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Everything posted by BassBurns

  1. The speed of development is insane isn't it?! We haven't had to start worrying about the door handles yet, but with the rate that he's growing, it won't be long...
  2. For anyone that might be interested, Amazon is currently selling Zyex Medium A strings for £12.65, due to what I'm guessing is a listing error. Only three left: https://www.amazon.co.uk/DAddario-Medium-Tension-Single-String/dp/B004FEF53O/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2GIE806DMCNI6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.L8g_hoWzoeEhmIjYga9BPGYRcf9Simq6yQNZB2UKKKd7zDtchfbXjaCfSTW9M9u_ORSzGv3pvxc34hYSkfFMB8pOzgxlpSqeOeBlYe9efrotBpNxx9Ls9vzhBXzINay-.HNk62GdBT1nFozI40XOfgSopnhoIAQvcD96w1-KU_cs&dib_tag=se&keywords=zyex%2Bmedium%2Ba%2Bbass&qid=1737792130&sprefix=zyex%2Bmedium%2Ba%2Bbass%2Caps%2C56&sr=8-1&th=1
  3. Unfortunately my wife has vetoed this option, but it is the closest so far to what I'm after. It would be good though to have something that works with a case, as I'm not only worried about my toddler pulling the bass down, but also whacking it with any number of implements!
  4. Okay, good to know, I'll PM you if I decide to go in that direction.
  5. I'd have to be able to catch him first!
  6. This is more the sort of thing I was thinking of, but I was hoping for something more 'off the rack', because I really don't have that sort of skill set. Ideally it would work with a cover as well.
  7. I guess you're the Flexocor to my Original Flexocor?
  8. Unfortunately (or fortunately from a physics point of view...) I'm not anywhere near Bristol, but thanks for the recommendation, I'll have a look at those.
  9. I'm looking for general advice for securing a double bass to the wall, as we now have a toddler loose in our flat, so it's no longer safe just propped up in the corner. Solutions that would also work for cellos would be very welcome. Thanks!
  10. Barely on my bass. £45 £40 + Postage.
  11. I've had this string for years, but it's only had a tiny amount of light playing, so it should have loads of life left in it. £35 + P&P.
  12. Are the Spirocores 3/4 or 4/4?
  13. This string has barely been played. £45 £40 + postage.
  14. On and off my bass a few times, but probably had less than 5 hours playing. £30 £25 + postage.
  15. This string has barely been played. £30 + postage.
  16. This string has been hanging about in my case for years, but has probably had less than 4 hours playing in total. £25 £20 + postage.
  17. Great! I'll PM you info about other strings I'm about to put up for sale to see if there's anything you're interested in.
  18. Yes, still available. As far as I know Jargar only offer one length of string. It fitted fine on my 3/4, but if you have a 4/4 and want me to measure the string for you, let me know.
  19. On and off my bass a few times, but still in excellent condition. £10 + postage.
  20. On my bass for a short period, but not played heavily. £30 + postage.
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