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Everything posted by JazzBassfreak

  1. Thanks guys! feel free to add me as a friend
  2. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1390222103' post='2342701'] welcome! [/quote]
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1390218645' post='2342624'] Welcome a - bored [/quote] Thankya kindly! Been a member for a while but never bothered doing an intro XD
  4. Hi guys, I am quite bored and on my Larry quite abit recently and I'm looking to have some decent conversation with some fellow musicians about my favourite subject, Bass! So, would anyone like to talk gear?!
  5. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1389556268' post='2335533'] Try some diluted oil (tung or danish), or warwick wax on the back of the neck if its down to bare wood. Seals it so it doesn't get so dirty, and gives a pretty smooth feel. Pretty sure the body on my PJ Metro was poly..but very very well done and buffed out. Have a look on the Sadowsky site - there is a forum there which could be useful? [/quote] Ah cheers man! I'll take a look see. Yeah I use warwick beeswax for the neck. Or sometimes Danish/linseed oil. The beeswax is useful to have It's good stuff!
  6. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1389555434' post='2335507'] The neck on a Metro is a thin nitro - it will age fairly quickly and gracefully with normal use. Play a lot (nice bass!) and it will age quicker. The body has a fairly thick and very tough polyester. I wouldn't even try and age it. Its a very durable finish, and won't take to the usual relic treatments well, in fact I recall Sadowsky saying they wouldn't even try to strip and refinish one of their bodies. Its that tough. Play it, play it…then play it some more. [/quote] I sanded the neck a while back man, couldn't deal with the stickyness and such. Are you sure the metros are poly? I could swear they were nitro, feels a lot smoother than my other poly basses.
  7. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1389544030' post='2335296'] Use it more, then! ;-) [/quote] That's the plan so far!
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1389546901' post='2335353'] [url="http://www.guitarangel.co.uk/servicesDetail.php?Relic-work-10"]http://www.guitarang...p?Relic-work-10[/url] The OP doesn't want opinions on whether or not to relic! He seems to have made that decision already. [/quote] I dont know man! I don't necessarily want the fake relic'd look I just want it sorta worn in, to me it still feels brand new and I've had the bass years and play it EXCESSIVELY. I'd like to have a couple of worn patches where I rub the most on the contours etc, but it's still a running debate in my head whether to have anything done, that's why I was after some opinions from you guys!
  9. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1389391817' post='2333906'] Why? Makes no sense. Just use it. [/quote] I do, but it never seems to progress towards that lovingly worn in feel
  10. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1389187086' post='2331015'] This. Every ding and scratch tells a story and contributes to the instrument's mojo.. 'relic' the bass as you go on. [/quote] Rather a nice post Man. Your right every ding does tell a story. I just want to sorta speed up the aging without hurting it too much
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1389145239' post='2330693'] So, how much do you want to knock off the value of your bass? [/quote] Tbh mate I'm never selling the bass anyway. Too much sentimental value. I'm not fussy about money like most people.
  12. [quote name='Legion' timestamp='1389176460' post='2330819'] The necks are a nitro finish, I'm not so sure the bodies are. No suggestions as to who could relic it for you sorry. [/quote] The neck on mine was sanded smooth years back due to an idiot at a gig denting it. The bodies are nitro mate assured
  13. Hey guys, I've really been digging the "worn in" look on a lot of basses I've been oggling recently. I know there is a lot of hate for the fake relic finishes, I am only one of those haters if the relic is done carelessly and badly. Obviously Sadowsky basses are high end instruments and have a nitro finish, If I have it done I want the job done properly and my bass respected the way it deserves.....I don't want the bass just looking like a wreck, I'm looking for slight wear on the contours and a neat smooth finish I'm just wondering if there are any luthiers in the Staffordshire area UK that could help me? Advice and opinions from you guys would be very much appreciated Peace!
  14. [quote name='tezza-j' timestamp='1389022025' post='2328875'] Still available! I'm in Crouch End north London [/quote] What trades, if any, would you be interested in?
  15. [quote name='JazzRay' timestamp='1388230383' post='2319664'] Have you fitted the truss rod yet? There's been no mention of this essential piece of kit. And as for Oak, it's the same genus as Ash, even looks the same and since a certain Californian company have been using Ash in their guitars for over 60 years, then why not, but the best bit is it was lying round the shop for free rather than an expensive purchase. Don't use a switch, separate vols are infinitely versatile and less complicated. Good Luck [/quote] No mate, not even cut the body yet been too busy with Christmas and such. There will be updates soon, was thinking of maybe two truss rods, not sure. Thanks man!
  16. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1387832229' post='2316336'] Well looks like it's sold pending the usual [/quote] If not sold, what trades would you consider?
  17. [quote name='paulie' timestamp='1387557247' post='2313373'] Still available [/quote] Offer still stands for my Alembic man
  18. Got a Alemic Epic 1994 Zebrawood top possibly on offer here
  19. [quote name='nugget' timestamp='1385458543' post='2288396'] I’ve emailed you a diagram now post update pix [/quote] Legend! Right I'll get on it. It's been slow really all I can tell you I've done is sand and plane the neck ready for routing, I'm going to cut the initial body shape later this week
  20. [quote name='nugget' timestamp='1385316849' post='2286816'] How you gonna do the switching? 5 position strat type pickup selector switch or 3 separate vol pots??? [/quote] Don't really picture a five way switch going on her. Thinking seperate vols maybe
  21. Can't seem to find one /:
  22. Hey guys, update coming this week. Spending a whole day down the shop getting stuck into it. Anyone know where I can get a decent wiring diagram for a JPJ?
  23. [quote name='Norwood' timestamp='1385123078' post='2284670'] Honestly I need money so it will be for to the first. [/quote] What's the action like?
  24. You in a hurry to sell mate?
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