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MB1. I did try to explain, alas! nobodys asking anybody to buy one!
[quote name='lowhand_mike' post='22074' date='Jun 22 2007, 07:16 PM']been listening to primus since frizzle fry, truly one of the greats, the thing that really gets me goat is that he wasn't a bass player in the first place but a drummer, but they had a drummer so they said why don't you play bass. luke i've got that tab somewhere so i'll have to dig it out, the first part is pretty simple it's the middle fast part that gets me everytime. still suprises me how 3 people can sound like so much more[/quote] MB1. Mr Mark King, drummer first,bass player second,odd innit!
MB1. and she shows it off to all of her friends!
MB1. Who do you play for that sells out the Brixton Academy then Alex?
MB1. Look, youre missing the point here,its something to pop in your pocket and play with,and you wont get arrested for doing it, in a public place, when you havent got your bass with you,out shopping for instance.billy sheehan swears by them ,and endorsed them at one stage,keeps your fingers flexible,strengthens them.Some people dont get the opportunity to practice as often as they might like.stops you picking your nose too! works for mr sheehan! MB1.
MB1. S*U*Y Hows it going there! mate! the strange thing with les claypool as most fans will tell you is! les is best LIVE and i dont really think his studio material does him justice!(often sounds a little thin) Try and get to see some of mr claypools live performance! absolutely awesome! yeo ,eyo, eyoch eyoch eyo, eyoch eyoch eyo, e, a, e, a, e! (for mark sandman). MB1.
[quote name='alexclaber' post='21947' date='Jun 22 2007, 03:16 PM']BGM is SO much better than Bassist magazine ever was. Much more diverse content and not written as though everyone reading it aspires to be an average pub rocker (not that being a GREAT pub rocker is bad thing by any means). Alex[/quote] MB1. ooooh sorry! pardon me! How did that george michael gig at wembley go the other night?
[quote name='Muppet' post='21971' date='Jun 22 2007, 04:08 PM']Can't see the point to be honest. You'd be just as well playing the bass. I'm not sure building finger strength is useful on it's own, unless you're planning to throttle the life out of your bass neck.[/quote] MB1. Its a portable pocket sized workout for your fingers, to promote both flexibility and strength in your fingers, when you just aint got a bass to hand or when its just not appropriate to be playing one! apparently!
WD40 to clean neck + strings - fundamentally good or bad idea?
MB1 replied to growse's topic in General Discussion
MB1. Use Sparingly, a little goes a long way! -
MB1. Hello Dave,wanna buy some pegs dave?.got one of these years ago when i subscribed to bassist magazine.mines a blue one,useful but not variable tension.you can get used to it after a while.gets your fingers moving independently.dont do it under the table at teatime or while having your haircut,you could get some funny looks. all the best MB1.
MB1. Not going out of my way to slag anbody,im just trying to explain why i no longer subscribe to BGM.I was trying to raise what i think is a valid point.however it seems that the contributors of the magazine have there hands tied when it comes to equipment reviews.Im sure stuart has not taken offence,that surely was not the way my comments were intended.constructive not destructive!. MB1.
[quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='21824' date='Jun 22 2007, 12:11 PM']As a reviewer for the mag - and I'm sure Dave Marks and Mike Brooks will back me up here - I've never been put under any pressure to review something in a certain way. We all say what we think, and for the most part the things we review are good stuff and are more than fit for the purpose which they were created for. I'll draw your attention once again to the fact that some products have scored badly in the past! Bear in mind also that even if something is reviewed well, we always say if we think it's overpriced for the market sector, or if better alternatives exist. I was not a fan of Bassist at all, although I bought it at the time since it was the only UK bass mag around. I think BGM is a far better read - at least there are no cartoon strips and jokes pages in BGM! That's not to knock the people that wrote Bassist, I just think it was targetted differently. Remember that BGM listens carefully to critiscisms from it's readers, and where appropriate addresses the issues raised. Stu[/quote] MB1. Well you would say that!,it wouldnt pay to bite the hand that feeds!,i find BGM to be most slow, and indecisive over its reviews ,the interviews on the other hand have always been of a high standard and most informative.i just feel you could be quicker reviewing new product ,and more decisive in your reviewing technique.Stuart if its crap mate,the bass playing public need to know! theres no point attempting to polish the turds!. MB1.
