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Posts posted by JazzBassfreak

  1. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1393860537' post='2385129']
    If you don't mind me saying JBF, you did kinda invite these comments.

    The time to worry about the dinks and open a thread was, imo, before you bought it.

    Your comments have left several of us wondering why you bought it. That can't just be all down to us surely?

    'The meaning of your communication is the response you get'


    I bought it because I tried one a while back and fell in love with it. Seems a lot of you have jumped to the conclusion I didn't want the bass in the first place which is rubbish. I opened a thread because I received the bass with quite a lot of wear on it tbh abit more than I was expecting. Unfortunately for you I am also a member of bc, and can open a thread about pretty much whatever I please and strike up conversation. All I said was that if it was to go to a luthier who I trusted for restoration work, I would most likely mention about having the p pickup removed and have something more suited to my style put in. In the event of that the bass would probably still have the same value just maybe less interest due to it not being "factory/victor wootens specs". If I was to even dream of reselling I probably wouldn't do this. But no doubt this bass is a keeper. I worked my ass off for it and am going to play the sh*t out of it and enjoy it. I'm a light touch though so it will be looked after. As for buying a bass for £3500 that I'm "not entirely happy with" I am happy with it. Yes the pickup config could be better, but who said I'm not happy with it?

  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1393852014' post='2384965']
    I just can't get on with the aesthetics of a P pick up... Oddly enough I think they look fine on a P bass but I just think PJ basses look awful...

    Thank you! Not obviously just the look though

  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1393851589' post='2384956']

    Umm, I don't really understand. It all sounds a bit irrational since your P pup is in a very expensive Fodera. And Jazz bass clones are everywhere too. I worry you have not spent your money wisely.

    Actually it's an EMG. And I think it's for me to decide whether I've spent my money wisely. In my eyes I have because I'm perfectly happy with it. Plus I'm a collector of high end instruments too and always wanted one. Just not a fan of p pups. PERSONAL PREFERENCE!

  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1393848058' post='2384898']

    Yeah well have a think about what sort of Kit was around back then.

    Why don't you dig P pickups?

    Dunno mate. As you can tell by my name I'm all about the jazz. Just never been into p's and never really dug the sound. Maybe after a few bad experiences. But it's only personal preference eh. The old 60's and 70's p's I quite like, don't get me wrong. But the P bass is so ripped off nowadays every cheap guitar brand brings out a nasty basswood p bass, I suppose seeing all those ugly cheap things turned me against em a long time ago.

  5. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1393848028' post='2384897']

    But in your first post you said

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Definitely worth the money best bass I've ever played to date, not to mention the variety of tones and workability is on another level"[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]So why would you want to swap out the P Bass pick up?[/font][/color]

    I stand by my first post. But in terms personal preference, the p pickup would be swapped out..

  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1393846429' post='2384871']

    Are you one of these peeps that thinks they can tell what sort of pickups are in a bass just by hearing?

    Erm no not really. Well I can I suppose? Like if you hear some old Motown recordings I can say yeah that's definitely a p bass in there sorta thing?

  7. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1393840030' post='2384761']
    As your friendly local Fodera dealer I thought I'd better chip in here with a few thoughts as well.

    In no particular order:

    These Fodera Standards hold their value extremely well. If you consider that your one dropped just 15% from the new price as a used bass and something like an 'off the shelf' Fender standard J would fall 30% then you get an idea.

    Once that first dip of depreciation has gone they pretty much hold value and don't go any further. In fact there's a private sale one here on BC at £3,400 right now.

    The black finish on the YY basses can get marked because it doesn't have a thick coat of high gloss over it. Because these basses are closely associated with Vic Wooten (he keeps his one at his Bass Camp) you find they are often slapped and played quite hard.

    I've seen one of Vic's basses up really close and they are covered in dings and marks. He's very tough on instruments and all of his are heavily worn. The YY basses really are 'player's instruments' - they do look amazing but they are very much designed to be used and not just hung on a wall.

    From a personal point of view they are my favourite sounding if the Standard range and have loads of tonal flexibility.

    The key to 'understanding' a Fodera is to really get your head round that Mike Pope designed pre-amp. The active controls combined with the lovely smooth passive treble roll off give loads of different tonal options. I was very much a J only player until I got my first Fodera with a PJ setup.

    Cut a little bass, boost the mids a shade, roll back the balance towards the bridge and there's some cracking J tones. Roll the passive treble right back, maybe boost bass a bit and bias toward the P and there's a great old school P bass rock/funk tone available.

