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Everything posted by alittlebitrobot

  1. Great. Thanks for the info. I'm kicking myself after walking past a hardware shop that was having a sale. There was a decent plunge router going for 40 bones (£30), but I had stuff to do first. I went back twenty minutes later and it was gone. Sick. I hope you're making more progress with this. I love seeing it develop.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425133002' post='2704311'] You were my second choice, if that helps any... [/quote] It surely does! Thanks
  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1425131705' post='2704296'] [color=#800000][size=5][b]Voting ends tonight at midnight![/b][/size][/color] [/quote] I'm hoping for a strong, last-minute swell of support, to the tune of about 12 votes. I should've done more door-to-door canvassing.
  4. It's coming along lovely. I'm glad to see somebody else is taking advantage of the weather. I made the first bit of progress on my latest project for the first time in months the other day. Thanks for the link to exotichardwoods. I'm sure that'll come in handy some day I need to buy a router to go any further with mine but I'm glad to see it's possible to do it with one of the smaller ones. The thing is, I see a box for a bigger, plunge router in your most recent photos but I assume the hand router does just as good a job?
  5. Yeah, I just assume people are using the image as a starting point and going from there, rather than uploading an old tune or whatever. When it comes to voting, I cast the image from my mind (and then stamp on it a little bit and kick it into a puddle) and just choose whatever one I like most.
  6. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1424939989' post='2702061'] Every time I look, they are sold out! [/quote] seems like you have to be checking in the wee hours.
  7. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1424696424' post='2699194'] Thanks BotB. The five string fretless acoustic has sold out. The basic six decos have been around so long that I guessed that there were loads of them. Not any more it seems. [/quote] Thankfully. I check the deko page constantly and I've just been hovering over that fretless 5. So glad that temptation is gone.
  8. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1424810762' post='2700789'] 3 clear standout tracks for me...[/quote] That's lucky! I had one clear winner and three others I liked, so one had to go.
  9. and thanks very much for the write-up, Dad3353. So nice of you to take the time to do this, and for being kind to me
  10. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1424615157' post='2698284'] The problem with listening to these is that I find it completely demoralising... :| [/quote] I thought, and still think, that but it's silly really. There's nothing to lose! Just have fun and get stuck in. Nobody's going to insult you or sneer at you. It's really supportive here. I mean, look at Dad3353. He hasn't said a bad word about any of my submissions when anybody else could quite easily tear them apart. That's not the style here. I love the CompComp We're all sitting here, typing away with a bass on our laps but I want to know what happens when you stop typing and just start noodling about. Some people idolise Jamerson, some Jaco, some Entwhistle and, who knows, maybe even Gene Simmons but it's not until you upload something that we can get an idea of just what a wide variety of bassery that we're all into. If you're half-interested in submitting, go for it. I want to hear what you sound like.
  11. It'll be interesting to see how this new voting thing turns out. I have one very clear favourite, but I also voted for what I thought were next strongest entries. I'm no kind of statistician (unless 'crap statistician' is a job) so I can't really figure out all the possible outcomes. Basically, I'm imagining that the winner might be the third choice of everybody who voted for it, but nobodys favourite. Anyway, let's just watch and see
  12. Jinkies! Eleven entries.
  13. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1424299667' post='2695014'] Yeah... there is a risk that everyone will vote for everyone! Which would be a lovely kind of utopia, if a little boring. We'll perhaps ask listeners to "vote for their top three favourite compositions". We can't limit it to three votes, so we'll have to see how it goes. [/quote] I don't really see that as a risk. I'm not saying the people who vote aren't kind and enthusiastic but I think the voting is like saying 'click each one you'd be happy to see win over the others'. I don't think, in that case, you'd click more than three. Most times it'll be one or two.
  14. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1424255863' post='2694340'] Don't worry, I've gone for this month's [i]nul points[/i] crown! [/quote] That's the second best prize after winning. I was sure I was on for it last month. I had zero up until the voting closed and the final tally showed three for me. I don't know how that happened. I was glad of the sympathy votes in a way, but I was also kind of looking forward to getting literally zero. Maybe this month!
