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Funky Dunky

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Everything posted by Funky Dunky

  1. Fantastic, cheers. Yeah Sennheiser are a good brand and I had seen some which were affordable. Maybe give 'em a shot.
  2. Really wish they would produce demo vids for the bass pups. I even posted that on their facebook page, and they 'liked' my comment. This was about three months ago. Still no bass pup demos, but the guitar pup vids keep on coming.
  3. Looking for recommendations for an inexpensive (£40 absolute max) set of cans to use with my amp. I have a set of Phillips headphones at the moment but they're not great, everything sounds heavily squashed and generally a bit thin. I'm looking something that sits on the ear, and has a good cable length (at least 3 metres). What's good?
  4. Thanks guys! It's an American Standard Jazz 4 in blsck with rosewood. Pics will be coming soon, before and after modding.
  5. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1442047041' post='2863987'] Now is third maple or rosewood? I can never remember... [/quote] I like it Rosewood
  6. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1442046045' post='2863980'] Congrats, have a splendid day, go buy some more gear. �� [/quote] it's coming on Tuesday
  7. Three years since I started playing, and it's been brilliant fun! Thanks to everyone on the forum for expanding my knowledge and making me a better player.
  8. Jeez, I thought that was largely awful. All great technicians, but only Davide Biale sounded like he was having fun! And his was the only tone I liked, too, the rest were horrid. I love Federico Malaman, btw. I don't mind a bit of flashy playing, but nothing there floated my boat at all, I found it really boring and uninspiring. And I normally like some of those guys!
  9. I need two Jazz bass pickguards for an American Standard - one red tort (effect, not real tort because them's dear!) and one black with the white/black outline. Is there anywhere other than eBay you'd recommend looking? Not looking to go any higher than £20 each on these. Thanks
  10. Thanks guys, pics will be posted when she arrives Top o' the world!
  11. My new bass will be with me on Tuesday
  12. My initial concerns were because the email began "GOOOOOOOODMORNINGSAAAAH"
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1441796528' post='2861803'] I'd be more concerned that you published the whole email complete with both yours and the senders email addresses. It would have been very simple for someone less scrupulous than the 300 or so people who've read this thread to have spoofed your email reply and claimed the prize for themselves, while you were still wondering if the original email was genuine. [/quote] this just never occurred to me at all. I actually feel a little bit ill just thinking about it.
  14. oh crumbs......
  15. merde. I will remove.
  16. Just checked the Fender Facebook page, they posted an announcement saying they had just emailed the winner on Monday, check your emails etc. My email is dated Monday....
  17. Probably. Scared to now!
  18. I don't know how to! There's a 'show details' option and when I hit that it said [email protected] was the sender.
  19. Black Jazz bass with a rosewood fretboard (I'm going to put a tort guard on it - I love that look!) It was a toss-up between that and Olympic White, but black won the toss. And yet, I'm still not 100% sure this is real! I'm going be a laughing stock if it ain't
  20. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1441788493' post='2861690'] The chances of it NOT being legit seem less likely than it being the real thing - how many people would know your email address and that you'd gone to the Fender event? All they're asking is for a reply to the email and since they already have your address you aren't exactly divulging anything that isn't already known. I'd say get back in touch ASAP! [/quote] Exactly! I replied, we back and forthed, he sent me a link to choose my prize, I chose and asked what happens next, he asked for an address where someone will be able to sign for it Monday or Tuesday of next week..... .....I got nervous, but sent it anyway and he hasn't replied to that email yet........
  21. There are no logos anywhere to suggest authenticity. Thing is, I did go to the American Standard tour. Seems to good to be true, I never win sh*t. *photo removed on the grounds that posting it may have been a security faux pas*
  22. I think it's a sublime-sounding bass. Helps that it's through a hell of an amp, and Ed Friedland is a monster player. Probly sound awful in my hands. Still want one.
  23. Alrighfy! Thanks!
  24. https://youtu.be/94kI7XW-wdc I want one! It'll be easy for anyone who has half a clue about MMs. For some reason I can't tell if it's a Stingray or a Sterling or what it is specifically.
  25. I had tried to lower the pickup, as I'd heard that would help. Stripped the screw heads. Can't do anything with it now
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