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Everything posted by MOSCOWBASS

  1. Don't have it now unfortunately 😥
  2. My BB2, gig bag and Bass fit in my Audi A1 (very small car!), that's with one half back seat folded done. I could get 2 cabs in with both seats down. I think the 1 series will have a bit more space
  3. I sold my my UL410 and went Barefaced BBT, then BB2 and didn't loose any performance over the UL410. In fact I used to feel the UL410 compressing, but haven't felt that with the BB2. There are a couple second hand on here now?
  4. Didn't like the flat fingerboards I had on a couple of basses, glad to be back to a 10" radius
  5. My Xotic jazz came with an Xotic branded Protec Contego, but the bass us not held securely in the case. The Mono vertigo is so much better in terms of protection and holding the bass secure in the gig bag, really like this bag, so easy to top load/unload in tight spaces. I still have a Hiscox hard case if it's traveling in a van?
  6. This looks interesting, available powered. http://www.masoundworks.com/manage.numo?pid=27&module=shopping_cart&component=catalog&cid=1
  7. I have a crazy 8, and like you, like the sound from it. Needs a bit of boundary reinforcement, but gives more output than you would expect. I imagine the 88 would be a nice cab?
  8. [quote name='Treb' timestamp='1510072774' post='3403768'] And weighed in at 200 kg give or take a few kg... [/quote] That's the reason I don't have it now!!
  9. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1510046644' post='3403389'] I had one in the 80s, with the matching 2x15 cab. I replaced the crappy Fender speakers when one blew with Peavey Black Widows and that improved it enormously. Big and heavy, but looked and sounded the business. Traded it against the inevitable Trace Elliot (well, it was the 80s). [/quote] Yes I did exactly the same, except replacing the speakers Amps was heavy, 2x15 wasn't bad for weight. Trace Elliot 4x10 was very heavy too, everything was heavy then! Fender wasn't loud enough before distorting.
  10. I had a series 6 gp11 4x10 combo and it was 200 watts.......a very loud 200 watts
  11. I think the VK will run out of steam on a loud gig. Even the more powerful LNT210 doesn't have the Vd of the BB2 (I think the the LNT210 uses FaitalPro 10FH520's, Vd of each speaker 233 cc's, combined 466 against the BB2's 550) That's not to say the tone of the Vk isn't more to you're liking
  12. Mesa d800 has lots of clean headroom, and is the best class d amp ive use.
  13. I would get the BB2 if you want more "air", if by "air" you mean a little more top end definition. I have a BB2 and can get away with the horn turned off with new roundwounds, but as they age, or in certain rooms, a little bit of horn makes all the difference. With old strings the horn is usually between quarter and half on. I had the same issue with my Mk2 1x15 compact, it needed the midget T with tweeter to get the definition I was looking for. I've been using BF cabs for 6 or 7 years now, excellent cabs
  14. Bought my 76 p bass new in 76,had it for 38 years. Had my Wal for18 years😁
  15. La Bella low tension flats have purple silk, but they are good
  16. I've been using a crazy 8 for a year or so, it covers bigger gigs than i thought it would, people cant believe how much sound comes out of that thing, it's a great little cab. I drive it with a MESA D800, switched to 2 ohms to reduce power output, but the amp is still way more powerful than the cab should handle, but I regularly use it in restaurants and small pubs, I'm not saying its for heavy rock, but I have used it with a 17 piece big band, no DI and it did it....wouldn't like to push it any further, takes low B no problem. GLWS, great little cab
  17. Thank you😀
  18. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1497298101' post='3317183'] Hey - I'm guessing you've managed to use this in "anger" on several occasions now - be really good to hear your thoughts? This does look like one helluva great cab and a complete "one cab" solution. Just seen you [i]also[/i] have a BF Compact. Okay I appreciate we are talking about £600 for Gen 3 BF Super Compact vs £800 for this Vanderkley so they're not quite in the same price bracket, but it would be really interesting to hear how the two cabs A/B (apart from the massively greater power handling of the Vanderkley). [/quote] I would be interested as well, to hear what Bridgehouse thinks about the 210LNT. I have a BF BB2, I'm happy with, but always looking Anybody compared the two?
  19. Interesting, your comment about tone getting a bit thin if the bass is backed off. I experienced the same with my BB2 and GK MB800, it seemed to lack a bit of meat when bass was backed off, but was too heavy on the low end if the "bass" was left at 12 o'clock. I cured this (for me) on the BB2 with a Mesa d800. It can still be bass heavy sometimes if i'm stuck in the corner of a room, but i've found lifting it up on a chair reduces the bass tipup. Thinking about adding a supermidget for slighly less bottom. Like the Vanderkley 210LNT on paper, but it's just a bit bigger and heavier for my needs.
  20. Yup. HH fest!
  21. Ive also had wear with Roqsolid, thick padded cover worn through in about 2 years where ot rubs against my leg while carrying from car to gigs... On a BB2. Not impressed, i notice official Barefaced covers are made elsewhere now
  22. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1499865860' post='3334150'] None that I'm aware of. Si [/quote] That's good to know, it must all be sorted at the exporter's end...thanks!
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