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Marc S

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Everything posted by Marc S

  1. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1425034628' post='2703155'] Lol FWIW I love rehearsals, i hang out with my mates, we play music, then go to the pub. What's not to like? [/quote] I feel exactly the same way as the OP I too learned a lot of stuff, in several bands ... only for someone else to decide they no longer wanted to continue As others have said, "why rehearse so much?" - but I enjoy doing a certain amount of rehearsals - that way, you can improve the sound, and the tightness of the band and some amount of rehearsals has to be good But you can overdo it, as some have said... Tricky balance, and it'll be different for everyone I was in the same situation as the OP And I can't recommend going along to open-mic nights enough Being without a band, and after all the work I put in I too was frustrated and wondering where to go next But at open mic nights I met a lot of musicians And started attending a local folk club Since then, I've not looked back because the musicians I've met have been better, and more committed OK, I've played bass for some time-wasters too learned their material, only for them to not turn up etc But on the whole it has been a positive experience And I've made a whole bunch of new pals... There tend to be lots of guitarists at open-mics Not so many bass players - so chat to a few, and see if you can join in on a couple of songs Even if they're just simple root note bass lines Some guitarists will appreciate adding that to a song and you'll get better at doing it, and maybe even meet some more committed musicians Good luck anyhow Don't give up hope - just change tack a little PS. I'm a terrible singer - honestly, no-one could ever teach me! lol Having said that, I occasionally do a bit of backing.... (long as it's simple)
  2. Hey that's great news! Congratulations matey Best of luck for it .... I'm playing some Celtic music festival this summer .... In Brittany!
  3. I'm in my "second phase" of playing bass The first phase I gave up, partly due to relationships and getting married, having my son etc etc After 20+ years, and a divorce, I started playing again about 6 or 7 years back... I've never looked back since I really don't think I'd have been able to balance work & family life the first time round I know I'm really lucky, in that my (2nd) wife is just so supportive, and often comes along to gigs etc I'm involved in several bands / duos and work full time We don't have kids (my son is now nearly 23!) - so I'm "lucky" again in that sense But time is still an issue, as I have to spend lots of time practising and learning songs... I really don't know how you manage full time work, family life and being busy musically too Hats off to you. Yes music is your hobby, and is very important to you but divorce is painful and expensive.... I'd say talk to your wife and see what you can work out Explain that music is your passion, but consider that you must also help her, and be supportive Also, as my lad was growing up, and we lived in different towns there was an awful lot I later felt I missed out on I'm sure you wouldn't want that for your kids... Maybe you could use a dep player for some gigs? Whatever - I wish you luck and all the best with it It's tricky, there are no "right" answers which will work for everyone... Hope you sort it, and come to a happy arrangement Marc
  4. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1424940497' post='2702070'] I have heard of this very rare condition but a little further research reveals that it is easily rectified. For Gods sake man, pull yourself together and don't let any of our wives/girlfriends/partners know that this condition exists. [/quote] Lol! Top answer PS. I mustn't let my wife know of this condition so shhhh! So now you have some space & some cash... .... hmmm - bet a bass would look nice in that empty space
  5. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1424454554' post='2696567'] Ah that's better I absolutely love my RW Jazz it's the best Jazz I've ever owned by a long shot. [/quote] Love my Roadworn Jazz too and ditto - best Jazz I've owned, or even played In fact, it's the best bass I've ever played Honestly, if I didn't already have too many basses, I'd have this! Best colour IMO too Have a free bump
  6. I currently use Spirocore Weichs They are low-ish tension, and you can bow with them I think they're still a bit harsh on my fingers for proper slap style though.... On my last bass I had Innovation "Silver Slaps" which were much better for slap, but not good for bowing.... These are chunkier strings, and are nylon coated, with a sort of rope core, I believe Innovation also do a set called "Rockabilly" which are also suited to Slap (as you may have gathered) It's a whole different world of choice, from that of Bass Guitar eh? Good luck & let us know what you discover BTW. Innovation strings are also rather cheaper than most steel strings....