  15. Great. I clicked the instant I saw your avatar beside the forum link This is really interesting. As if prompted by the side of a cereal box, I have a couple of questions/comments. 1. Where did you get that walnut? 2. What do you plan to do with the bits of the Cort that you're not using? 3. That yew is [b]gorgeous. [/b]Being as toxic as it is, did you have any trouble working with it? Or did you take any extra precautions? I can't wait to see more.
  16. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1424120978' post='2692956'] I don't get cup cake making or customising clothes but I manage to let it go and let those that do enjoy it. [/quote] no no no no...you need to get on some forum and make them explain themselves.
  17. This has probably been done to death. I couldn't care less what people do to their own instruments but I'd say there's two strong arguments for doing it. 1. Aesthetics. I'm slightly biased as someone who pays their rent by making art but I think aesthetics are crucial. You can get a wide range of tones out of any decent bass. The difference is looks and, most importantly, feel. I know I wouldn't own a bass that sounded amazing but looked like a heap of sh... To some people, that is the most beautiful bass. Not me. I like the "coffee table" basses. 2. I think Paul Simonon said he bought a brand new P bass and as soon as he got it home, carved his initials into it. So it's done. There's no preciousness, no pussy-footing about lest the pristine new guitar get a scratch. I'd say there's very, very few[i] relic'd bass[/i] owners who pretend, when questioned, that their bass is many decades old with genuine wear and tear.
  18. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1423960610' post='2691036'] [color=#800000][b]To clarify: voting ends next Saturday 21st![/b][/color] [/quote] voting ends or voting begins?
  19. Ok, I'm submitting. After never really getting into any flow with last months comp, I wondered if there was more to life than Kraftwerk and sci-fi soundtracks. I decided there isn't. Nevertheless, I thought I should approach this one more loosey-goosey and instead of my usual thing of writing on the bass and then transferring to MIDI, I kept this almost all on the bass (this is BASSchat after all). The other reason is to get the CLANG of steel on steel that the inspiration picture put in my head. Not overly happy with it by any stretch but I'm really busy with work this month so I have to leave it where it is. Anyway, enough waffles, here's the noise: [url="https://soundcloud.com/alittlebitrobot/clangour"]https://soundcloud.c...trobot/clangour[/url]
  20. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1422787742' post='2676678'] Having stared at the picture for a short while , I see a big smiley face with light bulb nose on the front of the boiler [/quote] Yep saw that too. I saw the photo earlier and I've been telling myself not to use a beat that sounds like the wheels on a track. The problem is, I don't think I can keep that promise.
  21. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1422749447' post='2676519'] Yay! Congrats Ben! I warn you all though, I'm entering in February...and I play to lose! [/quote] This forum ain't big enough for [i]two[/i] old, tin robots from the future.. that February loss is MINE. Oh, and yes, congratulations Old_Ben You had my vote.
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1422224921' post='2670169'] Who knows, you could be choosing it yourself..! [/quote] [checks poll] ...unlikely.
  23. Voted! Looking forward to next months picture already
  24. Right. I pretty much meant everything I said about my effort this month. To put it nicely, I struggled. And now, the time has run out so, rather than totally abandoning it, I've uploaded it because I'll never get anywhere if I just abandon everything that isn't working. I'm not sure in what way, but I need to approach next months competition a bit differently. Anyway, here it is https://soundcloud.com/alittlebitrobot/space-rabbits I did at least keep it brief for you
  25. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1421966654' post='2667348'] Well we've got a ruddy good turnout for January already! Well done all If your work is still 'in progress' (like mine...) then you have until midnight on Saturday to knock it into shape. Or just say hell with it, and post it up anyway! [i]"Art is never finished, only abandoned"[/i], and all that. [/quote] Mine'll be abandoned all right. Although, I think the correct term is "fly-tipping"
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