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blisters on my fingers

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Everything posted by blisters on my fingers

  1. Hi Karl The label on rear of the driver is a "proper" Genz Benz logo, and states Model : GEC-12200-8 Impedance 8 ohms Engineered and tested in the USA Manufactured by Eminence Dongguan, P.R.C. Great lightweight quality cabs, very pleased with mine. Like you say will keep up with a very loud drummer
  2. From Gibson [url="http://store.gibson.com/historic-spec-bumble-bee-capacitors-two-pack/"]http://store.gibson....itors-two-pack [/url]a mere $129.99 !! From Strings Direct [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/parts-c4/potentiometers-c109/gibson-gibson-historic-bumble-bee-capacitors-2-pack-p5287"]http://www.stringsdi...rs-2-pack-p5287 [/url]a bargain £64.99 including free delivery. Wow... we have it made over here What you are actually getting for your money [url="http://www.mylespaul.com/forums/historics-reissues/118027-historic-gibson-faux-bumblebee-caps.html"]http://www.mylespaul...lebee-caps.html[/url] This thread was "old news" in 2010 but still rumbling (bumbling)? on four years later. A selection of different value caps, some wire and a couple of alligator clips will cost next to nothing, and there are Youtube videos showing just how easy it is to try it. Could well be worth a couple of hours experimenting and improving your sound to your satisfaction Of course the obligatory smoke and mirrors, snake oil and bollocks will cost, after all that's what Mojo is all about All I get from the mylespaul thread is the value of the capacitor affects the tone control to a greater or lesser degree. Try a few out, pick the one you think sounds the best That's it ?
  3. Been shortsighted for years....Can't see the neck of my bass with my specs on, can't see the band with my specs off. One is a bonus the other ... Use two basses at gigs one has a rosewood neck the other is maple. Thinking about getting both "Luminared" up, maybe one in blue the other in green with the twelfth fret double dot in opposite colours, could buy two packs and job done ! You people that have installed these...which colour stands out best against a maple or rosewood neck... or does it not make any difference..would love to hear your opinions and while I'm at it (not owning a drill press) does this chaps method of installation have any serious drawbacks (please be warned it does go on a bit) [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=yvq5NKq2wV0"]https://www.youtube....e&v=yvq5NKq2wV0[/url] Thanks Uglydog for your post and everybody else interesting stuff Thanks
  4. Anybody using Android who is feeling nostalgic for Rebirth (or early Reason maybe) etc. check out Caustic. In saying that I'm doing it a big disservice really, cos this app is huge, you could do whatever you want with it, anyway... here you go www.singlecellsoftware.com Not sure about laying down funky bass lines ( ! ) probably need importing as wav files, but this app has layers upon layers of goodness. Full version is about 6 quid, also a free pc version, for the butter fingered, ham fisted, half deaf members of the community. There are loads of superb in-depth Youtube videos from the developer.
  5. Thanks ballstomonty for posting this question, it is something that has been in the back of my mind for years Found it is a bit of an unfortunate trade off in a sense, I sometimes, rarely, hear music as a complete 'entity', but much more often my brain splits stuff up into constituent parts. There are songs where I like the overall vibe or somehow the song has a logic about it, or even no logic whatsoever, and it is still interesting to listen to, and enjoy. However most of the time, because it is possible to separate out the bass line, the beats, chord structure etc. I find myself hearing stuff almost like some kind of aural Airfix construction kit. And I'm always asking myself...why does this bassline sound so good...listen to the drums on this.. the vocals are wonderful...let alone the production and all the other instruments.. the lyrics.. etc. But then again when a classic song really hits I still love it, but wish I could become unaware of all this, and revel in the completeness of it. Feels like a shame somehow to have lost that er.. "innocence" or maybe even "ignorance" ? Timr...... think you are spot on "the curse of the musician" apologies for rambling good people
  6. If you've only been playing for a short time, and are happy with your bass, don't change to new strings just because you think you should. Keep it comfortable, clanky new strings that go out of tune could well be your worst nightmare. Good luck and let us know how it went.
  7. TC Electronic Hall of Fame mini about £60 https://youtu.be/mdpfjEG4LmQ It's slightly bigger brother the Hall of Fame has much much more hands on capability about £105 Both are Tone Print enabled, the editor is a free download, and pretty much essential with the mini, however, once you've settled on a download, or created your own favourite Tone Print you may find you are happy to leave it as is. Maybe
  8. Had tinnitus in one ear for years now... never gonna stop, permanent nerve damage. Can't remember the 'luxury' for want of a better word, of silence, something that I will never experience again. Play a kind of psychological game with myself, try not to get wound up and angry with the constant high pitched noise. When you see what other people endure with constant physical, or indeed mental pain, it kind of puts things into perspective. Last five years or so have struggled more and more to hear conversation in any social situation with a bit of background noise. Drive everybody nuts getting them to repeat everything. Or just give up and nod and smile in the right places. Will try the Boots stuff, for less than a fiver what is there to lose? Could shift some gunk ... Wear ear protection. Loud music is great, deafness isn't. keep us up to date Les
  9. "Interesting, I usually ask from any deliveries made to my home to be dropped over the side gate if I'm out. I have built a little 'doo dah' that my parcels drop onto to cushion the blow" So who exactly signs for these deliveries ? The driver ? Getting serious deja vu here.
