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Everything posted by theyellowcar

  1. [quote name='johnny_frog' timestamp='1395272980' post='2400645'] Would heartily recommend the following [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/28020-Analog-Soldering-Station-150-480-C-60-W-with-Silicon-Wire-/280757198381?pt=UK_Home_Garden_PowerTools_SM&hash=item415e6ede2d"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/28020-Analog-Soldering-Station-150-480-C-60-W-with-Silicon-Wire-/280757198381?pt=UK_Home_Garden_PowerTools_SM&hash=item415e6ede2d[/url] [/quote] Thanks for the pointer! I managed to get a 'refurb' of the Maplin one I posted earlier for a tenner in the end.
  2. Howard just bought my VM Precision. An absolutely stellar bloke to deal with, super proactive to the extent that he even sourced the details for a courier including the exact price that it would cost to ship the bass. I couldn't have asked for a smoother transaction. Hope you enjoy the bass!
  3. Only colour I've ever really taken to on a Ric. Congrats, and I look forward to the pics!
  4. Sounded good Slab! That set-up had some serious punch!
  5. Might be worth measuring one of these against the current routing: http://www.emgpickups.com/bass/extended-series/passive/35hz.html http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/bass-pickups/soapbars/5string/passive_phase_i/ Because the screws are within the casing itself it might stand a better chance of fitting than doing something wacky like wiring two aftermarket single coils together. EDIT: or even look at these Rio Grande humbuckers which look like they would actually fit! https://www.riograndepickups.com/scart/SubCategories.asp?ProductName=For+Bass&SubCatName=BASS+HUMBUCKINGS
  6. [quote name='Jasonoon' timestamp='1394695401' post='2394038'] Thanks guys! Will check those out... the Behringer sounds like an interesting option! [/quote] For £30 you can't really go wrong, and I'm pretty sure you would get your money back on here if you didn't get on with it. It is a great bit of kit. I've heard stories of people using them as a credible amp replacement at gigs with PA support.
  7. I don't think there are any aftermarket replacements that would fit the MPJ without routing/drilling because of the location of the mounting screws.
  8. That looks NICE. Congrats!
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1395095927' post='2398764'] I recently gambled on the cheap blue variable temp solder station from Maplin so I could have one in the house as well as the workshop and it turned out to be pretty good. About 20 quid and its every bit as good as my 60 quid one. [/quote] I was thinking a variable temp one would be a better shout than a fixed one - mine doesn't appear to be able to maintain a consistent temp for long at all. EDIT: was it this one? http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/50-w-solder-station-n78ar [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1395095970' post='2398766'] ... and though I'm an utter noob when it comes to soldering I think the advice is make sure the ends of the wires are tinned first too. [/quote] For sure, I always tin the wires and the tip of the iron.
  10. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1395095225' post='2398744'] Try it that way first and if it works ok you're golden. A decent iron should only take a couple of seconds each. [/quote] Shame my iron is utter garbage any decent ones that you could suggest as a replacement?
  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1395094223' post='2398711'] Just try not to get it too hot (hold the iron on too long) or you could melt the winding wires inside [/quote] So I assume I'm better off softening the existing solder points rather than melting away completely and starting from scratch? Forgive me if that is a completely ridiculous question!
  12. So somehow two of the connections on my Quarter Pounder have come loose since I took it out of my Squier on Friday. Given it's been on it's own in a box, with foam padding all around it, I'm starting to worry my drawers may have a Borrower infestation. I digress. Before I crack out the soldering iron to put things back where they should be, should I be aware of anything/am I doing something INCREDIBLY stupid by trying to re-wire this? Whilst it wasn't quite to my taste (I think I prefer the stock Fender pickups) I'm not ruling out using it in another bass, or selling it on, so it would be good to know if this is fixable
  13. +1 on Matt Freeman. This intro changed my life http://youtu.be/5CUbMi7pOZ8
  14. Absolute stunner. Seriously excellent job there mate, and I'm glad you're already hearing the rewards for your hard work
  15. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1395039406' post='2397873'] A Damien Hurst Flea Bass. [/quote] Ding ding ding. Spot on.
  16. Given it a bash, it's quite a cool concept, but to echo someone else's point from earlier in the thread there are only a few finishes available that aren't already available in Fender's standard range. I would love to see them broaden colour palette.
  17. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1394887840' post='2396303'] That's lovely. Tort works with everything. [/quote] Thanks! I love it on the red, but two tort Precisions would be a bit much I think!
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1394881702' post='2396210'] Black on black I'll accept, but tort and black is just [i]wrong[/i]! Tort ONLY works with various shades of white (preferably aged oly white or vintage white), OR sunburst. Thinking about it, it's not tort that is wrong [i]per se[/i] - it's more that [i]black basses[/i] are wrong! *Hides behind 8X10* But as a confirmed lover of white basses, I would say that, wouldn't I? [/quote] So this would make you feel a little uncomfortable?
  19. That's a beast! Congratulations.
  20. Link doesn't work for me on mobile
  21. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1394840356' post='2395977'] Tort on black, mmmmmmmmmm. [/quote] My other precision is tort, not gonna happen
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1394838806' post='2395959'] Good, because as we know there just isn't a viable alternative for a black bass! You gotta love a maple neck, too. Happy bass day. [/quote] It was the black on maple look that sold it to me
  23. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1394837277' post='2395935'] Ahhhhhh happy new bass day hahaha! [/quote] Thanks
  24. I've been reluctant to post this as I've been trying to sell on another bass before getting too excited about my new acquisition, but now HowieBass is kindly taking my Squier off my hands, I present to you my new MIM Precision! Bought from Mike (michino) last weekend, it's a real cracker. Got it home, slapped a new set of strings on and it instantly felt like home. I didn't think I would stick with the white guard (inner Matt Freeman was screaming BLACK) but I've grown to love it.
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