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Everything posted by theyellowcar

  1. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1423405108' post='2684374'] I have a solution to it all! Unscrew the plate, and flip it around, and screw it down again. Voila! The pots and the writing are the correct way around [/quote] We have a winner.
  2. Can anyone share their experiences of the 75 Jazz copy? Incredibly tempting at that price. I had a J&D for a little while which was ace, but I'm sort of sold on the ash body on the natural model, and having Wilko pickups in there is reassuring.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1423411147' post='2684455'] Thanks Dave... it does a bit. I could remove the Squier logo and write something illegible with a Sharpie - that would do it. [/quote] Instant uplift in value of 300%
  4. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1423390023' post='2684140'] Perfect for Daft Punk [/quote] Yes! This is killer.
  5. Looks like a cracking bass for the cash! I love the scratchplate as well. Looks kind of boutique-y!
  6. I'm up to 4 basses now - the rack is in the pic below, with the most recent addition sitting front and centre. Fender Deluxe Active Precision (my original, 10 years old) Fender Mark Hoppus P (nearly a year old, my main bass these days) Squier Bass VI (an indulgence, cool to play, looks killer) Yamaha Attitude Special (the Taiwanasaurus, newest acquisition)
  7. I still can't see any pictures
  8. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1423376147' post='2684014'] There's a new sunburst in Sounds Live for £799 [/quote] Stop it! I just filled the last free space in my rack!
  9. I give him a 'subscribed'. Good player, nice range of covers.
  10. Welcome! I also rock a Mark Hoppus signature bass as my main axe. Fantastic look, and amazing tone. Enjoy Basschat!
  11. On is off and off is on...of course.
  12. I played a grand total of 3 gigs last year, only 1 as a bassist. I want to deliver a 100% increase on that figure this year
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1423315974' post='2683415'] And yes peoples, I know the thought of me getting all misty over a Jazz bass sounds incredulous, but I was just so knocked out by the sound that I`ve got to try it and see if it works for me. [/quote] I'm amazed! First I open up a thread and hear you waxing lyrical about a non-Markbass, non-Ampeg rig, and now you're harking on about a Jazz? You used to be cool man In all seriousness, if you heard something new that sounds better than what you've got, you'd be daft not to give it a go. That's why we're all here, right? Let me know how you get on, I've always loved the [i]idea[/i] of a jazz but never quite taken the plunge.
  14. Nice! It looks pretty compact!
  15. That looks lovely! I have bass envy!
  16. Not had the best of luck with them personally, had a dodgy combo (Ampeg's fault, not G4M's) and a set of strings that were advertised as fitting a Bass VI, which didn't. Not my first port of call, but I would still order from them if I couldn't get what I was after elsewhere.
  17. Love this.
  18. These were just revealed at NAMM in January so I'm not sure whether anyone will have tried one yet! You might have more luck scouting YouTube for the initial promo vids/demos that Fender will have put out.
  19. Roto rounds on my active P go for about 6 months without a change - still have plenty of zing even then, but I think that's more to do with the bass. The Ernie Ball rounds that I use on the rest of my basses lose their sparkle after about a month, but I tend not to change them until 3 or 4 months in. Not for any reason, just when I feel like getting that 'new string sound' back.
  20. [quote name='Thunderpaws' timestamp='1423086654' post='2680677'] Nate Mendel P Bass American Special P Bass Standard P Bass 50's P Bass Deluxe Active P Special [/quote] Of your list I have tried 4, and own 1 (coincidentally, rather than causally) Putting you out of your misery, I have a Deluxe Active P, mainly because it was the 'best' (in Fender's terms) P I could afford to buy on the market at the time. I've grown to love it, but I think if I had my time again I would look for a great, straight passive Precsion instead. What makes a great passive Precsion? Down to you, but in my personal experience anything from the Squier VM series upwards has a chance of being at least good. Since buying the Deluxe I've had a Squier VM, a MIM standard, and a Mark Hoppus sig which have all been brilliant in their own way. It sounds naff, but get to GuitarGuitar, play everything they've got, and take what speaks to you home.
  21. Nice! Sound clips next?
  22. I had a VM P for a little while. It was a great bass, but ultimately I sold it and replaced it with a MIM Fender. I also own a VM Bass VI, which aside from the terrible stock strings, is brilliant fun to play and noodle about on.
  23. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1423037064' post='2679739'] Manchester...out for delivery 😃 [/quote] exciting!
  24. Brilliant basses. I've always (sort of) wanted one but never actually pulled the trigger. Congrats on a very good find!
  25. [quote name='WonderHorse' timestamp='1373888869' post='2142625'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnvEyMdDkJA[/media] [/quote] I was hoping I wasn't going to be the first to call out Chris #2 as one of my favourite punk bassists. Good shout.
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