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Everything posted by theyellowcar

  1. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1407932987' post='2525441'] Why do you get a limited warranty ..?? how do they justify that. I'd not be happy with that on the face of it, and that in itself would want to make me think I don't want it back..and would want a return on my monies...?? [/quote] I think it's probably limited in the same was as the warranties on most products, in that it covers issues not caused by 'improper' use or user error.
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1407879131' post='2525073'] Got to say though, I had a 2012 MIM Precision and it was much better than the earlier ones I`ve had. maybe luck, or maybe Fender have upped the MIMs, whichever it was a great player. [/quote] I have a 2011 MIM Standard P which is definitely a step up from the early 00's equivalents I had played previously.
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1407840101' post='2524466'] For those that missed it; this from the Herts Bass Bash has to be worth looking at: It's not definitive, of course, but it has to tell you that it's all down to the [i]actual [/i]bass, strings, pups etc. Original thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/238458-herts-bash-2-the-precision-test/page__hl__herts__st__60 [/quote] That was mine All three of my basses are Mexican Fenders and they are great instruments. Solid build, solid finish, and great tones. My first Fender is now 10 years old and scratchy pots aside it hasn't had a major issue since I've owned it. That said, the one US Fender I played recently (US Deluxe Jazz) blew me away on all fronts, but I doubt I could ever justify the £1k+ price tag for what I do. If I were in your shoes I would head to the biggest music shop in the vicinity, expressing your intention to buy, and then trying every Fender/Squier in the shop until you find the one you click with. It might not be the one you expect.
  4. I've been looking at these enviously for a while now, seem too good to be true for the price. Might be a bit much for bedroom rock though!
  5. Never had one of their amps but everything else I've had from them (condenser mic, BDI21 Sansamp clone, 'tube' mic preamp and an OD pedal) has been reliable and decent quality. I've had the mic preamp for nearly 8 years now without a single fault. Worth a punt IMO
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1407693880' post='2523094'] Yep, I`m yet to read any reports about the 800s having problems. I don`t know why they don`t just scrap the 500s altogether seeing as the 800 seems a lot more reliable. [/quote] It also seems strange that it's only the 800 that doesn't have issues. Surely you would just switch out all of the components (bar the power stage) in the 300/500 for those used in the 800 and hey presto, right?
  7. This thread has sparked my Jazz GAS again, which is ridiculous because everyone knows I don't get on with Jazzes. Still, the 70's model in natural just looks too good to be true.
  8. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1407574048' post='2521855'] a month?! man, i wish i could get that kind of longevity, my strings are toast after a few gigs, and noticeably duller after one [/quote] I'm exclusively a bedroom rocker these days which probably has some bearing on it. Still, I get more life out of EB's than I used to get out of the Rotosounds that I used before.
  9. Lake placid blue is definitely the way forward, although I would go with parchment or mint guard. Jury's out on the headstock - I would be tempted to go matching personally!
  10. It looks like a dangerous weapon!!!
  11. Lovely. Although it needs a pearl/tort guard to really set it off
  12. Frustrating! These amps look and sound great, but wherever I read about them reliability is the main topic of conversation. To echo everyone else, it seems bonkers that Ampeg would continue to ship a self-destructing product rather than recalling and rebuilding them and taking advantage of their full potential. I'm a massive fanboy when it comes to that classic Ampeg tone, but After my experience with the BA range last year, and all of the issues with the PF stuff I doubt I will be buying another one of their amps in a hurry
  13. Oh my word Karl, that is spectacular. If it sounds as good as it looks you really are on to a winner.
  14. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1407437205' post='2520586'] I like them a lot when new. Plenty of bite and presence. However, they can go dead quicker than some other strings sometimes. [/quote] Agree, my last set lost their sparkle after about a month of regular playing. When they're fresh on there aren't many better strings in my opinion.
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1407446104' post='2520734'] Basswood bodies though, for that money I`d hope for alder (ash would be nice on the 70s Precision). [/quote] Always found it funny how the rock-bottom Affinity P and J basses are the only ones in Squier's range with alder bodies with the rest using agathis, basswood or maple. Seems back to front to me!
  16. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1407442758' post='2520680'] That Jazz would look great with a black guard and hardware. [/quote] Just the guard thanks but you're right!
  17. [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1407333379' post='2519522'] ...I'm a massive fan of b/b/m precisions, doesn't the Matt Freeman model fill that particular niche and price range? [/quote] Agree, however I suspect this model may exist to burn through some of the excess parts they have lying around from the Matt Freeman. Same body, same hardware, probably the same pickup. With added blocks to make us lot swoon over it I was in Wunjo today to pick up some strings and they had the new Silver Jazz, I didn't have chance to stop and have a play but it looked great!
  18. This used to be mine! Great bass, very hot pickups. You won't get much better for £90!
  19. [quote name='Iheartreverb' timestamp='1407396557' post='2520023'] I stumbled on these a few days ago. Personally I love the look of it, but as discussed, everyone has different style. A note on the price. GAK has one for a out £600 [/quote] Took the words out of my mouth. Love the finish, love the wavy hardware. Thomann have also listed these (assuming a Mexican version) at c.£600 in the last few days.
  20. Very nice. These are ridiculously cheap on Thomann at the moment, I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on with it, and seeing some pics of your own! As an aside, I don't think I could ever get a bass delivered to work. It would be pure torment!
  21. Woooooooowwwwww. That is NICE.
  22. Another vote for cool
  23. Thanks for the detailed write up! I've been considering one of these since I stumbled upon the Thomann link and it's good to a get a first hand opinion of how it plays/sounds!
  24. [quote name='eightbitraptor' timestamp='1407068884' post='2516994'] Wow. They do sound perfect! That and the GK Mb200. [/quote] The MB amps get a lot of great reviews and positive comments on here, I don't think you would go too far wrong with one of those!
  25. [quote name='spaners' timestamp='1407077068' post='2517062'] Got myself one of these in candy apple red yesterday from PMT in Oxford. Finish is absolutely spot on, just as good as my pawn shop mustang (candy apple red ) Neck feels real nice too. Tone wise gives a smooth p sound and the jass bridge has a nice bark to it all though I would say it don't have as much output as the P pickup. Little to bright and ringey for my taste with the roundwounds on (all my basses have tapes or flats on) will be putting a set of D'Addario super light chromes on her today. Really like the high mass bridge too, might have to see if I can get one for my 62 P. [/quote] Pics please
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