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Everything posted by MB1

  1. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='43241' date='Aug 9 2007, 01:20 PM'] One more to illustrate, er..., the mirror-plated reflectivity. Aye. That's it. No basses were harmed in the making of this photograph.[/quote] MB1. The top ends not bad either!
  2. MB1. A 2003 Limited Edition Maple Warwick Thumb Bass (very light) and funnily enough!, i have one for sale in the Basses For Sale column.
  3. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='42329' date='Aug 7 2007, 09:32 AM'] One more. I should have mentioned this Precision also has the S1 pickup switching feature If anyone wants a print of any of my shots - just let me know Or if you want to hire me to come and shoot your band or instruments or even you for promo work - I'm a PM away. Mates rates for Bass World members! In the meantime - this sonic wonder still has to go.[/quote] MB1 Thats a tempting bottom end on that bass!
  4. MB1. I was wondering who was buying these BC Rich basses(I remember them ,but they always seemed a little too odd to me,in the way a musicman bongo does) now i know.....,must admit ,i didnt know Mr Phil Lynott used one.The one BC Rich bass i do remember, which surely must be a famous one, must be the red one Suzi Quatro used to have(black leather jumpsuit, on top of the pops with a red BC Rich bass ,suprised i remembered the bass actually!) .You havent got that one have ya?. Random Bloke indeed......cheeky! All the best! MB1.
  5. [quote name='Lorne' date='Aug 6 2007, 07:29 PM' post='42136'] Thanks guys-The Yamaha was the MK I RBX,I certainly wouldn't buy a MK II-don't like 'em Ok-I should name the basses-from left to right 1985 USA Bich 8 string Supreme (1 of approx 20 ever made) 1980's Import Ironbird N.J.Series 1996 USA Innovator 2003 USA Eagle (NAMM 2004 Item) 1978 USA Mockingbird 1979 USA Bich 8 string Here is some random bloke using MY B.C.Rich Mockingbird And here is the video it was in [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDxjcZ71ZyI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDxjcZ71ZyI[/url] MB1. RANDOM BLOKE? ...... WTF!
  6. [quote name='EdwardHimself' date='Aug 7 2007, 01:36 PM' post='42450'] ^not if your looking for a kit matey. It's all just guitars now, the basses are all off in a room at the side WITH THE PA!!!! MB1. Makes it easier for the bailiffs to collect them!
  8. MB1. Steady there, S*u*y, all this talk of women holding rics might upset the mods! looks like a nice p though, wheres he got Robert Palmers backing band from? "Some guys have all the luck!".
  9. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='41715' date='Aug 5 2007, 10:08 PM']unforturnately just went to soundcontrol in hull. It's sh*t, they got rid of all the drums.[/quote] MB1. "No massa!........... drums stop......very bad....... very bad!". "WHY DRUMS STOP!...................,VERY BAD?????" "B..A..S..S S..O..L..O.
  10. MB1. £88 is a lot of cash for a lead!.Us mere mortals ,have had no problems with planet waves leads............ so far!(considerably cheaper) +1 for OBBM though (any freebies?)............always worth a try!
  11. MB1. Theres one in Johnny Roadhouse on oxford road in Manchester. its been there since time began, its blue..... contact DANNY.... 0161 273 3069.
  12. [quote name='chris_b' date='Aug 6 2007, 12:44 PM' post='41916'] She hasn't! Gail is now playing MTD basses. MB1. Shes still got that white stingray 4 by the way! Ive got one too,for sale in the Basses for sale section!
  13. [quote name='EdwardHimself' date='Aug 6 2007, 08:52 PM' post='42171'] unless of course they're led zepplin, then they can't go on without their original drummer MB1. That would mean, somebody actually signed Mick Hucknell,as simply red????................Looks like Pete Hooks planning to sue if barney and mr morris go out as New Order without him?.That might prove guitarists and drummers arent superior.
  14. MB1. Heather Small????????????
  15. [quote name='carlosfandango' post='41725' date='Aug 5 2007, 10:36 PM']how about a straight sale? How much do you want?[/quote] MB1. Might be better than a SAWP,........who can say?
  16. MB1. Prefered him when he was in the Wombles actually! ..................sorry! should have gone to specsavers.
  17. [quote name='setekh' post='41663' date='Aug 5 2007, 05:49 PM']tell that to his octaver [/quote] MB1. Eggy Trump! Strange name for a girl drummer that........ OCTAVER?
  19. MB1. Gail Anne Dorsey was a solo artist in her own right before she joined Mr Bowie,check out her album The Corporate World featuring the single Wasted Country.Whos got a lovely white stingray then?
  20. MB1. Activia with added biffidus digestivone!
  21. MB1. Must admit they are extremely helpful when things do go wrong but.............. It would seem that sending a shipment of parts and assembly instructions to China has not been Ashdowns greatest move.I have not had any problems with my Ashdown Amplification.However i cannot say the same for there pedals ,which are made in the republic of China,I have just returned a defective chorus ,so i would say cheap is not cheerful!.
  22. MB1. Is There Anybody Out There ?
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