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Marc S

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Posts posted by Marc S

  1. Only just seen this thread, so I'm a bit late to add my thoughts,

    Yes, it's all very rock & roll, to smash up your gear on stage
    but as others have said, it's now rather passe & old hat

    I'm not quite with you on the instruments having a "soul"
    but I wouldn't want to criticise you over this point
    I'd absolutely hate to see my instruments smashed up
    particularly the older ones and my DB - shock, horror!

    And it does seem a rather petulant gesture on the part of musicians who smash gear up now that it has been done to death

    I did once hear a theory, that such an act is also a way of getting out of playing more encores....
    ..... bit extreme way though....

  2. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1386280002' post='2298327']
    Hi Marc, the big trend on DB is to use small speakers.......

    Hi Clarky,
    Hmmm, just wondering why this is?
    Wish I had the dosh to get one now
    These little amps are just so portable & neat....

    I'd like to try my DB through one, but no-one sells Markbass around here at the moment...
    Shame..... still, she'd no doubt tell me I don't need another amp ;)

  3. Don't think it's cheeky at all Clarky
    It's not an amp I'd consider for putting DB through

    I've got a Markbass 102P and a 15" extension cab,
    and I'm just starting to play about with the sounds using my DB with different combinations / pickups / etc
    I was surprised how the 102 sounded warmer, and generally better than just using an amp head with the 15"

    I would have thought DB sounded better through the larger speaker...
    Now you've given me something else to think about


  4. Yep, I was pleased this worked out for you too AndyBass :)

    Have a play around with it, and maybe do a couple of songs with it at a gig.....
    The Stagg got me hooked on DB, and I've not looked back
    The beauty of the Stagg is not just that it folds down to a compact size,
    but as you say, you can play it quietly while the little one's asleep

    The MP3 player socket is useful here too :)

  5. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1386060863' post='2295052']
    Ah - Floyd !

    Simply roll your own P F classic by getting the bass and drums to do something over simple and too slow while the guitar player wails some masturbatory irelevance over the top for 20 mins. 30 mins , in fact. For extra realism - write the lyrics the day after your dog dies.


  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1386077178' post='2295347']

    So named, I should think, as being of the same form as cotton spools (...and can be home-made using said spools..!).
    [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1386084969' post='2295506']
    Just thought I'd drop this new video in here for anyone now or future seeking info on hide glue :)

    [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1386111240' post='2296079']
    I used the Titebond liquid hide glue to glue the fingerboard back on my bass, really easy to use straight from the bottle and was only about a tenner for 2 16oz bottles on Amazon.

    All very useful info, for future reference
    Thanks for posting guys :)

  7. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1386106204' post='2295952']
    She couldn't have gone to anyone better, Marc. I'm glad she's being played and loved. But I have one question - how often do you play your Stagg?

    I'm glad you realise that the lovely DB you sold me is being loved & played :)
    I don't play the Stagg too regularly, but I give it a whirl occasionally
    and I take it round to a pals house for a jam....

    I put some nylon wrap strings on it, and it's quite a different feel, and quite nice to play :)

    It's far easier to lug around in the car than my DB
    ... plus, as I've mentioned, I'll take it along to gigs, as spare
    Got a gig with a guitarist pal in Newport on the 14th
    so it'll come along as spare to that.....
    I know, "belt & braces" - that's me ;)

    There was a horror story on here, where a DB player had his bridge collapse
    in an accident, mid-gig! :o
    To my mind, the Stagg is a good, cheap insurance policy

    I know others may think it could be money wasted,
    but if you buy one second-hand, then you'll pretty much get what you paid for it.....

    When searching for a DB, I found they never come up for sale anywhere near me,
    and I'd have wasted far more money, travelling around to try out a DB,
    and not really knowing what I was really looking for,
    or what would be a good, bad, or indifferent one....

    Playing the Stagg EUB at least gave me some basic ability & knowledge
    and an idea of what I was after, and some appreciation of DB playing
    I'd argue that I'd have spent as much on petrol, trying out just a handful of basses
    and could have spent far more still, buying a bass which wasn't up to scratch

    To my mind the cost of the Stagg (a little over 200 quid) was one of the best investments I made
    It convinced me to buy a DB, and I know I can get the 200 quid back

    Not sure I'll ever get used to lugging a DB around
    Not with my ageing joints etc ;)

    .... but it is worth it

  8. [quote name='henry norton' timestamp='1385935677' post='2293919']

    .....Other than that, just find, borrow or make a few spool clamps (much lighter than sash clamps) and have a go. The chances are the back's come off because it's shrunk, so it will happen again if you just glue it but if you're careful you shouldn't do any damage having a go. PM me if you want.

