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Marc S

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Posts posted by Marc S

  1. I'd say, if you're new to DB
    This bass could be a bit of a risk, for all the points mentioned above

    It's difficult to know what is a good instrument and what isn't
    if you haven't played much.....
    I'd recommend seeking a few out, and giving them a whirl
    Not always easy depending on where you live, and how many there are in shops near you

    I was very lucky, in that Sarah (above) sold me my lovely Boosey & Hawkes laminate
    I was in your position just a short while ago
    and I'm so glad I bought my bass

    Is there a fellow Basschat member near you, who'd be kind enough to let you have a play of their bass?
    Keep your eye on the "for sale" section of this forum
    It's a good place to buy from, IMHO

    Good luck, and let us know what you decide


    EDIT: There's a bass F/S on this forum at the moment, actually

    Worth a look, at least?

  2. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1394016362' post='2386867']
    If you want graphic finish, you could simply use a clear pickguard material like perspex, which allows you to place any image you want behind it - when the the pickguard is in place even a matt colour photocopy/printout will look nice and glossy. I hand cut one for my squire strat many years ago and mounted this image underneath.


    It is a bit fiddly trimming the picture that you want to sit underneath, but it has the advantage that you can make adjustments to the position of the image before commiting and change it out if you get bored with it.

    I simply made a single ply clear plate and placed the image underneath - being older and wiser, if I were to repeat this method, I would use two layers for the scratchplate, allowing me to sandwich the image in the middle, and importantly apply proper shielding to the rear of the bottom layer (a big fail in my original effort).

    Great idea!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Please make sure you let us know what you opt for....
    I'm getting excited for you now, LOL

    I'm sure you'll enjoy owning & playing a DB

    String choice will depend on personal preference
    and that's hard to pin down, until you've experimented a bit
    Which is, of course, difficult

    I play pizzicato, and prefer lower tension strings
    I opted for Innovation "Silver Slaps" which suit me fine
    I'm not sure if you're aware, but Daf Lewis on this forum
    will let you borrow a set of any of the Innovation strings...
    Just send them on to the next person who wants to try them....

    Anyhow, good luck with it all

  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1393420726' post='2379980']
    Beautiful? It's a pain inducing money pit :lol:

    I think for me, the initial outlay, and new set of strings and a pickup, was a tad pain-inducing,

    However, as someone else said "owning a double bass is a beautiful thing"
    I couldn't agree more. Also, since buying said strings, pickup (and case)
    It hasn't cost me any more
    but the joy it brings is immeasurable
    I can't imagine life without playing my DB now

    If you're thinking about getting a DB - just do it!
    That's my humble opinion

    I'm so glad I bought mine :)


    PS. OP - don't forget to contact Gedo too
    Their basses look stunning

  5. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1392804461' post='2372845']
    They are fine as starter instruments and, yes, an upgrade on bridge and strings would be a good idea. Alternatives include Gedo Musik's basses which are similarly priced (I started on one priced at around £1400 but they are perfectly credible at lower prices). If you want to hear my cheap, nasty bass (irony, it's lovely), check out 'Calypso Zoom', 'Speak Now', 'Estate', 'Wee' or 'Caravan' on my Soundccloud page.

    There is a lot of what I call hysteria about cheap basses but, in my opinion, getting one looked at by a luthier and getting to the act of playing the damn thing will be more use to you than agonising over whether to spend £700 this year or wait another six months until you have £1500. The difference between the two will be irrelevant for a few years until you really get a handle on the instrument. My 'cheap' bass sounds four times better now than it did when I got it. Not because it has been modified but because I have been playing it for four years now and am much better than I was when I bought it! I cannot see how a marginally 'better' (i.e. different) bass would improve my 'thing' as convincingly.

    My advice in one sentence: Just start your journey and enjoy it.

    So well put
    Good advice :)


  6. Not tried one personally, but when I was looking for my first DB
    most folk on here seemed to say they were pretty good
    The advice seemed to be to stay away from G4M,
    but that Thomann were OK

    A lot of folk on here really rate Geddo in Germany though
    I've read several BC'ers who are more than pleased with their DB
    and they'll set it up the way you want too

    Here's a link to one of their DB's on ebay


    Good luck, and happy shopping :)


  7. Bump from me
    I've got one of these, and to anyone considering this bass
    They're amazing! - Don't dawdle, buy it now before someone else does....

    An absolutely superb bass, with a great EQ range
    and so so light and playable - the necks on these are slim
    and they're just so comfortable to play
    and such good value for that money too

    Good luck selling it, I'm sure you'll get a sale on here

  8. Hi, and welcome to the forum, and to the world of bass
    I'd go with your feelings re your exams at the moment, if I were you
    I too would want to be playing with / experimenting with a new instrument
    ..... stick to your studies for now,
    and treat yourself afterwards!