  10. "Words cannot convey my current level of anger..." Nor me .... It is very difficult to excuse these kind of actions by delivery drivers/couriers. What kind of pressure must they be under to meet their daily targets ? And why do these drivers appear to be so irredeemably stupid ? Some of these drivers will be Agency staff working for the company for a day or two, some will be on short time contracts, most will be full time employees. I would suggest that a full time employee of P******F***** etc or any of the other "reputable" companies would not chuck a bass from Thomann over a fence and post a P739 or the equivalent through a letter box and then fake a signature. How long would this kind of behaviour be tolerated ? But if you are only employed for a couple of days, can't quite remember the procedures, maybe next week you'll be employed, maybe you won't, would you really give a F**** ? Really interested to hear the response from Parcelforce. Glad the Bass survived. Is it any good for Metal ?
  11. I've no idea what happened there, no intention to bar you as I was keen on buying ? But no worries if you are now keeping it. (If you change your mind etc....)
  12. Dear Beedster Is the mandolin still for sale ? Could you pm me ? thanks Blisters
  13. [b] Parcelforce Fail Again [font=courier new,courier,monospace][font=times new roman,times,serif]remember this ?[/font][/font][/b] The only time I had a package coming thru customs they wanted enough duty to make the "collectors item" (an SG Junior scratchplate) cost about the same as if I'd bought it here. I told them to just send it back, I wouldn't pay it. Ooooh! They were NOT happy bunnies.!!! " Once again .......the item came "thru" customs... "they wanted enough duty.... "collectors item".. ( as described by the seller in the USA ? ) cost about the same as if I'd bought it here etc. You didn't realise you would have to pay duty. This is paid to HMRC. Not Parcelforce or Royal Mail. You were wrong. Because I've objected to your petulant and factually incorrect statements regarding Royal Mail , HMRC and Parcelforce you now seem to think it is perfectly ok to post a statement such as this... " looks like "blisters" the newbie is trying to come in hard from the start to create some kind of rep. Not been here long enough to take a dump yet trying to start rows instead of doing his homework." Nice. Interesting that you seem to think that a forum such as this has some kind of pecking order whereby "newbies" such as myself can be ridiculed and on the other hand posters with faarsands'n'faarsands of posts can sit back and wait for support. Still waiting Stu ? And then you post this.....presumably this is aimed at me... "I guess you must be right, I even bet the thought of that will cause even more blisters in all your excitement." Must be some curious local lingo thing going on there. Sorry Stu just don't get it ? Do you always hide behind the crowd ? Do you ever make any sense ?
  14. Spot on Big Stu, the irony is inescapable. No excuses for my sarcastic and badly worded incomprehensible post. Apologies from this newbie. "I did enjoy the irony in the newbie's post of having a spelling mistake in a sentence about doing homework." Glad you enjoyed it. The title of this thread is... [b] Parcelforce Fail Again[/b] Your complaint is actually directed at HMRC. Parcelforce do not levy customs charges. Nor does Royal Mail. HMRC do it all off their own bat. Blame the government. Or the shareholders. I find it very hard to believe that HMRC have the time to reclassify a single lonely scratchplate as a "collector's item" and then charge extra duty for the item. Surely the truth in this case is that the seller 'labelled' it as such ? Maybe somebody on this forum could step in and explain if there is a one/two/three etc. tier operating within HMRC, whereby an SG scratchplate incurs higher duty if it is somehow regarded as a 'collector's item', but escapes with lower duty if it is just a bog standard scratchplate. How would HMRC know from looking at an envelope that it contains the Holy Grail of SG scratchplateness ? thanks to phil.c60 appreciate your support ...and "Happy Bunnie" - Bunny, surely (OK, unless it's the diminutive address, but somewhat unlikely, I feel). Big Stu will luv you for dis. somewhat unlikely, I feel.
  15. I did enjoy the irony in the newbie's post of having a spelling mistake in a sentence about doing homework. So where is the spelling mistake ?
  16. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1410705810' post='2552126'] True, might be a bit of confusion going on. But on the bright side Parcel Force are talking about starting Sunday deliveries to be more competitive in the marketplace. The only time I had a package coming thru customs they wanted enough duty to make the "collectors item" (an SG Junior scratchplate) cost about the same as if I'd bought it here. I told them to just send it back, I wouldn't pay it. Ooooh! They were NOT happy bunnies.!!! [/quote] The SG Junior scratchplate that you thought was such a massive bargain, after duty was applied, turned out not to be the bargain you thought it would be, so you "told them to just send it back etc etc" did you ever do any homework at school or where you too busy being a HAPPY BUNNIE ! OOOH!
  17. Paint it BLACK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj84tfS7ag4
  18. Bought an amp from Andy, arrived on the day, superbly packaged, and he has included a mains lead and shoulder strap for the amp bag. Andy also supplied full tracking imfo, the courier was excellent. Thoroughly nice chap. Thanks Andy.
  19. Belated thanks to Lee-Man. Downloaded EZ drummer back in November, top stuff, thanks mate. Pity that particular offer has finished ! Agree with above comments r.e. Sweetwater great customer care. Received this from Toontack last week ...... [color=#7f7f7f][size=4]All through March and April*, EZdrummer expansions (EZXs) are 40–50% off. Visit the Toontrack webshop or your local dealer to get your hands on some of the finest drums ever recorded.[/size][/color] Chose the Funkmasters expansion pack ( the one featuring Clyde Stubblefield and Jabo Starks ) for $39.99 from Sweetwater. You get the product key by almost immediate email, whichever expansion pack you choose is then available to download from your Toontrack account. Like Ray had follow up emails to check everything was ok.
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