    I tend to hold the pass treble cut mid way and use it whilst gigging to fine tune my sound - it really is a killer little device.

    The YY series particularly comes to life at stage volume. Again, it really is a proper gigging bass and can cut through a live band mix really well or sit back and hold a groove depending on how you set the pre-amp (obviously your fingers and amplification are going to have a lot of effect too!).

    Personally I wouldn't re-rout one if you're worried about future value. People expect these basses to be 'played', at least that's very much our experience in the shop, but they also expect them to have the original spec pickups and electronics. The only exception to this rule might be if Fodera bring out new pickup or pre options in the future but I think this is highly unlikely with the Standard range for a long while.

    If it were mine I'd really work that pre-amp for a while and try to get it out with your band and see how it sounds live.

    Any problems at all just zap us a message or call the shop and we'll be happy to help :)

    PS - Apologies if I'm biased about these basses but I just bought a new one at the weekend as well and have had a ludicrous grin from ear to ear ever since. I just love playing them, absolutely my favourite basses ever (and I get to play a lot!).

    Cheers mate yeah. I love the bass, and to be honest I'm not a guy who bothers about wear. It was just the fact of I didn't realise how much it already had if that makes sense. I would only consider routing if I absolutely had to, as never been a fan of p's thought it would be interesting to a lot of folks including me to see a YY standard with a nord pickup in the neck. Maybe not eh!? And to everyone else, no I'm not sending it back to be honest it's perfect for me, playability, weight etc it was just I would of preferred a different pickup. As for Sadowsky I was tempted but I'd of had a preowned NYC if there was one about. Now they are basses that suit wear!

  8. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1393809737' post='2384640']

    Sometimes you just have to get what you want and not even consider future resale price. All that matters now is that you have a fantastic bass that you think was a worthwhile purchase at the price you paid. I can't see how thinking about future resale at this point is going to help you enjoy it.


    I suppose not. I just don't want to feel the money I spent has been wasted if I was to consider reselling. It's an absolute cracker though. I'd just like to tart it up abit and get rid of that dang p pickup!

  9. Most of you will cringe at what I'm about to say but if this was to go to a luthier I'd have that p pickup out for good and have it routed for something like a nordstrand j pickup maybe, Or a humbucker, I can't stand p pups. Any of you reckon it'd be possible?

  10. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1393802272' post='2384580']
    Congrats, I'm sure if you've got the cash for one then they're worth it but sadly out of most peoples price range. All the vids I've seen of them have amazing tone.

    You might want to update your 'interests' line under your name now though :)

    Ah yes! Forgot about that! I'm not sure id trust a luthier in my area with it. The guitar store staff in my area are all absolute idiots and have no idea how to treat guitars of this quality. An idiot in a shop near me by the name "Pete Oakley music" is an absolute ****! Took my Sadowsky in for a full setup and he said "cheap Chinese manufactured bass" I could've picked up a strat and beat some sense into him with it.

  11. [quote name='thebassist' timestamp='1393802051' post='2384577']
    Lovely bass - congrats. I'm sure you'll get your money back if you decode to move it on. They're so desirable. By the way, I notice you have a Fender FSR hand stained ash - is it a J or a P?

    Tis a J! :)

  12. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1393800620' post='2384566']
    Depends how bad you are talking, got any pics?

    If you ordered it online and are not happy with it you can always send it back, that's what the distance selling regulations are for!

    Atm as the mrs is asleep probably wise to leave the pics until tomorrow. Let's just say with the YYS being painted half black there's a lot of wear around the knobs. I can definitely say the guy was a pick player, by the marks it's left it looks like he was using a pretty hefty gauge pick

  13. I just bought a Fodera YY standard from Bassgear, no 87 actually. The photos on the web didn't actually show how worn In it was..but I knew it was preowned just didn't expect it to be as beaten in as it is. So...I was wondering..even after me paying nearly £3500 preowned is this bass going to hold its value even with all the dinks and scratches from a heavy handed, maybe neglectful past owner? Definitely worth the money best bass I've ever played to date, not to mention the variety of tones and workability is on another level. At the minute I'm a little concerned all that money went on a bass that if I ever decided to sell it I probably wouldn't get back....Cheers folks

  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1393270890' post='2378131']

    That skirt is a nice shade of tartan.

    ( See how I found something nice to say, despite the large elephant/ transvestite in the room )

    In one of his videos he bends over while playing. It's like staring into the gates of oblivion

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