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Funky Dunky

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Everything posted by Funky Dunky

  1. The 4 or the 5 Colin?
  2. Look at it. I love it. I need it.
  3. I have to have that bass, in that colour. I don't care if it's a Sub, a Ray34, a Stingray or if it's made of mouldy cheese - I'm in love with a plank of wood and a shade of paint, and I can't compromise.. Doesn't matter if it's £300 or £3,000. I am telling you that I will eat the grass in my garden if it helps me to fund it quicker. I have gone over to the bad place.
  4. Yeah, I had clocked that actually and noticed that Thomann's is the only site where I had seen the bass against a black background.
  5. If there's a prize for the most annoying question, this might scoop it. The aforementioned bass comes in a finish called Trans Blue Satin. By all accounts, it looks like the first image, below. I think it's rather nice, judging by that pic. So I'm shopping online looking for the best price, and of course the exceptional Thomann is by far the best value deal. They have a gallery unlike any other for this bass, and it looks like the second image, below. To me, that is simply stunning. I can't take my eyes off this bass. It's my wallpaper on my phone. It's my whatsapp profile pic. I'm showing this to everyone and being met with oohs and aahs from people who don't typically do 'feigned ethusiasm'. But no other pic can I find of this finish looking like it does in Thomann's gallery. Everywhere else I look, the colour appears flatter, more bland and more like a plain ol' Royal Blue. Which was fine a minute ago, but doesn't cut the mustard any longer. The question - after a long and convoluted set-up - is this: Has anyone seen this finish 'in the flesh'? Which of the two pics does it looks like? I can't get to a music shop which stocks this bass anytime soon, and need to know. Help! I'm in love!
  6. Mike Starr on 'Rooster'. Fat, Spectory awesomeness.
  7. Was listening to RATM's 'Take The Power' Back in the motor today. That's a pretty sexual tone.
  8. Saw Doug play with Little Axe at King Tut's Wah Wah Hut in Glasgow, this was a long long time before I ever picked up a bass, but I went because Doug was in the band. Went to answer a call of nature during the set, came back and my girlfriend informed me I had missed a pretty awesome impromptu bass solo. Gutted doesn't cover it.
  9. Thank you all, I will go with Interparcel. What's the procedure and etiquette when selling a bass, once a price is agreed? Do I build the shipping price in, or advertise shipping as a separate amount eg "£170 + shipping"? Anything else I should know? Never done this before.
  10. Mods please move this if it's in the wrong place. I'm guessing it probably is! Looking to sell my bass and I was wondering how much to add on for shipping within the UK. Roughly. I'm reliably informed the bass weighs is about 6-7lbs. I swear this is not a sneaky way of drumming up interest, this is a genuine question as I try to draft up an ad.
  11. Ah, see I got into Living Colour backwards - Stain was the first I heard, and I like it, so when I went back to the Muzz era stuff, I just found even more stuff that I loved. Muzz Skillings is fantastic, and Doug is a fabulous bassist too so I just felt like it was win-win. I see what you mean about the music being different in the Doug era, but I still liked it a lot.
  12. I'm going through this very quandary myself at the moment. Only played a 5 string once, in a shop for about ten minutes and it was oodles of fun - but was it a novelty that would soon wear off? Would I find I barely used the extra string, and it would just get in the way after I'd had my initial fun with it? To be honest, the main consideration is budget - I can't really stretch to a good 5er so I would have to buy an entry level 5er and many people have cautioned against that as it usually means a rather flappety low B. But I had loads of fun playing a 5 :-)
  13. Touring again, but only US dates so far. Please baby Jesus, let them come to these shores! I will actually wee myself! Anybody else a fan? These guys really wowed me - what a band, what a singer, and what a rhythm section!
  14. As much Larry Graham as I can get my hands on. Devin Townsend Project - Synchestra Alice In Chains - Dirt (Spectortacular bass tone)
  15. [quote name='stingraybassman' timestamp='1417078233' post='2616782'] Not disputing that, I was talking about the influences that you might not always see. Hence using the word subconscious. I don't want to get in a slugging match, you clearly have your opinion on the subject. Thats cool. [/quote] Thanks. I appreciate it :-)
  16. [quote name='stingraybassman' timestamp='1417034882' post='2616524'] I think you might be underestimating your subconscious. [/quote] No, I know my own mind. Would people stop trying to tell me how to think?
  17. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1417013604' post='2616it of rme.91'] # No, of course you don't. Thats why records don't have any artwork on them and why nobody has ever made a music video. Eveusical movement of the last 60-odd years has had an image. Music intersects with art, fashion, photography and becomes part of something wider, it does not and it will not exist in isolation. The people who think "image isn't important" when it comes to making music are quite frankly kidding themselves on. [/quote] Sweeping generalisation. I speak for myself, and you can't do it for me. I have no interest in album covers. I look, sure, but it has zero influence on my opinion of the music. Videos are entertaining, arguably important, but I'm not talking about album art or videos in my response to the OP. I'm talking about appearance - personal appearance. Image. Clothing. Music does intersect with art, yes, but image does not influence my interest in a band or my enjoyment of their music. It is not important to me. That's what I'm saying.
  18. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1417014766' post='2616123'] The lack of pics is extra-ironic, given your username. [/quote] Yeah, I mean, if your name was imageafter, we'd expect to have to wait...
  19. Pics, man!! I beseech thee!!
  20. I am past caring about my appearance. No amount of pricey, stylish attire or grooming products can hide the fact that I have a face like a stuntman's elbow. I reckon that many guys put time and effort into carefully cultivating an image that screams "I don't care about my appearance". When it comes to music, I have no interest in how pretty or styled the artist is, because I listen to music, I don't look at it. Marketing is the devil's work, hence all these supposedly pretty teenagers in their skimpy clothing, hiding behind autotune while performing songs they didn't write. I remember a pretty good band called Headswim who were around in the late 90s/early 00s. I'm pretty sure they had a deal with Levi's. I found it bizarre, like the antithesis of what a rock band would do. I get that certain labels go hand in hand with the rock/punk genre (Dickies, Vans etc) but to sign a deal to ensure you wear those brands just goes against the whole ethos for me.
  21. Right now, Pour Some Sugar On Me is on the radio. I have The Best of Sly and The Family Stone and the first RATM album on heavy rotation lately.
  22. [quote name='cclowend' timestamp='1416596923' post='2611837'] Jeremy Tobacks sound on 20th century by brad. The best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhJRpI4sscc&sns=em [/quote] Good shout. He has a cracking tone all over that album. It's a brilliant album too - I love that song 'My Fingers'.
  23. YTOTIW is an awesome bassline! I love the little snap to the notes, the fills and feel of it are just so much fun to play. While we're at it, I recommend Neil Jason's wicked bassline from Fame as a fun line to play. Irene Cara's vocals disappear when I hear the song, Jason's bass part leads the song for me.
  24. Number one the Pino? Both good, but the first sounded a little tighter to my lugs.
  25. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1414153461' post='2586473'] If you're talking about this bass then I heartily agree, but if you're talking about any other green bass then i have to tell you you're mistaken. I hate all other green basses, and the irony is the time I find one I do the finish is no longer available. [/quote] That, sir, is boner-inducing.
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