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Everything posted by alittlebitrobot

  1. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1426367520' post='2717463'] Walnut? Whip it up if it is... [/quote] those things are a joke. When I was wee, you'd get a full walnut on the top. Now you just get a tiny bit of walnut shrapnel.
  2. I don't have one, but I like short scales (attempting to make one at the minute). I'll watch you review any bass. Your video about your own SWB blow me away.
  3. ! That looks incredible. Thanks for your reply (and Myke) about my projects. For the control cover, I don't know if the walnut would warp but what if you sanded the walnut down to a veneer and then glued it to original cover (having sanded it down the equivalent amount)? Having said that, using the old cover wouldn't detract from this at all.
  4. done! Cheers. Is there a page with more details about the bass? I can't find anything..
  5. Looks like I'll be too busy to get anything submitted this month, but I'm dying to hear xgsjx's now..
  6. Wow, this is coming together so nicely. Congratulations on the weight loss! and really nice carving too. I agree it's an improvement on the original. I'm currently in the middle of a 'lack of powertools, money to buy them or space to use them' crisis and I'm interested in your thicknessing-by-hand method. Anything I've seen online makes it seem like a vigorous, violent process with a scrub plane, which requires a very sturdy workbench. All I've see in your photos is a collapsing workmate thingy. Can you divulge your secret?
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Guitar-/231498179403?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276 There's a couple of bidders so I'm sure it'll go up a good bit, but I'd be trying to snipe this one if I was nearby.
  8. I'm not a fan of [i]the-brand-that-must-not-be-mentioned[/i], which this is clearly referencing, but that is a[i] very[/i] nice-looking bass.
  9. I love this. It makes me laugh every single time I see it and it still contains my favourite part of the unchanging description: "The body is made of a thick ply material" The object is constructed of matter. Make me an offer.
  10. God, I wish somebody would just buy that feckin' Warwick Thumb model. Sick of looking at it..
  11. Oh my god, it's a 5 string version of my first electric bass. Nostalgia is kicking in HARD right now..
  12. Yeah, they're mad-looking things but I love the design and, having played a fretless 5, I really like the sound. However, my bass-playing never extends beyond the walls of my house so strap balance is irrelevant to me. What matters is how comfortable they are on my lap, and that's where these fail, in my opinion. I found my left hand was kind of holding the neck up while playing.
  13. Wow, this was a short but powerful build diary Those switches on the pickup covers are pure class. Happy NBD
  14. wowww I love Olive. Beautiful wood. Thanks for posting the informative process blogs.
  15. Yeah, congrats Bleat. This month I voted for Bleat, Skol and xgxjs. I like this new voting system.
  16. Great. Thanks for the info. I'm kicking myself after walking past a hardware shop that was having a sale. There was a decent plunge router going for 40 bones (£30), but I had stuff to do first. I went back twenty minutes later and it was gone. Sick. I hope you're making more progress with this. I love seeing it develop.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425133002' post='2704311'] You were my second choice, if that helps any... [/quote] It surely does! Thanks
  18. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1425131705' post='2704296'] [color=#800000][size=5][b]Voting ends tonight at midnight![/b][/size][/color] [/quote] I'm hoping for a strong, last-minute swell of support, to the tune of about 12 votes. I should've done more door-to-door canvassing.
  19. It's coming along lovely. I'm glad to see somebody else is taking advantage of the weather. I made the first bit of progress on my latest project for the first time in months the other day. Thanks for the link to exotichardwoods. I'm sure that'll come in handy some day I need to buy a router to go any further with mine but I'm glad to see it's possible to do it with one of the smaller ones. The thing is, I see a box for a bigger, plunge router in your most recent photos but I assume the hand router does just as good a job?
  20. Yeah, I just assume people are using the image as a starting point and going from there, rather than uploading an old tune or whatever. When it comes to voting, I cast the image from my mind (and then stamp on it a little bit and kick it into a puddle) and just choose whatever one I like most.
  21. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1424939989' post='2702061'] Every time I look, they are sold out! [/quote] seems like you have to be checking in the wee hours.
  22. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1424696424' post='2699194'] Thanks BotB. The five string fretless acoustic has sold out. The basic six decos have been around so long that I guessed that there were loads of them. Not any more it seems. [/quote] Thankfully. I check the deko page constantly and I've just been hovering over that fretless 5. So glad that temptation is gone.
  23. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1424810762' post='2700789'] 3 clear standout tracks for me...[/quote] That's lucky! I had one clear winner and three others I liked, so one had to go.
  24. and thanks very much for the write-up, Dad3353. So nice of you to take the time to do this, and for being kind to me
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