, please? Am I right in saying I list my bass and my valuation, and receive offers only by pm? Thank you. ( I"m posting this here because it won't let me ask it in the Bass Guitars For Sale forum without me putting a price. I'm not ready for that just yet. Anyway, Mods please assign this to the relevant home on BC if this is not it.)
  3. Sorry!
  4. I love this guy! He doesn't get nearly enough love, here or anywhere else. Too bad about his nephew, sullying the family name with his gibberish.
  5. Ah yes - I've head great things about the Mendel. Might see if I can get a wee shot on one.
  6. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1449309289' post='2922385'] I've been to plenty gigs where the sound was bad and I think it's unfortunate if we brand the band as being poor just because of their sound although it does contribute to ruining your night. Some venues are inherently bad for sound and I've seen me take a rain check on some gigs purely cos I know where it is ( SECC, you know I'm talking about you) [/quote] I'll second that. Every gig I've ever been to in the SECC had terrible sound. Big tin shed. Not good.
  7. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1449273869' post='2922246'] you could always go Fender. American Deluxe. [/quote] I would love to, but - and I should have specified in my OP - I'd be looking to spend about half the cost of those bad boys.
  8. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1449266774' post='2922188'] Schecter Model T - P/J body with Seymour Duncan pickups, and a neck that's definitely more akin to a Jazz. Probably about the same price as a MIM Fender, but the sound and build quality are a cut above. [/quote] As a big Robert Deleo fan, I like this suggestion a lot!
  9. [quote name='HengistPod' timestamp='1449244073' post='2921930'] ... also, I've seen Megadeth half a dozen times, from the Marquee to Rock City to Long Beach Arena. They were unfailingly awful on every occasion. [/quote] Okay, I'll ask... Why did you keep going back?
  10. [quote name='Rikki_Sixx' timestamp='1449264152' post='2922156'] Avenged Sevenfold, twice. Both times they came across as lazy, selfish and arrogant. The first was at Leeds Met, and the frontman made a point of repeatedly saying they were tired, before cutting the gig short. They must have played half an hour of a 1 hour set, basically because they were hungover. The 2nd time was at a festival, where the frontman once again kept pointing out how he had a bad cold. They did about 2 songs, got a random girl from the crowd to sing two songs for him, then they called it a day. I remember hearing booing, but maybe that was just my mates! Talented guys, but they don't give a sh*t. Not an ounce of life or character between them (Some good records though). [/quote] According to all sources, that guy is a complete and utter cock. You can tell - it just sort of screams out of him.
  11. I thought this would have been covered, many times, but a search yielded zero results. My next bass will likely be a Precision-style bass, but I need a slimmer neck more akin to a Jazz due to my gimpety hands. Where should I start? Lakin? G&L? Marucszyk? The main thing is that it looks and sounds like a P, but with a J style neck.
  12. Yeah, a lot of people expected this years ago. He had a few bad dalliances with the heroin and there were times it looked like he might not survive to work again. Scott was an enigma, and had a taste for drugs, but like Layne Staley and Kurt and others, undeniably talented. The first two 'Pilots albums are still regularly played in my house.
  13. http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6785645/scott-weiland-stone-temple-pilots-dead Former Stone Temple Pilots.and Velvet Revolver frontman found dead on tourbus. At present, cause of death is either undetermined or unannounced. I've been a fan of the guy's music and his voice since the first STP album.
  14. I have to add a few here: Dirty Pretty Things - terrible, horrible, God-awful. After the fourth slopfest of a song, I left. Marilyn Manson - I was never a fan, but I liked a handful of songs and mostly went for the theatrics. Hideous, slightly stomach-churning. When he slashed himself with a bottle and urged the crowd to spit on his wounds, it was time for me to leave. This was after he had gobbed on his paying fans umpteen times already. Alanis Morissette - T in The Park, 1995. Oh God. What did music ever do to you to make you treat it so badly, you boring boring person? Hideous caterwauling from start to finish. Decent band, though, including Taylor Hawkins, Chris Chaney and one time temporary Chilis axeman Jesse Tobias.
  15. Stereophonics, years ago. To be fair, they were just on the scene, although I had the misfortune of hearing a recent live set of theirs on the radio at work this evening and they seem no better. Sloppy, and Kelly Jones was all over the place. FWIW, I'm not a fan - my then-girlfriend was, and I regrettably tagged along.
  16. Thanks to everyone for advice. I slackened the truss rod off, left it overnight and then set the relief to my liking. A little tweaking at the saddles and it was back to how I like it (well - as near as dammit). Took it to my mate's to record and he asked for a wee go of it, and commented on how easy it was to play. Job done!
  17. Yes, but in simple terms, the strings are still too far away from the fretboard, and the truss is geting stiff so I don't want to tighten any more.. I will post pics soon, maybe it will paint a clearer pic of my problem.
  18. No dice. Dang.
  19. Yes sir, every last one of them is tight. I have been able to improve it somewhat by loosening the truss rod,, leaving it overnight, then tightening it up a bit today. Still not where it was, so I will give it another quarter turn in a few hours and see if it helps.
  20. Thanks Geoff. We've been here before with this same bass, a few months back, but I managed to get it to behave. Unfortunately, I've pumped it again. I will persevere, but if I can't sort it I'll give you a holler.
  21. Ayrshire in Scotland. A wee town called Beith, about 12 miles from Paisley.
  22. Thanks very much to all who have replied, and in such detail! I will revisit the issue tonight and follow the steps outlined above. I'm mad at myself because this was avoidable. Firstly, I should never have left my bass out of its gig bag, and secondly I should never have messed with the damn saddles! I will post my results later. Pray for me.
  23. Sterling Sub Ray 4, was playing perfectly, but over the last week something changed. I didn't adjust a thing on the bass, but the action was noticeably higher than before - I'm going to put it down to a change in temperature affecting the neck. I'm recording on Saturday, and I want to use this bass, so I decided to deal with the issue. I began by lowering the saddles a quarter turn. More playable, yes, but with bad fretbuzz above the 12th fret. Unacceptable. Right, I'll adjust the truss rod a quarter turn and let it sit for a couple of hours. Better, but still not as low as it was. Small adjustment to saddles. Immediate buzz. Raise them back up the nip I had taken it dow. Give the truss a tiny tiny nip. Erm......the action is now about half a centimetre. How is that even possible?? What did I do wrong, and how do I fix it? I need to undo this nightmare before Saturday, so if anybody can help, please help! I can post pics if required so you can see the current string height and saddle height.
  24. Yeah, I watched it earlier this week. The bit where he talks about Tower Of Power made me laugh out loud, rewound it about six times!
  25. http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2015/11/12/bass-transcription-bobby-vegas-gosh/ I know there's a dedicated section of the forum for transcriptions, but I didn't want anyone to miss it. I dunno why, but I assume most people look in General Discussion.
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