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blisters on my fingers

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Everything posted by blisters on my fingers

  1. Just measured my Indonesian Squier Precision Bass Standard, it's a pewter grey finish (originally a PJ but now just a P), measures 38mm/1.5inch across nut. Discontinued several years back, tuners work well but feel a bit on the cheap side, really nice jazz neck though and bargains are out there. Think this was an early Vintage Modified model ??
  2. Genius! Never heard of this trick before bet it works a treat
  3. Don't know if this will help but I have an ancient SWR Triad - the tweeter ( maybe a Fostex/Foster ? ) never worked. Looks similar to the one in the Aguilar, I was about to buy a new diaphragm for it, there are Youtube videos [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PF3HU9u4ZAE"]https://www.youtube....e&v=PF3HU9u4ZAE[/url] showing how easy these are to replace, and I did take it apart to see if there were any obvious issues. All looked good. So while it was out of the cab I tried running a headphone lead out of the laptop into the horn and it appeared to be working. Tried this with the other speakers same result all good. Had a look at the crossover circuit and there was a bodged up cold soldered joint somebody had done as a quick repair. Resoldered this and all now works fine. If I had a multimeter and knew how to use it, that would be the best way to proceed. Short version of the above try a low level headphone output into the cabs input if the 12 inch speakers work (hopefully) all is good with them. if nothing from the horn take it out and repeat the headphone lead test thing across the two terminals if you get nothing then the diaphragm is faulty and it is dead easy to replace. if the horn works then it could well be a fault in the crossover I think I just got lucky with a very visible fault and you need proper advice from Stevie-- if it turns out to be a crossover fault. Fingers crossed your new diaphragm will solve the problem.
  4. These are really well made and extremely versatile. The controls that need to be are centre detented, so its easy to get back to square one, so to speak. The slightly misnamed mid cut switch can also be used to boost mids over quite a large eq range, so you could have two very different sounds at the flick of a switch. And that's without the good tone shaping available from the rest of the controls. It can also do a good Fendery P or J sound, so if you like it nice and simple that's there as well. Very light bass. Good luck with the sale.
  5. "Yes, your feet are encased in concrete" "You played Cantaloupe Island on a BC Rich" "Swim with the fishes Blue Boy"
  6. from a No Treble interview with Aston Family Man Barrett [url="http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2014/06/26/legend-an-interview-with-aston-family-man-barrett/"]http://www.notreble....ly-man-barrett/[/url] What kind of gear do you use? A lot of readers wanted to know about your strings, too. My favorite kind of bass is the Fender Jazz. Fender always makes a set of special flatwound strings for me that I picked out from a 5-string set, but I use a 4-string. I said, “build these four for me,” and every year they send me a six-pack of them. What a sound he gets and what a player
  7. What monitors are they ? What bass is it? Did you plug the bass guitar into one active monitor ? It's fine to check the speaker itself as in the method in the Yoube video, but don't put a 9 volt battery into the input of a powered monitor. You need to tell us a bit more than " bass into monitor". An active bass into a powered monitor could well blow the speaker. Sounds likely that's what has happened
  8. [size=1]Pssst ............ wrong thread !!!! [/size]
  9. Might be good as a 1st step to do a check like this [url="https://youtu.be/oharywNa044"]https://youtu.be/oharywNa044[/url] then do the same to the other good monitor ( if you have a stereo pair) and compare any difference ? If the monitor has a standard jack input, just plug a guitar lead in and touch the 9 volt battery across the ends, tip and ring is it called ?, of the other jack plug. You need to know if the speaker has blown or maybe a fault on the amp could be causing the squealing noise. Take it you mean the bass amp plugged into the monitor ?
  10. Never got the logic in tuning new strings up in pitch by a tone the night before and then dropping it back down on the afternoon of the gig. Guitarist I played with for years always did this and then had to retune between every song, sometimes stopped playing to retune in mid song. Such fun for the rest of us Surely if you tune up a tone and leave it there overnight the neck will move, and when you drop back to concert pitch the neck will be moving again, during the whole bleeding gig. Grrrrrrr !!
  11. Check out this site www.sykestranscription.com found it through Basschat a while back. Ronnies Lanes bass lines on all the songs from A Nods is as Good as a Wink to a Blind Horse are there as a free downloadable zip file. Along with a huge amount of other artists. You are spot on Ivan, totally agree, nice to see what Ronnie played on the album though !
