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Everything posted by theyellowcar

  1. Nice. Sounds like you got a bargain too.
  2. Very cool. Look forward to the sound clip. What's the weight like?
  3. Recently picked one of these up, albeit in less pristine condition than this, and it is truly excellent. Expect big Stingray tones and flawless construction. You can tell they were made in the same factory and it's pretty apparent why EB stopped making them. I've bought from Martyn before too, and it was smooth as can be. Don't hang around on this one folks!
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1433106320' post='2787951'] Well I`m a bit confused, I love the sound of my two 78 Precisions, much more than the US Standard I`ve just sold, yet the MIMs sound soooo good. I`m not bothered about taking a 78 Precision out to gig with, that`s what they`re there for, but I`m really considering going down the MIM route. The scenario in my original post has happened too often for it to be coincidence - and we`re talking named bands as well, not only weekend warriors like myself. My ears obviously love the tone of the MIMs. And have to say, having had a couple of the post 2008 ones, they`re darn good players too. [/quote] Maybe you should pick up Karl's Dee Dee bass as a tester! Or one of these: http://intl.fender.com/en-GB/basses/jazz-bass/mark-hoppus-jazz-bass-rosewood-fingerboard-white-blonde/
  5. I quite like it actually. I'd be interested to try the Rock Bass version, which I expect will be a tenth of the price.
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1433017423' post='2787158'] That`s it. After listening to said bassists I spoke to them and said how great I thought their tone was. Virtually all said "it`s only a Mexican", almost apologetically, or like they were embarrassed to admit it. Not in my book - if an instrument sounds great it sounds great, where it`s made doesn`t really count. [/quote] Herts Bash P-bass challenge. 'Nuff said really. I haven't played that many US Fenders, but I wasn't bowled over by the ones I have. To this day the best two Fender basses I've played are the Roadworn Mike Dirnt P (incredible neck, amazing tone) and my Hoppus P. Both Mexican made.
  7. That colour combo is brilliant!
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1432713668' post='2784090'] Hey, I've got one of those! One day I'll post some pics! [/quote] And what a fine bass it is! Not that I've ever seen a picture... Obviously
  9. A 70's era/70's style Precision. Vintage white, black guard and maple board. The Matt Freeman Squier is probably the best bet, but I don't have room for another bass!
  10. Lovely looking bass. If only I could afford it without selling every bass I own!
  11. Awesome clip. I have to say Trujillo definitely came across as the most comfortable of all of them!
  12. More! More! More!
  13. I did wonder about a tree on the A - my MusicMan SUB has the tree on the A and D, with nothing on the G, I'm assuming because of the placement on the headstock being closer to that of the E. EDIT: In fact, the higher end Fenders have a tree on the A too. This is a US Deluxe Jazz: http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/images/2013fenderjazzdeluxe/fenderdeluxejazz8.jpg
  14. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1432435611' post='2781460'] Could be a few things, but given that it's on the A string of a fender style bass headstock - It's likely the result of, or made worse by, the break angle over the nut. Here's an extreme example of this (due to the A being wound up the tuning peg rather than down): Similar problem on the E here (I think). The A is wound farther down the peg on this one though - giving the A a more pronounced break angle over the nut: [/quote] You beauty! I had cut the string too short so it had too few winds, and was almost perfectly straight over the nut to the tuning post. I've just popped a new string on and left it long enough for a few more winds a low and behold, no buzz. Thanks for the help!
  15. Already?! Hope it's a special thing that shall not be named! Deal with confidence folks. Karl's a top bloke.
  16. I suspect I need to do some work to the nut on my Hoppus bass. The A string has started to buzz something rotten when played open. There appears to be some travel in the string between the nut and the tuning post where the other strings are held firm. If anyone has any ideas as to how to fix it they would be extremely welcome!
  17. Nice! I've toyed with the idea of getting the Matt Freeman a few times, partly because I've listened to/loved Rancid for years, partly because it's the most authentic-looking 70's Precision you can pick up without dropping a couple of grand! The CV is VERY similar in terms of components based on the specs on Squier's site, so I'm sure you'll get on brilliantly with it. I look forward to seeing pics!!
  18. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1431986656' post='2777098'] I was hoping to take it just so I had a decent little headphone amp to practice through. [/quote] Take a look at the new iRig from IK - they have versions for Apple and Android devices these days so they work with most smartphones or tablets. Otherwise I think Vox just updated the Amplug with some new features which looked quite cool.
  19. Nice! I have a 4 string and it really is a great bass. You can really feel the quality.
  20. It was a pleasure mate. Glad you're enjoying the bass!
  21. Nice looking bass! Congrats!
  22. I don't think these were anything too rich. About £200 new? So with a bit of damage on it anything sub-£130 is alright going
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1431789307' post='2775038'] OK, the final update, I manged to get lucky and get an 8.1lb 78 Precision. So it`s 78s all the way for me, and am going to sell off all others in my herd to pay for it. Thanks for all the comments peoples, it`s been much appreciated. [/quote] Win win!
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