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Marc S

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Posts posted by Marc S

  1. I find it also varies, depending on the bass
    Sometimes you can give a neck more relief on one bass,
    and it seems to work well....

    ... on another bass however, a similar amount of relief
    (difficult to judge whether it is exactly the same)
    and it doesn't work so well, and you may end up with buzzing etc

  2. [quote name='lowlandtrees' timestamp='1400653248' post='2455742']
    .....Think I am going to have to nail my GAS down and be patient

    Yes, that's the best attitude
    It's harder than it sounds though....
    Be warned lol

    Good luck with your search
    Put your savings in an account, and leave the card at home, somewhere safe, and out of sight ;)


  3. I think TheG has said it really
    It all depends what you want to pay.....

    Of course, the best thing to do, would be to try a few out
    But that's not always easy
    When I was on the lookout, there were absolutely none for sale anywhere near me (South Wales)

    And looking on ebay, I contacted sellers, who mostly seemed to want me to pay for the bass in full
    and meet in a carpark of a service station! :o

    Keep your eyes open here, in the for sale section
    (That's where I just bought my lovely new DB!!!)

    Good luck
    If you were anywhere near me, you could have tried my old bass.....

    EDIT: I haven't looked back since starting on DB :)
    Trouble is, if you've got an itch, and there are none around for sale.... it's misery - groan

  4. Just bought a lovely David Gage double bass from Greg
    He's a great guy, really helpful & communicative
    and had good answers for my questions (some of which were probably daft)

    A real pleasure to deal with and all-round nice guy
    Deal with absolute confidence basschatters :)

  5. Just bought a Squier Jazz neck from Chris
    It was just as he'd described, and a smooth transaction, and really fast delivery

    Great guy to deal with - really pleasant & helpful
    Deal with confidence folks :)

    Cheers again Chris

  6. [quote name='mikeh' timestamp='1399137215' post='2441438']
    I'm done mate, too much hastle getting the band sorted and gigs booked. Going to concentrate on !my fitness and training.

    That's a shame mate :(

    I know how you feel re other band members
    Someone has always peeed me off, no matter what band I've been in
    and there's been a few - even in the last year :o

    I used to play years ago - then gave up..... for over 20 years
    what with marriage, moving, birth of my son, band splitting etc etc

    Then a few years back I started again
    And I've never looked back since....

    I'd say that bass looks fab, and you'd struggle to get another like it
    As you've said yourself, it's a great bass

    Don't let other musicians / bands etc get you down
    Keep your fab bass, pick it up from time to time - keep your hand in
    and who knows? In a few years you might find a better bunch of musicians...

    I really really wish I'd never given up, all those years back
    I'd be so much better now - and think how much my 1972 USA Fender P, with maple neck would be worth now :o
    More than the measly £175 I got for it, I know

    Hang in there mate - and pick your bass up again, after a bit of a rest from it :)


  7. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1400068295' post='2450372']
    A second hand Stagg would get you a very affordable EUB that will not lose you any money if you subsequently decide to move it on. If you've never played any sort of DB before it will give you a rough idea & cure some immediate GAS. Personally I'm very happy with mine and currently have no desire to upgrade. It's compact and very giggable as a bit of a novelty.

    Shame you couldn't make it to the Midlands Bass Bash ... from the chap that took the EUB! :D

    My sentiments exactly :)

  8. Hi PInball,

    I read this thread with interest
    For years I didn't particularly care for Stingrays

    Lately though, I played one and started to see what the fuss was all about
    I traded one in for a Warwick I owned - which I wasn't getting on quite so well with....

    I loved the Warwick sound, but found all the controls overly fussy,
    and struggled to get my sound consistently good
    Perhaps this was due to other band members adjusting their sounds,
    and me trying to compensate, to get something that sat better in the mix

    Re the neck. I always preferred slimmer, narrower necks
    but have leaned more to a neck wider at the heel lately
    That's personal preference again, but it's also dictated by what you are playing...
    I'm doing more finger-style now, and re-experimenting with slap, and I'm playing less pick
    Of course, the size of your fingers will also contribute to playing style here.....

    I have to say that the playability of my new MM is great,
    the neck is absolutely fabulous
    and I'm happy I can get a sound that sits right in the mix,
    without having to fiddle too much with lots of controls

    I'm so glad I got my MM
    but I'm amazed at how your own tastes and preferences can change

    I'd say you're right in not rushing into anything
    but as others have said, try a couple out
    I'm so glad I got to try one properly
    and even more pleased I actually got one :)

    Good luck with trying some out
    and let us know what you decide


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