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Everything posted by theyellowcar

  1. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1401912882' post='2468323'] Wouldn't it be a shame if I'd ended up treating myself under false pretenses [/quote] Indeed In all seriousness mate I really hope it's not as serious as first thought.
  2. Very nice! Love the blend of modern/classic.
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1401573671' post='2464978'] They do get a good review in this months Bass Guitar Mag. [/quote] I love mine. I used it for a recording recently (DI'd) and it was SO nice.
  4. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1401572856' post='2464957'] What are 'ex-strings'? [/quote] http://youtu.be/e6Lq771TVm4 2:48 if you've seen t before, watch the whole thing if you haven't
  5. I believe these are the pickups used in all of the current US Standard Precisions, and they can be picked up (no pun intended) for about £80. Worth a punt because you can always re-sell them on here if you don't get on with them! http://www.fender.com/guitar-bass-parts/pickups-and-preamps/fender-original-precision-bass-pickups-black/
  6. I bought the Rumble 40 a little while back - cracking amp.
  7. Another vote for the new Fender Rumbles. DI out, aux in (for home practice) lots of tonal variety and they weigh nothing.
  8. Ludicrous price. I would similarly be all over one of these had I not just spent similar sums acquiring a new Fender
  9. Precision, rounds, BDI21. Boom.
  10. You've definitely turned to the dark (Jazz!) side then! I'm sorry that I contributed to this act of horror, even in the smallest of ways In all seriousness though I'm glad it's turned out well - sounds like you have a cracking bass there!
  11. I've never been able to get on with that TINY neck, but they are great basses for the price.
  12. I've never owned a terrible bass, thankfully. There are a number that I have been disappointed by when trying them out though: Epiphone Thunderbird - seems to be a common theme here but I've played a couple and they were both god-awful muddy messes of basses. I hated everything about it, despite having listed after one for AGES. OLP MusicMan - these were revered amongst my bass playing friends whilst I was growing up, I always wanted the blue one with a maple neck and a matching headstock, low and behold a few weeks ago there was a used one sitting on a rack on Denmark Street. I gave it a go, and granted it was fitted with 'ex-strings' and was going into a terrible little practice amp but it didn't live up to my (probably vastly optimistic) expectations. Let down. Epiphone EB0 - just awful. Everything about it. EDIT: I should state (for the sake of balance) that despite the Epiphone bashing above, I love their guitars, and the EB3 I played at a trade show many moons ago was lovely! EDIT 2: My brother's Mexican Jazz should've made this list too. He picked it up for silly money but it was (still is) in pretty dire need of a set-up. Maybe it's personal taste, but I never enjoy playing it.
  13. Bump for the second best Standard Precision bass colour combo (after black black maple of course) GLWTS.
  14. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1401492794' post='2464315'] I see these have appeared on Thomann, with an expected delivery time for the end of June. [/quote] Exciting! Thomann's returns policy might just tempt me into trying one of these.
  15. That's lovely! And quite a rare beast if I remember rightly? I certainly haven't seen many of those around!
  16. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1401468080' post='2463969'] If I hadn't have just bought something else, I'd be right on this. My dream P combo! Good luck with the sale, I'm sure it'll fly! [/quote] Curse my terrible timing. Still not entirely convinced I want to let it go!
  17. [b]REDUCED THE 'ALL IN' PRICE (BOTH SETS OF P/UPS, GIG BAG AND BOTH GUARDS) TO £340 + SHIPPING.[/b] Considering these are selling for £300 stock, this is a bargain. There's over £150's worth of extras thrown in here! Back up for sale, my 2011 Standard Precision in what is in my mind the best colour combo you can get. Originally bought on here, I have taken very good care of it, and frankly there is not a mark on it. I have just dropped a set of Custom Shop '59 pickups (from the Mike Dirnt sig) in, which are included in the sale as well as the Fender originals. The new reduced [b]£340[/b] price includes: The bass Both the pictured pickguards - the white is the original, the black is an official US Fender replacement (cost £40) Both sets of pickups, as mentioned above Fender gig bag (also cost £40) If you want it as it stands today (black guard, CS Pups) without the gig bag and the original guard/pickups I will take £320 plus shipping. You can collect from me in South East London in the evenings, or West London (Paddington) in work hours. I'm also willing to ship within the UK at cost (probably about £20) Feedback in my sig. Dave
  18. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1401387719' post='2463174'] Both! [/quote] Have to see how the prematurely-knackered shoulders are doing - I'm traipsing up on public transport from SE London which isn't the best run carrying two basses!
  19. That is something else!
  20. Also, if any of you do happen to be interested in road testing one, Thomann not only have an incredible returns policy (30 days!) but they are currently selling the Surf Green model for less than a Standard Jazz currently goes for! I have no affiliation with them but my experience buying this has been spot on. http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_mark_hoppus_bass_jazz_bass_sg.htm#bewertung
  21. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1401313570' post='2462466'] I`m going to have to try one of these at some point - don`t suppose you`re coming to the Herts Bass Bash at all? [/quote] It's in my diary Lozz! I was planning on bringing a different Precision (Deluxe active) for the A/B showdown but I'm sure I could bring this instead!
  22. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1401310879' post='2462422'] The main difference will be the positioning of the pickup on the bass rather than it's "reversed" orientation. Measured from the 12th fret a std Fender P pickup (the middle bit where the two bits join) will be pretty much bang on 11 inches . The Hoppus model has it much nearer the 12th fret, or further from the bridge, or however you want to explain it. I'd be interested in knowing the exact measurement (12th fret to middle of the two pickup pieces). [/quote] I'll get my tape measure out for you tomorrow
  23. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1401308872' post='2462390'] Dude, plug it in!!! [/quote] I did, just after that photo, it sounds HUGE
  24. I've definitely noticed a bit more 'chunk' compared to my other Precisions which I would put down to the reversed pickup. @JapanAxe - I don't use the tone control that often on my other basses - I tend to dial in any 'extra' that I need with my amp, so I think I'll be OK, but that was a mental hurdle I had to jump while I was entering my card details!
  25. I took delivery of my new pride and joy yesterday. Many of you will have heard me ramble on about how impossible it is to get a Surf Green Precision bass off the rack from Fender, and whilst that may be true, may I present to you my Surf Green Mark Hoppus 'Jazz' (Precision) bass! Complete with a picture of me looking like a smug **** while I was playing it for the first time. I don't think I need to say a lot about the bass itself - it's a raucous, aggressive sounding Precision in truth - the neck is straight up Precision, the pickup is a Quarter-pounder (also straight up Precision) it just happens that it's all screwed together in a sleek, lightweight Jazz-shaped shell. It's the business! https://www.dropbox.com/s/6q0gy22y1dt266c/2014-05-27%2022.06.29.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/oon19jjbao8lltg/2014-05-27%2022.05.54.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/qlv27f2rweta0ny/2014-05-27%2020.19.09.jpg
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