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blisters on my fingers

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Everything posted by blisters on my fingers

  1. Thinking of doing a bit of wallpapering and general DIY next week Would be fabulous to buy a sturdy stepladder as featured in the video Any of you individuals have any recommendations .... Argos... B&Q ......Gumtree even? Which paint dries the quickest?
  2. If you are referring to their disgusting shenanigans a few years back, staff arriving for work with the shops locked up, jobs lost over night, but as usual the big boys get off scot free........ Deep breath..... Then I am in complete agreement with you Mr Bunion Well said !!
  3. A typical run of the mill Precision bass pickup is by design "humbucking". Could well be wrong ( sure somebody will chip in if so) but I don't think there would be any advantage gained by stacking the coils. If the pickup is already humbucking what would be the point? This explains the Pbass pickup design http://whichbass.co.uk/bass-guitar-feature-series/bass-pickups-explained Sorry can't help with identifying that particular pickup.
  4. No problem ! The wording on that site could be a bit clearer, I think what they are getting at is Chordpulse doesn't output audio like VST synths etc. Have look at the free cut down Lite version, might be all you need, and it isn't a time limited demo.
  5. Yes. Chordpulse has MIDI output which will automatically be routed to your computer soundcard. The soundcard therefore provides audio output.
  6. I don't understand where you've got that from? Input the chords, choose a style. Instantly plays audio. Loop if required.
  7. Lake placid blue ? Very unattractive colour, I'd advertise it on here asap, but doubt anybody would be interested. I AM SO EFFIN' JEALOUS I AM GOING TO RIP MY OWN HEAD OFF !!!!!!!
  8. Phew ! Usually check in and browse Unread Content And it had all disappeared Aaaaaaaaargh !
  9. Good to hear from you Blue Always enjoyed your perspective from over the pond
  10. You need to get some photos posted on here, sure you will then get lots of help Welcome to the forum
  11. Matt .... apologies for using obscure or not easily understood English phrases The format you are using on your channel is very useful to any bass player anywhere It transforms any language barrier Thanks for what you are doing
  12. Thanks for posting on here Matt Love the lack of waffle, wish more instructional videos were exactly like this Shame about the Youtube copyright issues you have experienced, seems so unnecessary and pointless Subscibed of course... Good luck and wish you well
  13. Chordpulse might fit the bill ?
  14. Mmmmmmmmmm... been on the p-ss mate ? High qu-al-ity la-ger No Do-ubt. Thanks for your contribution Put your al-u-min-ium tinnies in the recycling bin where they belong . Do something about your aggresive attitude while you are at it
  15. Benny and the Jets 😜
  16. Indeed.........so "interesting" nobody in their right mind would touch it with a bargepole
  17. Somebody forward this to Mick Mason
  18. Looks like I'm late to the party as always but it sounds like Stay close Mum and Dad you know A decent boy like me
  19. Had one of these with a maple neck from new. They have seventies pickup spacing, a bi-flex trussrod and an easily accessible micro tilt mechanism built into the four bolt neck fixing. The tuners are top quality units. Great quality basses GLWTS
  20. If you search for Cambridge Jams & Open Mics there is a good list complete with maps and contact numbers. The Earl of Beaconsfield on Mill Road is the best pub in that part of Cambridge, there is a small free public car park just across the road. To keep on topic they also do a very good Guinness 😀
  21. Welcome Paul What a bargain you got there !!
  22. How long did it take to notice the beneficial effect of the turmeric capsules Bill ?
  23. The best thread ever on Basschat ? Thanks to you Boodang https://youtu.be/IxAKFlpdcfc
  24. You got sacked because he isn't good enough. Calling him a musical chocolate arseshole ? Well who wouldn't ? That is exactly what he is.
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