  12. Never seen this lady play guitar before [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=q4JWqK6r6N4"]https://www.youtube....e&v=q4JWqK6r6N4[/url] what a wonderful musician she is, her knowledge of Latin rhythms and different musical styles is astonishing. How come all of her claims to playing on the Motown stuff from the classic Detroit era have been refuted by the Funk brothers, and apparently left Stevie Wonder speechless with anger? How can such an obviously consummate skilled musician take credit for another musicians skills ( the genius of James Jamerson) , why oh why, would somebody with this level of talent need to lie like this? She has perfect recall of countless recording sessions with the session guys of the time. Why, when she has played such great bass on so many classic recordings does she need to steal glory from another, far more talented deceased bass player ?
  13. Nash asked a similar question a few months back somebody on here must have a recommendation ?
  14. After a good few Friday night pints chat (life in general not just bass) a good friend of mine told me that my problem was that I was a perfectionist. Bollocks I thought. And told him so. Thinking that meant manicured nails, lawns, tortured poets all that Then by chance read this article [url="https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/apr/20/should-i-stop-being-a-perfectionist"]https://www.theguard...a-perfectionist[/url] Researched perfectionism a whole lot more, and realised that maybe this was actually me. Stuff I do well, somebody else could do better. Stuff I can't do yet... why bother ? Procrastinate...good at that ...always have been This way of viewing the world is Bollocks. A pissed up pub chat opened my eyes Do what you enjoy doing. Do it well. Don't worry about it. It is it's own reward. Perfectionism can kill the fun
  15. Jewish wedding reception in Edgware in late 1954 Do you remember a Grunwick strike benefit at the Alex Wood Hall, Norfolk Street ? Cos I do Ivan and you were ace !!
  16. Arrived yesterday nice bright display bit dithery on a low open E but ok on a 12th fret harmonic Snark is way better but for two quid no complaints thanks Pete
  17. Don't think you can far wrong with a Blackstar HTR1, it's a great sounding versatile small valve amp with a nice reverb. Only 1 watt output but that can get a lot louder than you might imagine from the rating. The combo version will sit next to a laptop on a typical computer table and you can run drums or mp3s from the laptop into it using the mp3/line input, and the headphone output will keep significant others/neighbours happy. "Honestly I would like break up at a fairly low level, nothing too loud but still have a decent clean thats not too quiet. Tall order I know!" It will do all of that. IMO YMMV etc
  18. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1473447317' post='3130390'] First one to get theirs has to put it up on here.. Basschat rules.. [/quote]We need a full unboxing vid
  19. Just bought two should've got four....one for each string .....that is how it works innit? Thanks Pete
  20. Been listening to the playlist for an hour or so while reading Basschat great stuff thanks onlinedood then it struck me.... NO ADVERTS When did the adverts stop on Spotify ?
  21. Agree the Boss tuner app is superb and Android friendly unlike the Fender tuner iOS only for some unknown reason the red Snark clip on tuner is great....accurate bright multi coloured display really cheap and works well with acoustic and electric basses/guitars and can be swivelled about easily to read from the front or back of the headstock. I've clipped it on a volume pot whilst changing strings and it still worked very well. Guitarist in the band uses a clip on TC Polytune and loves it.
  22. Thanks for the replies anybody used a finish on a fretless rosewood fingerboard ?
  23. Thanks Howie and Moonbass The wood veneer would be a great solution but I think removing the tangs would be well beyond my limited skills, lifting them up from the sides of the fretboard is going to be difficult and I suspect they might well break leaving bits in the middle,and I'll end up wrecking a nice old neck. It's rosewood and the shiny tangs do look rather cool ! If I buy the correct block and carefully got back to a decent surface, I'd like to protect it with some kind of finish. Anybody have any ideas of a good product available here in the UK ?
  24. I've an old Tokai jazz bass that was (sort of) defretted by a friend many years ago. The frets were ground down, leaving the tangs in situ, so they remained on the fretboard as fret markers. All good at the time and he did a great job, but now 30 plus years later the fretboard itself has shrunk a little bit, some the tangs are now a teeny bit proud of the others etc. I never did get into playing fretless but would love to attempt it again, using this lovely old bass. I'm OK with truss rod,intonation and bridge adjustments. I'm thinking of getting a radius block and carefully removing the excess from the high tangs, and then coating the neck with some kind of epoxy resin or varnish. Does this sound like a good idea ??
  25. Thanks for starting this thread Ian and thanks to everybody that has added a wealth of cool videos Great stuff
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