    Some useful info on here folks :)
    I was just wondering what "spool clamps" are though Henry?
    and why they would be better....



  9. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1386058019' post='2295014']
    Then again, a lot of people who started out on EUBs very quickly realise they want a proper wooden wardrobe jobbie and nothing else will really do. So buying an EUB can turn out to be a false economy. Why not see if your local council/music shop/music college/schools do a hire scheme? Or book a couple of lessons so you can get a feel for the upright before you decide?

    Best of luck whatever you decide.

    Sarah is basically right here, but for some (me included) buying a cheap Stagg was what made me want to buy a "proper" DB
    Getting a Stagg made me have a go at DB, and more than that, I had a prolonged trial of DB playing
    ..... if you walked into a music shop to try one out - that's not really long enough to see if it suits you...

    My Stagg wasn't expensive, and as someone else has pointed out,
    they fold down small enough to carry as a spare! - could be it gets you out of jail if a string breaks,
    or a pickup fails, or some tragedy occurs re your bridge :o

    Also, if you get a Stagg second-hand, you should pretty much get your money back
    if you decide DB isn't for you, or you just want a better DB

    IMHO The Stagg is a lot of instrument for your money
    and if your budget is tight at the moment - I'd go for it

    BUT - if it's still got the original strings on it....
    Change them straight away! They are awful......
    Again, you can get a used set on here....

    Let us know what you decide
    Hope this helps


    EDIT: I also meant to add that I have Sarah to thank, for selling me my lovely acoustic DB :)
    I am forever indebted to her for this

    ..... I'm keeping my Stagg EUB though ;)

  10. Hello and welcome to BC Ed,

    Please don't apologise for being from Texas
    There are many fine folk from that state
    - just take the Quebe Sisters, for example :)

    Hope you enjoy being a BC'er


    PS. As someone else already said "we have ale"

    EDIT: And I meant to add, I'm sure there are many, many more fine Texan people out there too :)

  11. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1385730559' post='2291594']

    .....My colleague related the time that he was lying on his bed at home with headphones on, eyes closed, listening to Wish You Were Here while here having a spot of er...
    "me time" ;) .
    When he came round there was a nice hot cup of tea on the bedside table.

    I like Pink Floyd - but they don't have that effect on me ;)

  12. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1385916727' post='2293580']
    I recently bought a Halfords tool bag [url="http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_categoryId_255214_productId_261431_langId_-1?istCompanyId=b8708c57-7a02-4cf6-b2c0-dc36b54a327e&istItemId=mptawl&istBid=tztx&_$$ja=cgid:5302137724|tsid:35522|cid:119462284|lid:18283950120|nw:search|crid:21270118204|dvc:c|adp:1o1|bku:1&gclid=CIWX1Zm9j7sCFa-WtAodQksAiA"]http://www.halfords....CFa-WtAodQksAiA[/url] It has enough pockets inside and out to organise the contents a little bit - not perfect but a lot less rummaging than before. This is just for rehearsal - I have a large old Samsonite holdall that contains the rest of the 'gig kit' into which I stick this small holdall - a kind of 2 tier system. :)

    Nice tip - thanks for the link :)

  13. You could always try one of the "Best of's" - like Echoes for instance
    You get a bit of a cross-section of the music, that way

    .... but somehow, you sort of lose the context, or "feel" of some of the tracks from Animals or Dark Side,
    maybe because some songs sit well with their album buddies,
    and not so well with other songs?

    Another +1 for Animals from me, but my fave has to be Dark Side....
    I did listen to it in the dark - back in my yoof ;)
    But it might well scare me these days :o

  14. Hello and welcome Mr Stinky
    Nice work there - don't think I'll ever get enough time to do a self-build

    Keep on learning, and try alternating, using fingers and a pick - I think it's good to do this anyway...

    Oh yeah, [b]and have fun[/b], especially playing the Ramones stuff :)

    Gabba Gabba Hey!

  15. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1385381119' post='2287479']
    I avoid this problem by arriving on time. This usually means I am the second to arrive (after the drums who always gets there early). The guitarists are always late, so they arrive last and have to find their own space. :)

    Yeah, it's usually me & drummer first...
    Guitarists are always last to arrive.... in every band I've been in!

    Besides, if they were to arrive before me, I'd just lift up their amp,
    and put my bass amp underneath

    If they objected to that, I'd just say
    "well, you should've left me some space then"
    and "Oh shall I put it on top of your amp then?" ;)

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