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Everything posted by theyellowcar

  1. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1401292864' post='2462150'] I am now really looking to help fund a Fender Custom shop [/quote] Might that be something in Burgundy Mist? Whatever the case, have a "how is this still here?" bump, on me.
  2. Thanks folks! I'm glad I wasn't too far off track with my original thinking.
  3. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1401197718' post='2461011'] Gold anodised [/quote] Of your options, Tort. If it were me, white pearl!
  4. My new Fender arrived yesterday - yay! The action out of the box is pretty high - boo! There also appears to be quite a bit of relief in the neck at 10th fret. To the nub of my question - if you were greeted with this bass would you tackle the truss rod or the bridge adjustment first? My instinct would be to take some of the relief out of the neck (quarter turn?) to 'flatten' things a little, and then look at the bridge if it still felt a little high, but I could be going at it all wrong!
  5. They have released a special run if the Mint Green SUB in the States but when I e-mailed Strings and Things (UK distributor for all MM products) they said there was no sign of it coming to the UK. This made me sad.
  6. All the guys there are spot on. I generally deal with Lawrence - he recognises me every time I come in, always asks how I'm getting on with the stuff I've picked up from there in the past and signs off with "you know how we roll dude - if you want to play it, pick it up!"
  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1401060862' post='2459735'] If going the sansamp route, I'd recommend the VT Bass over the Sansamp BDDI / BDI-21. Smoother and tubier and without the gaping hole in the midrange (unless you dial it in with the mid control of course). [/quote] True - I usually have to dial some mids back in with my amp when I use the BDI21, and then I roll the blend back to 12 o'clock so I get the best of both
  8. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1401056898' post='2459705'] I bought one of the non-reverse Thunderbirds for silly money, and it's great. Just thought I'd mention it, for balance's sake. [/quote] Glad to hear there're some good ones out there too! For a US built instrument with a hard case they're an absolute bargain.
  9. I haven't tried one but if I remember they're going for not much more than a MIM Fender, and come with a hard case. Seems nuts to me. Bother forum member bought one of the non-reverse T-birds (also going for silly money) and reported a few QC issues that might be being aware of before buying.
  10. Incredible value. The first bass I 'owned' (Ignoring the beater I borrowed for the first 6 months of playing) was an RBX170, it did exactly what I needed, and aside from some buzz from loose tuners it is still going strong 10 years later, or at least it was last time I saw it at my brother's.
  11. Very nice! Congrats!
  12. Glad I bought one of the new Rumbles instead of waiting for these. To echo everyone else they're pretty uninspiring. The tilt would be useful for home but they aren't really doing anything new, and they are the worst looking Ampegs I've ever seen.
  13. Another +1 for the Behringer BDI21. Gets me the 'valve' sound that's in my head for the tenth of the cost of an amp that claims to nail the same sound. As previously mentioned you could easily move it on here without making a loss.
  14. They could probably get away with it if they had a little extension cab sitting underneath just to bump up the stage volume. I know I wouldn't try and gig my little 40 watt combo these days, although I have been guilty of doing such things in the past - albeit with a 50 watt tank of a Peavey.
  15. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1400956443' post='2458609'] I've read that the Toneriders are what Fender use for the Squier Classic Vibe series - I've also read that the Squier CV Precision is a warmer sounding bass compared to the Squier Vintage Modified P (though I like my VM, haven't heard a CV P). Might be just what you need. [/quote] The difference in warmth is probably due to the different body woods used more than anything (bright maple on the VM vs balanced basswood on the CV) That said if the CV basses do use Tonerider pickups I can attest to their quality. The CV basses sound fantastic. Wilkinson are also worth a look - for the sake of an extra couple of quid for plain black covers you could be on to a winner.
  16. The HB basses have had some glowing reviews on here, but they are the more expensive (granted, still under £100!) basses with Wilkinson hardware/pickups and Ash bodies, so the positive sentiments may not stretch down to this one. That said, Thomann have a very generous money back period (30 days!) which you could take advantage of should you decide you don't like the bass. Just make sure you don't ding it in any way. My only suggestion would be that if you can afford it, stretch to something like the Squier Jag which I have tried and is an absolute steal for £190. Same rules apply with Thomann - buy it and if you decide it's not all that you can send it back.
  17. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1400780401' post='2456987'] I thought there'd have been more about this online, but I can't find anything. I can't understand why Fender, with all their power, wouldn't keep producing BA 2's, under licence even, as surely it's a big part of the GL and MM sig models. As was rightfully observed above, how can they be real signature models without Badass bridges? [/quote] It's a fair point, but how far can you extend the expectation that a Signature model would be an exact copy rather than an accurate, faithful representation? To the original 70's pickups or machine heads that would also be long out of production? I'm sure licensing was explored and ruled out because of the financial viability - I can't imagine the Quann family giving their Dad's designs away cheap. You never know, Geddy and co might start playing the Fender Hi-mass variants and we'll all sit back and wonder why there was such a fuss
  18. Used to be mine. Lovely bass. Huge sound for single coils.
  19. [quote name='wally8' timestamp='1400585942' post='2455086'] What are your other settings out of interest theyellowcar? I usually go with the recc setting of SVT and add more drive - around 2 o'clock [/quote] I had the drive at about 11 o'clock, presence and level at 3 o'clock, bass at 1 o'clock, treble and blend at 12 o'clock. I used the graphic on the amp to boost the mids just a little bit, and then had the tone all the way open on my P-bass. Killer sound.
  20. [quote name='Wylie' timestamp='1400607919' post='2455446'] I've got a BAII still in the packaging. Mini retirement fund??! [/quote] Keep it pristine for long enough and who knows what it will be worth.
  21. This thread is dangerous. It makes me want to buy things.
  22. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1400531139' post='2454766'] Not surprised it felt better when you had a bridge with saddle grooves lol! [/quote] I bought it when I was 14/15 and it came with the bridge already fitted - not knowing any better I just left it, and then when I picked it back up after a few years away from playing I realised it wasn't quite right, swapped the stock bridge in, and BOOM. I had tone lol.
  23. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1400528739' post='2454731'] I'll never understand why people make such a big deal about this bridge and feel the need to fit them as an 'upgrade'. Don't see the appeal and I certainly didn't fall in love with it when I had one on a Fender I used to own. Just a bridge, isn't it? [/quote] I actually agree - I sold the one that was installed on a bass I bought 2nd hand, although I suspect my experience was hampered because I never bothered to file in grooves. Nevertheless I thought the bass 'felt' better without it (no discernable difference in sound) I just thought it was interesting!
  24. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1400528702' post='2454730'] Ah! Im not sure whether this is a good or bad thing. I imagine people will be hunting them down now! [/quote] There will definitely be residual stock of the artist basses with the BAII out there. I wonder whether Fender will reduce the RRP of the basses given they're now using a bridge that has previously only been offered on the entry level Modern Player series
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