MB1. I used to subscribe to the bass guitarist magazine but stopped when it became blatantly obvious i was reading BASSIST with a different cover.I also agree with the fact that reviewers in the bass guitarist magazine seem unwilling to actually slag anything off,i thought the magazine was supposed to be a voice for bassists,but that voice isnt much of a help ,especially to new and younger bassists on a budget , if you consider every bass/cab/amp/effect/ to be great,or is this just the backhander from the advertisers talking? MB1.
MB1. CHECK OUT THE DVDS Animals should not try to act like people 5 gallons of diesel.featuring sausage/holy mackerel/oysterhead/frog brigade/bucket of bernie brains. DONT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THE CLAYPOOL! MB1.
MB1. Cant understand this ?sure that should be the master volume pot,if it is, it should be a push pull both active/passive switch.definately looks like somebodys been messing,if it was active the battery would have gone in the back with the rest of the electrics.however if you wanted the active/passive mode it would have been on that master volume pot(push/pull).thats why if the battery for the active circuit dies the bass can be run passive.thats definately not been done at warwick! MB1.
MB1. The aguilar(18v active preamp). obp1 was recomended as a direct replacement for fenders 9v ,2band eq active preamp(which was pants).the pickups on the marcus miller fender would already be suitable for an active preamp.with a normal standard fender jazz not being active... but passive,i think youd have to change the pickups to use it.
[quote name='andyonbass' post='17021' date='Jun 13 2007, 04:44 PM']I was never a great Wham fan, but looking back, Deon Estus provided some cool lines[/quote] MB1. and george took care of the weed!,and andy brought the beer! MB1.
MB1. Control....bass....Tommy Shannon....riviera paradise...........sometimes its what you dont play that matters!. MB1.
[quote name='Marcus' post='18937' date='Jun 16 2007, 09:39 PM']Not sure if this is what you're asking but the best thing you can do to a Miller Jap is rip out that $5 pre-amp and put in an Aguilar OBP1...... I'm sure the John East Circuit will be a good upgrade from that piece of crap fender put in too.... Cheers Marcus[/quote] MB1. I have it on very good authority that the aguilar obp1 is as close as youll get to the miller sound.i had a mm jazz and did look into this, as the bass was great but that fender preamp was about as impresive as a wet firework.shame really fender nearly got it right!.the bass gallery stock aguilar.
WD40 to clean neck + strings - fundamentally good or bad idea?
MB1 replied to growse's topic in General Discussion
MB1. Yeah Baby! invite me to your gig and involantary light show!wd 40 is highly immflamable,it also gets rid of grease and oils including those on ,and in your fingers.it also smells and if you put it on your bass, and then put the bass in your case(case ruined, will smell for ages) and you and your bass will probably smell like the local hardware store.I personally would not advise this,use warwick wax,or lemon oil,or guitar cleaner,at least youll have someone to sue, if it doesnt do what it says on the tin.Smoking is never advisable near wd40,or anything soaked in it. MB1. -
[quote name='nik1093' post='13418' date='Jun 7 2007, 01:55 AM']has anyone custom painted their own bass? is this a good idea or should i get a pro to paint it for me? also wat pickups would anybody recomend for a fender squire p-bass.[/quote] MB1. If you find anyone good and reasonable on that paintjob,let me know!
MB1. Whatever gets you through the night! (young blue mexicans just dont do it for me!)
[quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='16746' date='Jun 13 2007, 11:13 AM']Never seen a Neck in Hickory or with Hickory laminates. Hickory certainly grows large enough- They make pick-axe and sledgehammer handles out of it, so necks/fretboard should be manageable. It's plenty strong enough. Okay, it's not as pretty as Bird's Eye Maple, Wenge, Ebony, Pau Ferro, Purpleheart, Walnut, Ovangkol and all that sort stuff that can get into that part of a bass. If it's good enough for drummer's sticks, it's good enough for me (or maybe not! ) Anyone else got any suggestions for necks/bodies that they've never seen and wondered why they're not used?[/quote] MB1. They smoke pigs with it too!
MB1. Know where your coming from thomas, just had to open a new packet of fish fingers! oh those russians!
MB1. You either wanna play the tune or you dont what the f++k is cheating?.