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Everything posted by alittlebitrobot

  1. This thread kinda makes me seem like I care more about the look of a bass than anything else. Far from it, but I so rarely buy new guitars, it's important to me that I like everything about it. Yeah, that change in scale has made a monkey of me a few times. If I look at my left hand it's ok, but if I look away or if I'm playing a riff I know well, my muscle memory kicks in and my fingers go out of position. Only slightly, but it's enough to make some horrible bum notes The thing with the B is that the fretted notes are fine, it's just that open note that reminds me of an electric guitar going through an octave pedal. Technically, it's the right frequency and all that but the note just lacks that real weight. I'm sure there are great 34" B strings out there but the 506 has such a light and slim body, it's probably a lost cause from the start. Still, not a big deal at all. I love it.
  2. oops. I used my public dropbox folder but, if it's not working, I'll just use the BC attachment option.
  3. Hello, I just thought I'd make a little New Bass Day post. I don't expect (m)any of you to be interested in the texty bit but I'd like it to be here because it's the kind of thing that would've answered a lot of questions for me a couple of months ago. [b]The pictures are underneath. Feel free to skip to the end.[/b] So, briefly, I was on Denmark street in September and played an Ibanez SR506 in a shop there for a very short time but I really loved it. When I got home (Ireland), I started reading about it and shopping around for one. The only thing I didn't like was the finish but when I saw a photo of the maple fretboard 506, it looked [b]so[/b] much better and I've never had a maple board bass before. Then I realised that there were a few 506s for sale but I couldn't find any with the maple board. I posted here to see if I could find out why they were unavailable and somebody explained that it's a deliberate move by Ibanez to keep some models available only in the US [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/215709-bass-models-and-geographic-limitations/"]http://basschat.co.u...ic-limitations/[/url] I found one guy selling one on eBay so I emailed him to see if he'd ship internationally. He wasn't willing to but he did tell me that Sam Ash will do it. I emailed them, got a quote for the bass, a hardshell case and shipping. After going through dutycalculator.com and figuring out what the import would cost me, the price still worked out nicely. So, it was 700 dollars for the bass, 70 for the case and 80 for the shipping. The bass was posted (with a tracking number) on a Monday, arrived in customs on Friday and was in my house on Monday. ...not bad at all. Anyway, I love it. It came with a new set of Elixirs on it but nuts to that. I swapped them out straight away for a set of Fodera strings. I slightly regret it, though because I'm finding it hard to tell how different the strings are. I should've lived with the Elixers for a while and then changed them. The 6 string I have been playing for about 5 years now is the Peavey Grind. It's poorly named, though. It's actually quite a mellow bass and there were two reasons for wanting to switch to a 506; the active electronics because my taste in tone is going that way for some reason and the 34" scale. I have to admit, my little hands are [i]much[/i] happier now with the [i]slightly[/i] smaller scale. On that point, there is one area where the Peavey wins without question, and it's the low B. Not sure if it's because it's a heavier body or the longer scale but the B on the Grind is fantastic. An open B on the 506 is a bit... hollow.. or something. It's a bit like a bass doing an impression of a low B. Ok, that's all. Here's yer pics. The box: [attachment=145961:1.jpg] The case: [attachment=145960:2.jpg] The bass: [attachment=145962:3.jpg] [attachment=145963:5.jpg]
  4. I'm fairly sure that's the fretted version of the bass Bakithi played on Graceland. If so, then that is one of the nicest-sounding basses ever made even if it's not aesthetically my cup of tea. http://youtu.be/Hk7MCvCHNQA
  5. Well, here's one going for 900 buckaroos [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tocoma-Thunderchief-5-string-bass-guitar-/290987702666?pt=Guitar&hash=item43c037f98a"]http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tocoma-Thunderchief-5-string-bass-guitar-/290987702666?pt=Guitar&hash=item43c037f98a[/url] (that's about £550/€650) but the seller mentions a repair job and, therefore, a low reserve. I'm not sure about that "$1900" but philw's right, there may be someone so desperate to own one that they'd pay double that. I suppose you could put it up for sale and overvalue it, to see what kind of offers you get.
  6. holy unbelievable mackerel They're amazing! I love burl wood. I hate this forum.
