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Everything posted by MB1

  1. MB1. as i previously said russ each to there own! is it landscape gardening or bass playing that is the question?
  2. MB1. mr bass ferrett seems to know where im going with this,most quality bassists dont use loads of effects they dont need to.if youve got three members of any band all trying to be individualistic with the aid of pedalboards it can get too much, unless your into the art of noise,that is.most people probably only ever use maybe 4 sounds on there pedalboards,theres ussually maybe 40+others you could use as sound effects for films or to scare pigeons with, most arent even remotely to do with basses, there just the same programs from the equivalent guitar model ,which some guy whose forgotten to take his medication thinks might sound good on bass.then theres the amp and speaker modelling! deja vu anybody? MB1.
  3. MB1. Whos got a nice pedalboard then! you spend all that money on a nice bass, then defeat the object entirely by adding mush, a couple of hundred quids worth of mush? or is that more arse???how many settings have you actually used on this pedalboard can you make your bass go ya ya ya ya!or whooosh whoosh and why the f$$k would anybody want to? or is that the highlight of your set ? too many effects does not a great band make nor a great bassist for that matter. MB1.
  4. MB1. 2 guitarists+ 2 pedalboards + 1 bassplayer +1 pedalboard +drummer= mush.would it not just be easier to get a keyboard player and take out two pedalboards from the equation surely theres too much going on there?whatever happened to keeping it simple?. anyway the question was are modeling amps accurate?,everybodys gone onto pedalboards including me, and to be honest i couldnt give a monkeys now!im off for a pint! enjoy the bank holiday!!!!! enjoy life enjoy what you do! MB1.
  5. MB1. charlie tumahai.be bop deluxe the first bassist i ever saw play and sing harmony/fender telecaster bass John Rhino Edwards. now with status quo but theres much more to this guy!/alembic/status pino palladino.where do you start with this guy/musicman/fender norman watt roy. oi norman play the bass!/alembic/fender gerry mcavoy.rory g and nine below zero. solid/fender/musicman.
  6. MB1. saw mr hamm on the peavey gig he did for them in manchester absolutely amazing, but thats mr hamms playing not his modelling amp.you must be playing to musos cause most of the places i play,the audience wouldnt know the difference between a ampeg svt an ashdown a peavey or anything else, as long as it sounds ok there fine with it. i really dont want to get into an argument if it works for you it works,bear in mind though it might not work for others.with all them different amps you gotta be an engineers nightmare.sorry i come from the gerry mcavoy plug and play school! all the best MB1.
  7. MB1. where does buxton rub come from then?(a medicinal vapour rub similar to vick but a lot stronger apparently).too many buxtons not enough time!
  8. MB1. regarding missing the point ,i dont use a big rig cause it looks nice! i use decent gear so i can hear myself,first and foremost,i would not wish to ever use a pedalboard to plug into the pa i wouldnt have the cheek to turn up to a gig with just a pedalboard,i know some people do, if thats your thing fine,but thats really not for me.i prefer to hear what im playing and be in control of that sound on stage. MB1. as chris b mentioned a lot of these pedalboards are nothing more than toys to get your money!(a view i can see a lot o truth in, theyed be more useful if they brewed up and made toast,or do boss already make one?
  9. MB1. if you wanna keep it cheap,ashdown strings at sound control roundwound 40 /100s £9.95 for a set (think theyve got some other heavier gauges too) they are quite good,great value,and are actually made by rotosound,not a lot of people know that!good price good quality!good luck! MB1.
  10. MB1. Best place to have a look john is your local carboot, providing youve not had too many tinned tomatoes the night before.bound to be loads this weekend.got a nice aluminium case previously used by a artist for his brushes and stuff cost me £2.00 had it a good while now nice ,light and virtually indestructible.only problem with the old carboot is restraint you can end up with a lot of stuff you dont need(similar to looking in your workdesk!)THIS SHOULD BE THE CHEAPEST OPTION THOUGH! MB1.
  11. MB1. Have just recently fixed a tanglewood acoustic guitar,the top had completely snapped off, tuners and all right across the thin part of the neck.i used hard as nails to repair this,tied and weighted the repair and left it for 24 hours.i then drilled and cross pinned the repair sunk the pin heads and filled the holes with wood filler.light sanding and staining. repair is 100% guitar stays in tune job done! hard as nails in the tube works! MB1.
  12. MB1. Hello and greetings elder bassman character whats a hi fi????? MB1.
  13. MB1. You can get on a bus with an eub.not advisable to try this with a double bass!
  14. MB1. Liked the limited edition white one! cool!!!
  15. MB1. Ashdown have discontinued the superfly 500 and sound control have bought all there stock.this is why they can offer them at £199.as far as ive been able to find out ashdown will be doing a 1000 superfly and this will be taking the place of the old one.you wont be seeing the new 1000 for £199 though. MB1.
  16. MB1. I honestly dont see the point.i dont want my rig to sound like anything else.i spent alot of money buying what i wanted in the first place.i have tried the real amps and then tried the modeled equivalents they dont come close.a box you pick up for a couple of hundred quid is never gonna replicate a rig youve spent thousands on.theyred be a lot of manufacturers complaining if these things were accurate.stand in front of an ampeg 8x10 with a pair of flares on and ill see you in portsmouth(should blow you away). nothing in a pedalbox could ever replicate that.my view anyway! MB1.
  17. MB1. They still going? played a charity gig the other week and theyre old sax player nik turner did a set!
  18. MB1. got ya ,no problem ish!
  19. MB1. the boss br takes a lot of beating,great for recordng at the bar ala pink floyd "ive been mad for f+++++g years" very small piece of kit/very james bond/as the ad says" no guitar case should be without one" MB1.
  20. MB1. NO!
  21. MB1. dont go shopping in harrods if youve only got the money for aldi. ALEMBIC are the rolls royce of the bass world not the skoda fellatio! MB1.
  22. MB1. VERY SLOW ROAD!theres £50.00 off my sat nav at halfords this weekend if your interested?kelloggs is in trafford park,manchester,an hour away from buxton in manchester????
  23. MB1. its never a good idea to just stop taking your medication without first consulting a doctor!
  24. MB1

    Acme cabs!!??

  25. MB1 HI my local sound control are gonna be getting a joblot of these babies in at the weekend as theyve bought all ashdowns back stock.the price for these 250 watt amps is a silly £199. sound control are selling these at a unbelievable rate.and as youve guessed it i wanna know if theyre any good before i myself jump on the ashdown superfly bandwagon at the weekend.nows your chance to review em if youll be so kind! many thanks MB1.
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