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1424731730' post='2699918'] Calling those of you with 60s Limelight P's..... How are the neck profiles? Are they shallow front-to-back, or do they have a bit of 'chunk' about them? [/quote] You can specify what neck you want on your order I played one P with an old fashioned, chunky neck Which to me, felt like an old 70's P bass I used to have I played another P, which had the modern C shape neck on it You wouldn't necessarily have known that, except when it came to playing That neck was much more like I prefer - it was similar to a Jazz neck but maybe a tad deeper at the nut end Very similar in fact to my Classic Vibe 60's Squier P bass So 2 quite different necks there.... If you speak to Mark, he'll let you know what the choices are
  8. Nice, neat work with the Dremmel looks fine to me, and is useful for trussrod adjustments with out the need to take the neck off, or tilt it! Just wonder whether something like tea might help with an ageing tint? It's pretty good at staining cups, after all .... and your bass won't smell like last nights' curry Keep us posted with any progress Cheers again Marc
  9. I wouldn't call that an Ibanez if the body isn't original... Wouldn't go for that bass, as the gap at th top of the neck pocket is huge ...and the mounting plate is rather wonky I'd be asking myself what the holes in the neck are like, as there may be 2 sets of them Interesting question though - if the neck, guard, electrics etc are Ibanez, but the body is not.... is it still an Ibanez?
  10. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1424440639' post='2696333'] No one EVER studies machine heads from the back! They will be fine. I have a bitsa tele with some really car crash machine head placement on the back. I have never even given them a second look. [/quote] I agree too. Looks like you've done a pretty fine job with that Dremmel IMO Great solution - you keep the slightly tarnished / roadworn tuners and it didn't cost you anything I find I'm looking at this thread every day now! So come on - get a move on.... get those stickers in place! We want more progress Lol (said the man whose had a bitsa P build sat in a box in the garage for 2 months! Cheers again Marc
  11. Hi there 4 candles I agree completely that these are superb basses I honestly can't underline enough how great these look, sound & feel They are just spot on, in every respect I've played (+ owned quite a few) basses in my time Some much more expensive basses at that! But nothing comes close to my RW Jazz I've got the more usual sunburst colour, But Fiesta Red has become my favourite colour for a bass lately... That looks very nice - if i were you, I'd be tempted to keep it, as I don't think there are so many in this colour Have a free bump, for an absolutely fantastic instrument Another BC'er wibbler 41asked me to keep an eye out for one of these, so I've let him know yours is for sale GLWTS - but keep it If I had some spare cash (and the space) I'd have this one off you in a flash Cheers Marc
  12. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1419104529' post='2636678'] Yeah I saw that last night. Made me have a good long think if I could rock shell pink..... [/quote] Sorry, I'm re-posting (re-quoting) this again Purely because I haven't seen the pics of this bass for a few days now I am an addict, and I don't mind admitting it This bass is THE best looking bass I've ever seen I'm pretty sure I've even dreamed about it! lol There is no hope for me, is there? Cor! Just Cor!!!!
  13. Marc S

    Hi Mates

    Hi Skyblue, Welcome to BC - join in the discussions and let us know more about you e.g. bass (basses lol) amps, influences etc Enjoy your stay
  14. Yes to all the above - practice, practice, practice.... Not tried the Danny signature strings But I have tried several types, and I'm amazed at just how different each type is, and what a huge difference in sound they can make I'd say the same for bass guitar too, but it's an even bigger difference to DB in my opinion.... Interestingly, I saw Danny play a few years back, at Cambridge Folk Fest, in the original lineup of Pentangle (RIP Mr Jansch) The sound engineers had quite some problem with Danny's sound It was a huge sound, but there was a lot of feedback going on too I'm sure that was mainly their problem, not Danny's But sadly, it spoiled the last time I saw the original lineup of Pentangle.... Let us know what strings you try, and what you think of them + 1 for Spirocore Weichs, for me..... EDIT: I meant to add the anecdote I'm sure many of you have heard; On setting up his bass in a studio one day, the engineer was having problems with Danny's sound "What the heck is going on?" The young engineer remarked... "That my son, is called tone - and it's taken me 25 years to get it, so leave it alone!"
