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Posts posted by ToolOfIgnorance

  1. Thanks for mentioning Interparcel Pentode. They seem to reckon about £15 for shipping.

    And yes, these things are seriously built. If I had a smaller one I'd be keeping hold of it but with the pedals I'm using there's still a lot of carpet to hoover when they're all on there.

  2. Fuzzrocious say about the Broke Dick Peanut Gallery:

    [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]"Our complaint with most preamps is that they are generally glorified EQs and not many have any "dirt" on tap. With that in mind, the BDPG is not your ordinary preamp...With a pregain/drive section (left knob), the user can go from a touch of drive to a full-bore doomy grind. The volume knob (middle) regulates your volume, duh. The tone knob (right) dials in your tone with a tone stack picked by me for the "best" sound. The tone section is capable of pulling dubby/reggae/no treble tones fully clockwise, nasty metal/grind tone fully counter-clockwise, and everything else in between making for one VERSATILE preamp. It even sounds great with a dirt/boost in front of it![/font][/color]

    [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]It takes the tone of your bass and/or pedals into new territory. It doesn't just boost sub/bass (it doesn't boost subs at all - need an octave down for that or be tuned to like low-low E), it can clank too. With a little bit of breakup, you can sweeten yourself in the band mix."[/font][/color]

    [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]This is the kid painted one which has got velcro on the underside. Looking for £95 posted.[/color][/font]


  3. Here's a few more pics. There are a couple of small sections on the side of the lid where someone has taken a couple of sections of foam off. I've added a couple of photos to try and show that for you.

    I've had a measure up and the external dimensions are 87 x 55 x 23 (cm) and the internal board is 83.5 x 51.5 (cm).

    The weight according to the bathroom scales is 14 - 14.5kg although I'm hoping that they're weighing slightly heavy as there's still some pies in the fridge. :)

    As for courier estimates, myHermes is saying about £10 (they appear to be very strict on a 15kg upper limit which is a bit worrying as it's so close without any wrapping), Royal Mail is about £25 and DHL is about £35. I don't know if you know of any other decent couriers worth a look.


  4. Yes, I would consider sending. Was thinking it was a bit of a beast to get shipped, so I've not looked into the cost of couriering it. I can look into it a bit more when I get home if you're interested. I did notice this morning that it's a Castle Case Pedalboard - was going to add some more photos of it at the weekend.

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