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Posts posted by JazzBassfreak

  1. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1404736726' post='2495176']

    It's all a matter of personal taste, innit.

    I happen to love Motown... or Nothern Soul, which is the name I know it by. Catchy, dancefloor-friendly songs and some fantastic basslines. What's not to like? :D My father in law has a huge collection of original Northern Soul on vinyl, which is always a lot of fun to rifle through.

    I'm sure much of it is indeed "[i]better than the rubbish that's coming out these days"[/i]. But by contrast, that doesn't necessarily make it better than the [i]good[/i] music that's coming out these days.

    That's the beauty of music... it's always evolving, there's always good and bad, and each generation will always swear that[i] 'their' [/i]music is better than that of the generations before and after them. And so it will always be ;)

    So "Lil Wayne" has talent after all?

  2. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1404684797' post='2494773']

    As you said yourself you weren't there so let me explain from someone who was there. For a start you wouldn't have seen most of the Motown footage on British TV back then. Most music programmes were middle of the road to appeal to older audiences which to a teenager at the time were appalling. A weekly ration of Ready Steady Go was about as good as it got for the pop crazed teenager in the mid 60s. There was no official national radio station playing pop music during the day until 1967. Until then you had to rely on a weak signal (if available at all) from a pirate ship anchored somewhere off the coast of England. When they produce these TV programmes looking back you have to remember that they put in all the good bits while the rubbish (of which there was plenty) is left on the cutting room floor.
    I really enjoyed the 60s and i look back fondly on those days but they were far from perfect and that includes the music.

    Believe it or not, I already know this, I've been bought up by my parents on Motown and Soul. However i like most music. Apart from the rubbish that is coming out these days that is labelled as "R'N'B" which subsequently is nothing like rhythm and blues and is ultimately rap. Unfortunately for the people who disagree, I'm allowed my own opinion. As is everyone else. Oh and it's not your place to dictate what I'm educated on and what I'm not after all, I'm only a personality behind random text over a forum about basses :)

  3. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1404682829' post='2494748']

    I was a teenager in the late 60s and don't see it like that at all. How old were you in the 1960s?

    Wasn't here, I was bought up on it though. From all I've listened to, it's better than the rubbish that's coming out these days. You a fan of the crap coming out today? That why your so touchy whenever you reply in a thread?

  4. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1404683007' post='2494753']
    My bass was in my hands from about three minutes in and stayed there until the end of the programme. Sooo many great grooves, what a great way to spend a Sunday evening

    Yeah me too!

  5. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1404681796' post='2494735']

    I can assure you there was plenty of 'crap' both on stage and on TV back then. It wasn't all good by any means but they are unlikely to show the bad bits nowadays.

    Point being whatever was crap back then is 1000 times better than what's put infront of people as "music" nowadays when it just relies on sex appeal to sell.

  6. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1404675089' post='2494647']
    Reidys, about 20 miles from me, have one up on FEEBay at the moment at £895 free delivery.
    Going to try and sneak over there tomorrow to have a bit play with it. If it goes well I may be back in touch Chas.


    Ah ok mate! Saw that, it looks abit beaten in the Sapphire Black if I'm not mistaken, still, all round sweet basses. Your welcome to come try before you buy man, but I'm sure I'm a way off from ya :)

  7. [quote name='kerley' timestamp='1404453620' post='2492705']
    Just really down to the seller to claim lost item (assuming he has covered himself). I have sold a lot of things on eBay and any items that have a value I can't avoid to just throw away if lost (i.e. anything over about £20) always goes Special Delivery. I am charging the postage and people know they are paying for Special Delivery so if they don't want to pay the postage price then don't buy the item but at least I am well covered.

    Only had one lost items so far (standard first class with proof of postage) and Royal Mail refunded without any issues. They do contact the receiver apparently to check they haven't got it so if your item miraculously turns up you will have to decide how honest to be...

    Now I've just got to wait for it to go back to my visa. I has no PayPal signed with my account so it went into a guest account

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