  7. I can't believe the AMAZING basses that swap owners on this forum. This is unbearable..
  8. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1380045018' post='2220079'] Been in her case un-played since bought new.[/quote] eh? ..lovely bass, though
  9. wow. Your girlfriend's right, it is a pretty bass guitar. My girlfriend feels the same about the Stu Zender Iroquai bass. Warwick* really know how to make pretty basses *[sub]in the interests of balance, Spector also make pretty basses.[/sub]
  10. Permit a non bass-related anecdote: I had a nice guitar and a crappy old mis-shapen Squier telecaster. (ok, the nice guitar was only an Epiphone but it was a very good one). This sounds silly but I just didn't feel like the Epi had any music in it for me. When I'd pick it up, I'd enjoy the feel and the tone but I never wrote anything on it. Every time I pick up the tele something new comes out. So, like you, I took the notion of selling the Epi but I wasn't sure because it was such a nice guitar. I put it in it's case and put it downstairs where my guitars aren't. Just to see if I'd miss it. Well, out of sight, out of mind. Not once in about two months did I go downstairs to get it. So, I sold it. The guy that bought it loves it, which makes me so happy AND I used the money to buy a midi keyboard and a little Zoom digital 8-track, both of which I'm having a whale of a time with. Sell it.
  11. I have the toy version of this (the Grind 6) and even that is a really good bass. I've played a Cirrus 5 and it's the best bass I've ever played, albeit I don't have the experience that most people here have. If not for the fact that I need to move down to a 34" bass, this is pretty much my dream bass Good luck with the sale.
  12. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1379662417' post='2215283'] tr33m4n is being a bit cunning here. We're all using his referral link to enter and therefore giving him an extra entry to the competition whenever one of us signs up....! [/quote] haha, very sneaky. I already entered before this thread, but I made the 'share post' visible only to me so as not to spam my friends on FB. ...I'm not very good at this whole "social" media thing.
  13. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1379632616' post='2215209'] Done, when I win it the first grand in cash gets it. cos' it's got too many strings and knobs for me. [/quote] Actually, I'd feel so guilty if I was given a bass like this. Such a massive waste for it to spend it's life being played through a guitar practice amp by some loser farting about in his bedroom. When I win, I'll give it to a supernaturally talented street urchin as his ticket to fame and glory.
  14. yeah, I saw that earlier. It just seems incredible that it could be genuine. ...still entered
  15. Hello! A Swedish friend of mine has a cat called Chris. I find it hard to believe there could be two Swedish Chrises, so let me just say how impressed I am that a cat can play bass AND speak Swedish.
  16. Do you really imagine people would complain about there being [i]too many[/i] photos of this bass?
  17. [quote name='Jimmi Clarke' timestamp='1378285307' post='2198019'] Hi, Is the 506 still available? [/quote] same question from me
  18. Looks like Jimmi means business
  19. [quote name='7enderhead' timestamp='1378967014' post='2207033'] Well, I live over in Austria, so Euros are my native currency... [/quote] haha, sorry. I didn't think to look at your location Well, what would your asking price be in Euros? I must admit, I don't know anything about the 1306. I only recently played an SR506 (and very much enjoyed it) so I'm not familiar with the variations of Soundgears yet. Are the biggest differences between this and the 506 the electronics and the woods? I'm asking because I want to be sure it feels like the 506 I played (body size, body shape, scale length, neck shape, string spacing at bridge and nut). You said the string spacing is 16.5 so it seems like all the other dimensions probably are the same as the 506.
  20. oh my... I just checked the exchange rate to Euros. ..not sure if I can do it, but sooo tempted. I'm jealous of whoever gets this
  21. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1378765144' post='2204556'] Ibanez BTB-7 NT (though I dislike its looks) [/quote] Hey, BassTractor. I just happened to see this on eBay. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/BRAND-NEW-Ibanez-BTB7-Maple-Bubinga-Walnut-Neck-Through-Hardshell-Case-/300963939850?hash=item4612d9460a and check out those import charges... 1745.78 dollars all told.
  22. Oh, you know...just the usual. An MTD 635, which I will never own. eg. It helps to keep my GAS manageable.
  23. [quote name='cavster123' timestamp='1378438961' post='2200310'] I bought it off a Polish guy living here who had it built for him.The luthier is also Polish[/quote] aha, the Polish connection. That's excellent. The website is fun. Some nice stuff. Some MAD stuff... granite fretboards! We could really do with more importing of exotic instruments so adverts.ie starts looking more like your post and less like an army of Stellahs and Tanglewood Rebel 4ks Thanks for the offer, but I'm looking for a 6 string and my budget is much much less than what you're asking anyway
  24. wow, that's crazy... and you're only up the road from me. I'm curious to know how you came to own it. Was it made for you? Being in Ireland makes it hard to find anything slightly out of the ordinary, and buying something without holding it first just makes me nervous, even though I've done it twice
  25. That sucks. Sorry to hear that's the reason for selling.
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