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Everything posted by timbo1978

  1. This happened me with my bossy hawkes bass, about 6 months after I got it. When it popped I noticed it had quite a curve to it. Annoying as having to pay for a new bridge was, the luthier enquired about the type of music I would be playing and made the new bridge with a much lower action, which made it much easier to play, even though I thought it was fine. My only regret was not getting an adjustable bridge as there are more pickup options with the adjustables. Still playing the same bass 15 years on :-)
  2. Bought her 'Esperanza' album purely on the album cover :-D. Luckily the music was good and have followed her career since! There is a great youtube clip of her playing in the Whitehouse, just bass and singing - really love it!
  3. This information is really well set out - a must read for anyone buying a double bass, or as general knowledge for the rest of us!
  4. My first car was a vw lupo, and my 3/4 bass fitted nicely. The head used to rattle against the windscreen!
  5. Just watched it on iplayer - yeah, doesn't look like Aaron James. cool hat though, i think its a prerequisite for being in his band ;-)
  6. Is usual guy is [color=#000000][font=Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif]Aaron James. He also plays on the liquid spirit album and there is some lovely tone on there :-)[/font][/color] [font="Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif"][color="#000000"]​great album![/color][/font]
  7. Really interesting, great to see what's beneath the varnish. Keep the pics coming.
  8. Just back from a wedding gig, my third since getting this amp, and have to say it's sounding great! It has a great feature in the little meter, which once the bass/preamp etc is plugged in shows you the input level you're getting from the bass, you can then turn up the input dial until it's hitting the appropriate level. So it's super easy to get a great tone. £300 brand new - great value and highly recommended. :-)
  9. His intonation is amazing. Outstanding head bobbing also :-)
  10. Love this, Zaz with her great dbist... http://youtu.be/sp3G50jBRuU
  11. Always wondered if i should be cleaning the finger board of my db, also, on the rare occasion i use my bow, what's the best way to get rid of sticky rosin?
  12. Beautiful bass - good on you for breathing some new life into it!
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1379416150' post='2212324'] That Roth bass is crap. [/quote] I agree totally (writes letter to Santa...)
  14. He does :-) A real gentleman of jazz, all 3 of his albums are great.
  15. I'm a massive fan of singer Gregory Porter, who released his first album with Blue note a couple of weeks ago. this is one of the slower songs but i just love the double bass in it and thought id share. bass comes in at 1:10, wee 15 second bass break at 4:05. hope you enjoy... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V-tRehWqeGs#
  16. One step at a time, we just got the braces, hats come next ;-)
  17. Sunday at the 'Quirky Wedding Fair'...
  18. Saturday at the Belfast Autumn Fair...
  19. Well, I survived! It's surprising how long you can play if you have motivation to be really careful to use arm weight and keep a light touch! A lesson learnt for future gigs! It was actually my right hand/arm that got sore. Will have to check discoverdoublebass.com for some advice ;-) Lots of interest in our act, including someone getting married on a vintage steam train (the trio will be playing on the platform while the guests are arriving. Thanks for the tips everyone, p.s. Minor Swing by Django Reinhardt has the most open stringyness from our playlist :-)
  20. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1379106681' post='2208869'] Open strings are your friends Steve [/quote] Love it, just need to find a track with a E, A, D, G chord structure!
  21. That's a beautiful bass. I'm sure it sounds amazing!
  22. Thanks Alistair, I actually sold my beloved status five string recently to finance news strings and a db friendly amp. Geoff, thanks thats great advice. I play with two jazz guitarists that used to perform as a duo before I joined, so am thinking I might try to play 45 mins in each hour and let them play in between. But yes, I will have to try a stool, will maybe try to borrow one for the bar :-)
  23. The trio that I joined this year are playing at the Belfast Autumn Fair for a couple of hours tomorrow, which is fine, but on Sunday we are booked in to play at the 'alternative wedding fare' in the Waterfront Hall. The other guys did it last year and it generated a lot of bookings, but it lasts five hours, and i'm really concerned by arm/hand will buckle half way through!!! Any tips (other than hiding in the toilets for extended periods of time) :-\
  24. I had a collapsing bridge about a year after buying my bass. The luthier said that the bridge was so thin it had curved through time and installed a new one. No problems since. I don't think the new bridge was too expensive.
  25. ...after practicing a tune all week to finally master it, someone says, let's do this in Eb instead...
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