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Everything posted by timbo1978

  1. [quote name='alistair Sutcliffe' timestamp='1378471470' post='2200811'] ...someone says 'that's a big violin' and you finally lose it and rip their face off. Hasn't happened yet, but it's coming... [/quote] Literally, the next person that says that...
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1378069781' post='2195578'] Why did she want to bring a shed with her? [/quote] ha, that's northern Irish for "she would".
  3. This looks relatively doable... [attachment=142872:2011-06-27_14-56-28_211_Edmonton.jpg]
  4. I remember my girlfriend (now wife) being totally unimpressed when I told her shed have to sit in the back, because my db took up the whole passenger side of my car.
  5. Watched the two left hand technique videos, great stuff, and believe me, I've watched every left hand technique video out there! Looking forward to working through the rest. Great reaching style, and very generous to make these viewable for free
  6. Definitely ubassman, I only messed about with the db before joining the trio, and I soon learned my technique was to blame. I was squeezing the neck rather than pulling back with my bigger muscles. I think I also need to relax more when playing. It's taking me time to correct everything - keep catching myself back in the old stance. I am looking for the best marriage of lightness and tone in a string to assist. Luckily there's great forums like this, as well as loads of info on YouTube. I read a great book called 'the Alexander technique for double bass' that got me started, and Luke McIntosh from 'become a better bassist' website has been helping me too.
  7. [quote name='Rabbie' timestamp='1376731767' post='2178444'] I loved them for long gigs especially [/quote] Thanks Rabbie, will tAke a look at those. I've been playing 4 hour gigs at a local market which have really hurt the tendons in my forearm, and have a 5 hour wedding fair coming up soon, so your recommendation is welcome!
  8. Thanks for that Hector. Yes, my fear would be getting strings which while easier to play, have less depth in their tone. Especially as I mostly play amplified and don't want to add another obstacle to getting a good sound. It's interesting that you don't fine the hybrids any harder to play (good to hear),since that was my main reason for going for the soft string. That's great link too. The corelli 370's sound interesting too. I think I will really have to take my time and get as much info as possible before making my choice. Thanks for your help :-)
  9. I'm just about to buy an Ashdown Electric Blue 12-220 after much research! They retail new at £299 so you should get it second hand within your budget - or the previous model which they've just stopped making, the 12-180. I tried one out in my local dawsons through my fishman pickup and b-ii preamp and it sounded pretty good - am definitely going for one of those trolleys too - I think the worst thing for you arms/hands before a gig is carrying a 30kg amp around!
  10. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1365026226' post='2034439'] After getting finickity about my action, and on the advice of teachers who know better than I have made a change from Spiro Weichs to D'Addario Helicore Hybrids E-D and a Zyex G (Larry Grenadier much?). They've only been on a few days, so still settling in, but initial impressions are that I'm incredibly pleased - especially the response of the Zyex G. Getting a huge even sound all over the board. Updates soon. [/quote] Question... did you use the weichs to take pressure off your left hand/arm? And did the d'addirios also help in this area? Do you find the volume is better from the d'addirios? Sorry for all the questions, but strings are so expensive I want to get it right!!!
  11. What did you go for fatgoogle? I'm in the same boat you were in when you started this thread. Really want a lighter string due to sore arms during long gigs :-/
  12. Hey there, just wondering which strings you've settled on? I'm looking for strings which are easier to play due to extra long gigs making my left arm seize up. Tim
  13. Hi all, Thinking about upgrading my preamp from my fishman BII. Has anyone got or tried one of these... http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Lehle_Sunday_Driver.html Or any alternatives around the £150 Mark?
  14. This is brilliant singer song writer / cellist Ben Sollee, who toured America with his cello strapped to his bike... [attachment=141294:bike-tour-ben-Sollee.jpg.492x0_q85_crop-smart.jpg]
  15. Some more pics... [attachment=141037:DSC_0524.JPG] [attachment=141038:DSC_0526.JPG] [attachment=141039:DSC_0521.JPG] [attachment=141040:DSC_0528.JPG]
  16. Hi Sarah, Have had a new bridge fitted to improve the action so the strings will hopefully be the cherry on the cake. Have been doing 4 hour gigs at my loocal market and finding it a real strain on my arms/hands. Plenty of good advice out there as you say - have been looking into posture etc too :-) Didn't realise spirocore did light gauge - will checck them out!
  17. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1375824158' post='2166274'] Gorgeous! Good luck, always wanted one of these but no money right now [/quote] Thanks Merton. Hoping the shipping from NI won't put people off - it's a great bass.
  18. Hi, did you ever find a set? I'm having some trouble with sore left hand/forearm when playing at longer gigs and was considering these to help 'lighten the load' . But equally don't want to loose too much volume or depth to my sound. Any feedback?
  19. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1375785769' post='2165470'] The 12-180s crop up in the For Sale section for £100 - £150 from time to time. [/quote] Thanks Clauster. Will keep a look out.
  20. This is a good exercise using chord drones - there are I think 7 different videos covering major, minor, 7th etc with downloadable drones to play along with. http://effortlessintonation.becomeabassist.com/
  21. After emersing myself in the dark work of amplification for double bass on a budget, I am hoping to buy an Ashdown Electric Blue 12-220 combo - currently selling for c.£300 I will mainly be using it for small wedding / function gigs with two jazz guitarists. Just thought I'd run my decision past a few of you experts before parting with my cash. Due to current economic belt tightening I can only do this once! Thanks in advance
  22. Preparing to say a teary good bye to this beautiful bass. This bass currently retails at £1,955 and has piezo and magnetic pickups, meaning you can switch between (or blend) both natural warm tones, and more a punchy midrange sound. This makes this instrument super flexible. It also looks great with a Rickenbacker style F hole, maple top and mahogany body. The bass has been well looked after and there are no dents or scratches to report. It comes with a basic but decent stagg case. No trades, as I am reluctantly selling to finance gear for my double bass rig which is now my only source of gigs – the status is deserving of a good home where it can be played to its full potential. Am shipping from N.Ireland so if anyone wants any more detailed/hi-res photos I can oblige.
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