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Everything posted by tommania

  1. Has this sold? I'm thinking of listing mine
  2. Hi My band has become a 3 piece for the time being, and I'm looking for some pedals to help improve my tone as we'll be lacking that extra guitar layer. I have a Hall of Fame, and a Small Clone. The thing I am looking for now though is something that will really make our sound bigger (and deeper/fuller/you know) when we go into the chorus. Is it a fuzz I'm after? Thanks Tom
  3. Yo! Is the hall of fame still for sale?
  4. Hi Looking to get some more pedals, never used any reverb pedals, what would you suggest? I play indie rock, I know that's a wide genre! Wolf Alice influenced. Thanks Tom
  5. Is this for sale still mate?
  6. Is this still for sale mate?
  7. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1418138789' post='2627250'] Are you the Tom I think you are? The minimum load your amp wants to see is 4 ohms. Running at 16ohms will certainly compromise it's ability to go loud, but shouldn't damage it. [/quote] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]CREEPY TOM?! Me and Ant are sharing it! Just worried about pushing it and damaging it 'cause my head is a bit of a monster! I'll bring it to the studio and you'll have to try it out![/font]
  8. Hi guys, I recently picked up this 1981 Marshall 2x15" 200w cab at 16ohms. The reason I bought it was because I got it at a steal of £35! It sounds gnarly, got a really nice tone for what I'm going for and it's loud as hell. However my problem is I think my head will probably blow it. I am using the Ashdown ABM 900 Evo III which is 575w+575w at 4ohms. I notice that if I have my input and output knobs any higher than both at 12oclock my dial goes insane. That seems loud enough for me though, but is this likely to damage the cab? If I was to hook up another cab using the same side as the head would this ease the amount of power going into the cab? Thanks, Tom
  9. How much usage would you say?
  10. Thanks for your replies! Has anyone had any experience with the fender custom shop 60s pickups? http://www.projectmusic.net/fender-custom-60s-jazz-bass-pickups-set-of-2-10622-p.asp T
  11. Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right forum to put this in but we'll see! I am looking to upgrade my VMJ. I have already swapped out the stock bridge for a Babicz bridge and this has done wonders. I'm wondering if I should upgrade the electronics at all? My band are looking to go on a UK tour soon after being signed, and I really want to upgrade my gear to the best it can be. I'd like to keep the bass rather than buy a completely new better bass. Trying to save money etc. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Thanks. T
  12. Can anyone recommend a good 610 other than the ampeg 610hlf? Just didn't really think it sounded very good, too muddy. I would LOVE to get an 8x10, but I would never be able to take it anywhere.
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1390121271' post='2341552'] Yes there`s another thread on here at present about whether the amp or cab makes most difference, and the OP quotes using an Ampeg cab with many different amps as his point of reference - ie, that it sounds great. Link below, but for me Ampeg cabs have a specific voicing (which I love) so that would be a good place to start. Afterwards, well the PF500 is a great sounding amp but there have been issues with some, I`ve had two, one was fine, the other didn`t last a rehearsal. Not heard much that`s bad about the PF800, and the SVT7-PRO is an amp I`ve also heard good Ampeggy things about. Another amp that can do the Ampeg sound is TC Electronics - the Tubetone feature on their amps can get incredibly close to Ampeg-type grind. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/227363-is-the-amp-or-the-cab-most-important-when-you-want-a-good-sound/"]http://basschat.co.u...t-a-good-sound/[/url] Edit - also found a review of the Ampeg SVT 410HE, by me! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/117499-ampeg-svt410he/page__pid__2341513#entry2341513"]http://basschat.co.u...13#entry2341513[/url] [/quote] Thanks for your reply mate. I read your review, I will definitely be on the look out for the cab. Has anyone had any experience with the SVT-VR head? A few bands that I like look like they are using this head from pictures.
  14. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1390095661' post='2341501'] i would maybe try with different cabs first your amp is probably fine, what music do you play? what did you like about the ampeg setup that you think you current setup is missing? andy [/quote] I'll definitely do that. Thanks for the advice on the Orange gear. I'm not really sure to be honest. If you check that link I posted in my first post you'll see what my band plays. We recorded in Paris over the summer and got signed to a label over there so I'm expecting big things. It just sounded HUGE and DEEP and GNARLY. If you get me? The guitarists in my band do a lot of quirky riffs and I like to fill out the low end with a big deep sound.
  15. My local music shop doesn't have that much variety of stuff other than Ashdown so it's a shame I can't try different cabs out myself. I really liked the Ampeg set up I used though, so I'll keep an eye out for any ampeg cabs. Do you think my head is worth keeping or is there better I could be using? T
  16. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1390089534' post='2341453'] totally agree, and if you like ampeg the cabs do have a noticable effect on the sound so maybe try a 610hlf? andy [/quote] I actually tried the 610hlf last week with various settings on my amp and to be honest it sounded muddy and not worth the price they are! Has anyone had any experience with Orange heads?
  17. Hi, I am at the point now where I am not sure if I am using the right sort of amp. I haven't really had any issues with my Ashdown head, I just don't really know if there is something better out there for me as Ashdown is all I have known. I'm currently using two Ashdown cabs, a mag410t deep and a mag115. Really looking to get a 6x10, or at least swap the 115 for another 410. What do you think would be best for me? Here is a link to my band. https://soundcloud.com/moral-panics/february We recorded that track in Paris over last summer. I got to use a beautiful classic Ampeg SVT-VR through an Ampeg 8x10. This sounded incredible, although I could never afford that set up. We do a blend of indie, mixed with some heavier influences. I know I should really pick what I think is better suited for me, but I admit I am a bit ignorant and I do not know what is best for me. If anyone has the time to listen to that track and could let me know what they think would be best I would appreciate that. Thank you. T
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1388766027' post='2325827'] Correct. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I don't think this will make a huge difference to the overall sound. I had both mine switched off when I was using ABMs, I'm old skool, me. [/quote] Okay thanks for that mate!
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1388764053' post='2325788'] Let us know how you get on. [/quote] It turns out the ABM is the ABM410H and my mag is the mag 410T? Does this make a huge difference? I don't really know the technical side. I think the h/t stands for horn/tweeter?
  20. [quote name='BruceBass3901' timestamp='1388755313' post='2325627'] I would go with the mismatched 410s for now and if you get a chance to try a matched pair, try it and see if you can tell the difference. Then try the other matched pair and see which you prefer. [/quote] I think I'll buy the ABM and then I'll see what I think. Thanks!
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1388754569' post='2325604'] In the meantime if you use an ABM and a MAG together, one 450W and the other 600W, there will be an imbalance resulting in the MAG working a bit harder, but as you are unlikely to be using the full power of your amp I don't think it would necessarily be a problem if you keep an eye (or ear) on it. [/quote] Thanks, I am using it with a 250w 1x15" cab at the moment whilst I acquire another 4x10", so this doesn't really concern me as I am used to being careful with it! So two ABM410s will be better than two mag410 deeps? T
  22. Thanks for your replies! The mag 410T is rated at 450w, so I guess the ABM has a higher power rating. I am considering going for the ABM as it is better quality than the MAG, but would it affect my tone if I have the two different cabs? Or for the sake of preserving tone, would you reccommend just going for two MAG410Ts? Or should I buy the ABM410T as it is a good price with the intention of buying a second in the future? Thanks.
  23. Hi, I am currently using the Ashdown ABM900 Evo III head with the Mag 410T deep. I have been offered a second one for a good price, or for the same price i have been offered an ABM410H. which would you recommend? Thanks. Tom
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