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Everything posted by theyellowcar

  1. Very nice. Isn't this the one that sold yesterday?
  2. It took me 2 solid years earning a decent wage to pay off my student excesses. Honestly, do yourself a solid and chop up the credit card now.
  3. Someone had to buy that one from Coda sooner or later. Such a bargain. I played one of these a couple of months back and the neck was incredibly comfortable, and the tone was exactly as you described. Cracking P-bass at a great price. Congrats!
  4. This is a lovely bass. I wish they did more of the sonic blues/surf greens/shell pinks!
  5. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1397347888' post='2423144'] Huzzah ! We need pictures, of course. [/quote] This is essential.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1397164998' post='2421486'] You've just realised that you only really need a P bass. [/quote] +1
  7. Brian bought a pickup off me, very quick to pay and great comma throughout. Simple transaction!
  8. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1397045207' post='2420018'] My first ever full size bass was one of those! Ah. memories [/quote] Mine too! My uncle picked it up for £30 at a car boot. I had no idea it was this valuable!
  9. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396968761' post='2419240'] Much deader string perhaps [/quote] My first thought.
  10. http://www.fender.com/series/pawn-shop-special/excelsior-pro-surf-green-120v/ Came across this yesterday and had my interest piqued. A 15 watt all tube guitar combo with a [b]15"[/b] Eminence driver that retails at £230 online. Now I haven't been able to find any solid info on the driver to see whether it could handle the low frequencies of a bass, so I thought I would put it to you, the wonderfully informed members of Basschat - could this little thing handle a bass at bedroom volumes, and more importantly, does anyone have any first hand experience to prove/disprove that my theory that it would be a perfectly viable all tube practise amp?
  11. How does the P/MM combo work? I've always thought if that as my dream pickup config without ever actually hearing it
  12. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1396967626' post='2419221'] I ended up buying a Squier P from a fellow BCer and the difference is like night and day. [/quote] I sold Howard this very bass, which is what I base my opinion of current Squiers on. They are excellent value for money, well built, solid and great sounding basses. Particularly the VM/CV series. I have to confess the only reason I sold mine was a great deal popped up on a virtually new MIM Precision, and the Squier was the only one I could face selling on to make room.
  13. [i]That[/i] is cool.
  14. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1396854270' post='2417870'] Not any more........ [/quote] Haha congrats. Had I not bought mine just a month or so ago I would've had that one. Looked lovely!
  15. Selling my Quarter Pounder, which needs a little work. A couple of the connections have broken (see pics) and need re-working. I'm nowhere near competent enough to do that myself, and I have no plans to use these again, so they're for sale, for a good price to someone who knows what they're doing! £25 shipped.
  16. Fender have a really good guide available online which I've used religiously when setting up my basses. http://www.fender.com/en-GB/support/articles/bass-guitar-setup-guide
  17. Wow! Is that a limited edition finish? I've never seen that before!
  18. I have one in red/rosewood. Great bass, has lasted me 10 years so far!
  19. I must confess after thinking this thing was the best idea in the world ever for a long time I didn't get on with the one I tried recently. HOWEVER it doesn't stop it looking lovely
  20. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1396559220' post='2415193'] I was in the club....then left! [/quote] Blasphemy It's personal preference, but I've never found a bass that agrees with my ears in the same way a P does.
  21. Congrats Lozz! I would say we match but this has so much more mojo than my MIM!
  22. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1396579142' post='2415367'] [size=4]Putting a tort scratchplate on a black bass is asking for a slap. [/size] [/quote] Unless it has a maple board, then it's perfectly acceptable Back to the thread - congratulations on your re-born bass!
  23. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1396594141' post='2415401'] THe used bass market is so depressed these days you can get an amazing amount for £300. [/quote] This. I picked up an immaculate '11 Mexican Precision for less than your budget in the FS section here. If I remember rightly there is a lovely LPB P for sale for around the same price right now.
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