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Marc S

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Posts posted by Marc S

  1. Congrats on getting both basses
    And you say the Mrs hasn't even noticed?
    Wow! - how do you sneak TWO basses in, and then convince her they've always been there? - neat

    I must admit, I'm not a huge fan of Fenders, and I've played a couple of awful Mex Basses,
    but that one I tried....... well I'm tempted!
    EDIT: That white one with rosewood fretboard DOES look classy

    Ditch those curtains tho mate ;)

  2. Just thought I'd give you a free bump here,
    and to anyone thinking of delving into the world of DB
    this is a good place to start

    That's a lot of instrument for the money
    I bought one about 18 months back, and it's what convinced me to buy an acoustic DB
    I don't use my Stagg so much now, but it's a handy spare
    and folds down to a very neat, portable size

    If you're reading this, and thinking about a spare, portable DB
    or just thinking of dabbling - go for it!

    Shame you didn't get on with it Mike.....

  3. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1384524930' post='2277724']
    Listen to 'Caustic' on my Soundcloud page; that's the Gedo. Personally, I think it sounds remarkably like a double bass. Maybe not the best sound ever, I accept, but what do you expect for £1500?

    Ironically, it sounds better now that I have been playing it a year longer!!

    Yes, I've heard some people say the sound of DB's actually improve with time...
    There's a thread on here somewhere, discussing how this can happen....
    Just hope my playing improves over time too ;)

    EDIT: Sounds nice BTW!

  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1384507456' post='2277405']
    I bought my Gedo 5-string new and it sounds and plays great.

    I have spent a lot of time listening to bass players sounds and have concluded that the variables are pretty wide. Agonising over buying basses is inevitable but essentially futile. Buy a Gedo that fits your budget and get on with playing the damn thing. Everything else comes from that, not from agonising over catalogues!

    Indeed :)
    I think if I was going to get a new bass,
    I'd go for Gedo - people on here seem to rave about them....

  5. Welcome aboard Mark
    Looks like your bass has a bit of character,
    and some nice components....

    If it feels & sounds great - It can't be a piece of cr@p! - surely?


    PS. I'm an old punk & rocker - but I secretly love ABBA
    but don't tell anyone ;)

  6. [quote name='SevenSeas' timestamp='1384356906' post='2275640']
    ... woke up this morning the 'G' string was broke......


    There's a cue for a blues song if ever I saw one ;)

    Sorry to hear of your woes
    £97 sounds excessive!

    As a relative newbie to the world of DB
    I have no idea how long my strings will last
    But I'm keeping the set that came with the bass as spares

    Even if they are a very different string
    At least I'll have something as backup....

    EDIT: Meant to add, I've put a new set of Innovation Silvers on
    They took a while to settle in, but they sound good
    and stay pretty much in tune

  7. When you first start playing DB it's difficult to know what feels right, and what feels good
    as it may feel quite un-natural to begin with

    When I was thinking about buying, someone suggested trying my local council
    to see if I could hire one
    That was a dead end for me - but maybe it's worth trying a local school orchestra?
    They may let you have a go on a bass?

    Also worth asking for tutors who have a spare /second bass
    Must be one or 2 of those around?

    Again, good luck & keep us posted
    I'm so glad I got my first DB
    Can't imagine being without it now :)

  8. I was never a huge fan of UFO,
    but did like them & get to see them once...

    "Lights out" is indeed great
    Hope Pete gets well soon

    For a short while, Paul Gray (Hot Rods, Damned) also played bass for UFO
    He too has had cancer - throat
    Paul has always been a huge influence to me - and a great guy to boot
    (I just turned up on his doorstep one day, out of the blue
    and he invited me in! - he gave me a few free lessons in my early days of playing - what a star)

    Paul is on the road to recovery, thankfully

    Ironically, Bryn Merrick who replaced Paul on Bass for the Damned also has throat cancer :(

    I just hope all 3 bassists pull through
    Good luck to them all

  9. Definitely insulate as much as you can...
    As others have said, especially the roof space
    I recently converted my garage too

    I laid laminate flooring, on top of Foam insulation board
    and it feels much warmer underfoot....

    I'd think twice about using parafin type heater
    There's always a risk of fire,
    but just as importantly there are also fumes to consider
    I think you'd need vents installed.....
    Could be wrong there - but check first

  10. Welcome aalam :)

    I started playing when I was about 19
    but then I got married, had a kid, got a mortgage etc etc
    I gave up playing after about 4 or 5 years

    But hey presto...... I started playing again after over 20 years! :o

    I do sort of regret ever giving up
    but I'm determined not to do that ever again....
    And I'm enjoying my playing more in my middle ages than I ever did before

    It's never too late to start mate....
    Just have fun playing bass


  11. Hi, I'm interested
    Did you get the neck set-up, or was it a straight swap?
    How is the action set?

    I'm not too far away, in Cardiff
    So maybe I could collect / meet somewhere nearby?


    EDIT: I was just a bit concerned about the "issue" with the trussrod
    Can you expand on that? Thanks

  12. I recently played a Mexican Jazz, and it was brilliant!
    Having previously played a MIM Jazz and a couple of P's
    I didn't think much of them...

    ....but the one I played last week was amazing
    .... and it was bought by a drummer lol

    Anyhow, my Indonesian Squire P, with J neck & 2 pickups is pretty darn good too...

    Try them before you buy them, I'd say
    Mind you, that drummer pal bought his J online....

  13. Hi again,

    I know what you mean - I didn't really know just what to look for either....
    It's a tricky game really
    But I think that by going for a 2nd hand DB, you should get better value

    Also, several BC'ers on here advised me to steer clear of G4music
    as their basses may be problematic
    I can't confirm that, but I did buy a case from them, and that was not a great service

    I've heard people say that Thomann are better
    and some have had good experiences with Geddo - their basses do look good!

    I'd just say go & try a couple if you can
    That wasn't easy for me, because not many shops stock them in my neck of the woods

    You may also want to consider buying an electric DB to start off...
    My 1st DB was a Stagg EDB
    They are cheap, and you get a lot of instrument for your money!
    Plus, I'm keeping mine for;

    a - backup - in case of disaster
    b - flexibility - I could play half a set with bass guitar and half with the EDB
    c - I actually like it anyway
    d - it folds down to a very portable size

    I've seen them go on here in the for sale section for about £200
    One was even going for £170 ish :o

    Anyhow - just a few more thoughts for you

    Cheers, and peace to you too :)


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