  15. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1424339482' post='2695210'] And this guy is about the cheapest about to get them Its in Spain but arrived in 3 days and was really helpful [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/egilegorbasses/"]http://stores.ebay.c...egilegorbasses/[/url] [/quote] Thanks for that link Mudpup Useful to know they deliver really quickly too [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1424340225' post='2695229'] Yes, sell the one you have and buy the right one. Don't 'modify' your Euro! [/quote] +1 to this!
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1423957774' post='2691002'] A P bass needs to be played through an amp with a band. Air needs to be moved. Trousers need to be flapped. Wombs need to be vibrated. And quite possibly in that order. Playing solo bass through headphones is like having a hand shandy on a bus. No-one does it unless they [i]really [/i]have to. [/quote] +1 I haven't stopped laughing since reading this several minutes ago Try your bass through some decent quality amps for a real sound test.... If you're still not happy after reading the replies to this thread Try changing your headphones
  17. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1424257047' post='2694363'] all the cool instruments were taken... [/quote] .... what, you mean the double bass?
  18. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1424269335' post='2694550'] There was a poll a year or two back, there's actually a decent number of us on the forum that are naturally left handed but play right handed (including me). [/quote] And me! I thought I was unique, being a lefty, but playing a righty.... Turns out I'm not - far from it Don't think I saw that poll - but I've mentioned this on a few threads Anyhow, we had all live music at our wedding 14 months back Including myself, there were 3 bassists in attendance .... all of us left-handed, but playing right
  19. I'm not a fan of Warwicks myself really I like the way they look, but they aren't particularly comfortable to play However, this one looks identical to FuNkShUi's bass I played that at a bass bash in Cardiff, and I can honestly say I've never played a Warwick like it! Absolutely awesome bass, and they don't come round too often... I'm amazed it's still here at that price, and if I didn't already have too many basses, I'd be sorely tempted Honestly, there do seem to be a lot of great basses going cheaply atm Not just Warwicks, but Fenders, MusicMan basses etc etc I recently sold my MM, in (less common) Red, for way too little Perhaps it's just not the right time of year? Maybe there's a lot on the market? Who knows? But this bass really should be snapped up GLWTS, and someone buy it - to stop it from tempting me
  20. I started way back, in about 1980 or 81 Some mates were setting up a band, and they needed a bass player I was into punk - The Clash, Undertones, Damned, The Stranglers etc I loved the sound JJ Burnell of the Stranglers got from his P bass So I thought "Why not?" and gave it a go [attachment=184199:Band 80s.jpg] Back in the 80's! I took to it OK, and always enjoyed my choice of instrument (though I would never say I was a "natural") After several bands splitting, and finally realising I was never going to make it as a rock star and 4 or 5 years of playing..... I gave up! Marriage, family life, mortgages and having to do up a house etc etc got in the way BUT..... after an absence of around 25 years (shock horror!) - I started playing again Wished I'd never given up in the 1st place, but hey ho..... just glad I started again Still love my punk music, but into all sorts of stuff these days, including folk and playing double bass sometimes too [attachment=184200:Nic and Marc RFC crop.jpg] Onstage at Rumney Folk Club, with my pal singer-songwriter Nic Thomas
  21. There is a string identifier on here somewhere....
  22. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1424175431' post='2693415'] I bought a few of these electrical clips, they are meant for mains electricity but I'm hoping I can use them temporarily between the pick-up and the volume pot so I can easily test out different pick-ups without having to resolder each time. [attachment=184136:clip.JPG] [/quote] Yes indeed - a great idea! Let us know how well this works - could be really useful If you haven't started grinding out the holes on the headstock, or grinding the tuners I'd defo look around for some smaller tuners You can pick up Squier tuners quite cheap on ebay - or maybe someone on here? If you have oval holes in the headstock, I think you could end up with all sorts of tuning problems when the strings are under full tension Keep us posted on your progress I really must find time for my bitsa P bass project..... EDIT: Any holes left in the back of your headstock, due to the current tuners can be filled - by simply using PVA glue, and the end of toothpicks - as illustrated in the Haynes Fender Bass Manual (nice book that, if you haven't seen it) Best Marc
  23. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1424170975' post='2693326'] "Allow yourself to follow your heart by trusting your head to deal with the consequences". There you are, sorted, go fretless. P [/quote] +++1 to this Love it
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