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blisters on my fingers

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Everything posted by blisters on my fingers

  1. Palmer Pocket Amp Bass on British Heart Foundation Ebay store, current high bid at £32. eBay item number:226464930526 Two days of auction left.
  2. Is this supposed to be funny? Why drag Alvin Stardust into this ? Shameful post.
  3. Agree with all the above glowing reviews. The best £120 I've ever spent on gear. If you are a bit shy subjecting your neighbours/flatmates/loved ones to your late night noodlings/practice routines...blah blah.. this little bugger has everything you need and more. It is so easy to "download" backing tracks to the app, or put tracks from your library onto the app and practise along without anybody banging on the walls/your head/or threatening to break your fingers. I'd say that Boss have done a good job of keeping us musos out of harms way. Until Friday night at the Frog and Duck.
  4. I don't have the same Metal pedal so I can't help you with that, however I do have a few of the others in the range. Some of the Cool Cat range have extra dip switches to play with, these are located in the battery compartment and might not be obvious if you have velcro stuck under the pedal or always use a power supply. I bought one of their distortion or overdrive pedals online, and thought it was the worst POS ever ! Before sending it back in disgust (honestly thought it was broken) found a dip switch that gave it an 8bit sound, turned that off... pedal sounded pretty good. Suspect the seller didn't know any of this and was trying to offload what he also thought was a faulty pedal, probably why I got it at a stupidly cheap buy it now price. The Cool Cat Vibe is a gem.
  5. A wooden gravemarker will require regular maintenance....at the least, a once a year sanding, and then an application with whatever oil treatment you think is appropriate. It's a good way to honour your departed loved one and show some kind of recognition of their passing. As to whether that will do .....as you put it ..... Only you can answer that?
  6. I would just replace them, but.....
  7. Well done! Hope you are proud of yourself 🤮
  8. Methinks that could explain the current situation ? I've reread your recent posts and I was not referring to the late delivery of your appointments. Sorry if you are having a tough time, can only apologise that it came over like that.
  9. Poor you............ so sorry you have to put up with junk mail delivered to your letter box. Just like everybody else in this country. Because as @fleabag correctly states Royal Mail are contractually obliged to do this. Do you really think the posties on their rounds want to waste their time and energy doing this ? Every single day? Shouldn't your argument be directed elsewhere? Glad your new postie is polite........ that makes such a difference. Hope he shows some due dligence.
  10. It never did though did it? Isn't that the whole point of the written word? Convey your point, don't be ambiguous. Try not to be sarcastic 😀 Merry Christmas
  11. A comment on the Grauniad site from 2014.................. The Royal Mail has to compete with companies that operate with nowhere near the contractual obligations that RM have. It's set up to fail. Similarly, an NHS general hospital - which has to provide A&E and all sorts of other expensive services - is supposed to compete with a private facility that can do cheap routine operations on uncomplicated patients (and then rely on the NHS hospital fixing it if it does go wrong).
  12. "If the RM workers think that they are undervalued then they could go and work for someone else who will pay more**. Much easier than striking." "But I also added the note on the ** that "Therein lies the problem" or similar. The crucial point being that there isn't anyone paying more in that business." Can you not see that is a ridiculous circuitous argument ? Apologies in advance if I'm missing the point.
  13. I don't want to fall out with anybody on this forum. It is a forum and I would hope that we can forumize to heartz content😀 You did post this though..... "If the RM workers think that they are undervalued then they could go and work for someone else who will pay more**. Much easier than striking." To be fair my friend.... How does that come across ?
  14. Interesting how some the commentators on here, now seem to think about the huge wave of current disputes in such a polarised 'them and us' style. As far as I am aware, apart from employees with underlying health issues, none of the Royal Mail, NHS or railway and bus drivers etc, were given the opportunity to be furloughed and they carried on working, despite the risks, to keep the economy going, look after all of us in hospital, and keep the transport system running. People died doing this. The face masks and gowns supplied to hospitals, care homes etc did not arrive there by magic. The transport system needed to get nurses and health workers into their places of work? ... likewise. These workers carried on working for the benefit of our broader society. Not them. Us. All of us. Here we are now ... and workers that are asking for a pay rise that takes into account inflation are "shooting themselves in the foot" and should go and get a job elsewhere because otherwise 11,000 of them will be made redundant. Some of us have very short memories?
  15. So the answer to an industrial dispute is to not bother.....just go and work for a competitor that already pays even less?
  16. "Who determines what anyone deserves?" Royal Mail management and their friends in high places. Unless you go on strike and fight for a better deal. If that doesn't work claim benefits, work for less at DPD, it will be your own fault, that is the sort of thing that happens. Or something.
  17. So it is just a race to the bottom? Why doesn't Royal Mail and all of their competitors pay their employees far less than they deserve, that way we will have full employment and guaranteed jobs for all ? Happy workers enjoying the fruits of their labour. Don't go on strike kids. Strikes is bad.
  18. How far away is the next collection ? What time is it booked ? Don't most of us finish at a certain time ? You sound like you object to him finishing work before you do.... what time do you get to the office, what time does he start work? Don't understand your point Are you giving yourself a pat on the back because you can eat a sandwich and have a cup of tea, whilst still carrying on with your office work and looking out of the window? 😀
  19. My mistake, apologies to you Mr Ambient. Forgive my stupidity😶
  20. You @Tim2291maybe are not aware that your postman could well have to take a meal break at a predetermined daily time so that he does not fall foul of driver regulations. His collection time from your business could also be programmed into his daily work schedule, not set by him, but by his management and agreed in your companys contract with Royal Mail. Most businesses do not want collections of mail or parcels at the very last moment of the working day, he could well be trying to "keep the customer satisfied"-- it is so easy to just portray somebody else as a workshy loafer. Isn't it?
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