    You should be able to get a decent enough bass for under that money
    but adding an amp you could gig with could be difficult
    However, I'd go for getting the best bass you can - get a cheap 5 or 10 Watt practice combo for now,
    and save for a better amp, when your playing has improved

    There are plenty of decent budget basses around these days
    Ibanez basses are great IMO
    and several of the Squier range are fine
    I have an Indonesian built Squier P bass, and it's great - for just over £200
    or go for 2nd hand - but check with care before buying, if buying online

    You sound like you already have several guitars,
    so you know some of the things to look for, when buying an instrument
    You could always sell, or swap / PX a guitar? - just a thought....

    Good luck with your studies, and your playing
    Good music taste too matey :)

    Cheers now


  9. I've got a pick guard off a Squier P bass,
    it's in white - if that's any use to you?

    The tip with the Coke really works
    Just don't spill it over the electrics! ;)

    And as the above poster says
    Don't adjust the truss rod with any tension on the neck :o

    Good luck, and let us know how you get on


  10. Hi there,

    I started a thread last year, along the same lines

    I'm left handed, and always played the right handed way around
    I always thought that it felt more natural to me to play this way
    Other (right handed) musicians who were learning around the same time as me
    thought I had progressed quickly, and had good control over my left hand

    I have since discovered several other lefties, who play right handed guitars
    and they all say the same thing;
    that the left hand is the one which requires more precise control
    and therefore the natural one for using to pick out notes
    These guys also say that yes, both hands are busy,
    but the right hand is essentially just tapping out the rhythm...

    I'm not sure I totally agree with that,
    as it depends on how you play,
    and I'd argue that just as much accuracy is required of both hands

    Still, it is an interesting thought
    The basic consensus of my thread (above) was that although we label people as Left or Right handed
    The reality isn't as black & white as that....
    There are indeed degrees of right or left handedness
    Some things will feel better or more natural either way

    A right handed pal of mine plays golf with left handed clubs
    and I can't use left handed scissors for instance, even though I'm a lefty

    Some lefties play right handed instruments because it feels more natural
    but others because of the limited availability and higher price of lefty instruments
    and I fall into the first category

    Thanks for posting this interesting point
    and it's nice to hear right handed peoples point of view on this


    EDIT: If you are talking crap - I beat you to it! ;)
    BTW. I'm often to be heard talking cr@p lol

  11. [quote name='Jezyorkshire' timestamp='1392245475' post='2366525']
    thanks guys, just as i thought i would be just as confused as before lol, its like a woman telling a bloke to go to the supermarket and get some washing powder for the washing machine !!!!!

    Oh no, it can't be[b] that[/b] confusing ;)

  12. Congrats indeed, chuffed of Scotland

    I spent most of 2012 and 2013 in covers and tribute bands that folded....
    I spent ages learning songs, only for the band to fold, before reaching full potential,
    or ironically (and frustratingly) - just as we had some good-paying bookings and lots of enquiries coming in....

    Initially, I thought of it as valuable time wasted
    but on reflection it isn't "wasted" if it has given you some valuable rehearsal time,
    deadlines to learn a stack of songs by, something to aim for etc

    Now things are rather better, band-wise
    and I'm also hoping 2014 will be rather better

    Good luck matey

    aka, slightly chuffed, of Wales ;)

  13. I bought a cheap bow, from ebay
    brand new, for about £35
    It's wooden, not carbon fibre

    I'm sure there are plenty of good reasons for getting a much better bow
    but I'm only dabbling with it, and it seems fine

    If you're just learning - maybe one of these isn't a bad idea?
    I didn't want to spend a lot, as I'm not sure how much bowing I'll be doing....
    Like I say, seems OK to me


  14. Although they can be a bit quiet when jamming along with an acoustic guitarist
    A lot depends on who you're jamming along with, and how loud they play

    I've got an Ibanez Electro-acoustic bass, it was just over £200 and it is fabulous!
    It's plenty loud enough to jam along with music at home, and work songs out,
    without the need for an amp

    It's a dream to play, and when plugged into a decent bass amp
    there aren't many basses that sound half as good, for twice the price
    It's a little bright at times, but again - you get used to that & allow for it

    I've gigged it a few times, and often get favourable comments
    Last Sunday, another bassist, and a guitarist who also plays a bit of bass
    both approached me after an open-mic night
    They both asked how much the bass cost - thinking it must have been a small fortune!

    Neither could believe the quality of sound I was getting from it, nor the price

    I would give one a try, before judging.....
    I've got several basses, and this would be one I'd be reluctant to ever let go of :)


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