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In Memoriam
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Everything posted by MB1

  1. “In Essex No One Can hear you Scream!!” ......type BUMP!
  2. Unlocked and Back up for sale type BUMP!
  3. Was expecting the words Apple and Red on the end of your title there? Sorry! Wrong type of Candy Larry! ....‘Ave a BUMP! .....In a Cameo Styley!
  4. Embarrassing!.....Think there’s medication available?
  5. Met Colin Friday picked up a MB Cab (as new with Roqsolid cover) and a tuner had a Good Chat and a Excellent brew!..... Top Notch communication throughout.... Buy Sell and trade with Confidence ! Keep Rockin! Again Many Thanks Martin 😎
  6. “Nothing for two in a bed!....not in this game!” ...,its a Jim Bowen kinda BUMP!
  7. I have No Idea what this is Chris! its Sold ....even though you’ve spelt it wrong ! ..............ill get me Coat!
  8. Please if you wish to Make an offer?..... ( Money /Trades /offers to do laundry or whatever?) Please PM the Seller of the item don’t post it on the sellers ad!
  9. Henry “King Thumb” Thomas with his Fretless Thunder 3...Deidre Cartwright on Jumpsuit and Guitar...and Gordon Burns drums??? BUMP!
  10. ....“Smells like white spirit!” BUMP!
  11. Some Wonderful woodwork from Mr John Diggins .....Birmingham UK. The GA refers to Mr George Anderson from Legendary UK Jazz Funk Soul Band Shakatak the 24 refers to the frets! and my bank managers just phoned me again....because it looks like I’m trying to sell this to myself?.... UK Luthier type Bump!
  12. PMD....Mr C
  13. Love problem 40 ....No Problem! Infinitesimal +Twelvety!
  14. A Rather swift Transaction with Richie (due to the distance involved and travel time)wish I could have had a bit more time. Great Communication and a pleasure to transact with. Had some great weather for a drive there and back and picked up a lovely smashing Super Redhead....Fnarr Fnarr!..... Buy Sell and Trade with Confidence ! Many Thanks Martin😎
  15. 17 shillings and sixpence and 2 books of Green Shield stamps of any interest? ’ave a Bump!
  16. Another transaction with Rory!... Absolutely Mustard! As New Pedal Very well Packaged and Superfast delivery (Much Appreciated) Buy Sell and Trade with Confidence! Many Thanks! Martin😎
  17. Hello Rory PMD
  18. PMD.
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