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blisters on my fingers

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Everything posted by blisters on my fingers

  1. Bought a ThorpyFX Fat General from Paul Bomb proof packaging and super quick delivery thanks Paul
  2. Can only echo what RichardH is saying (was it you mate that had a pub sign hanging from your house)? before you moved ? If so I bought one of these cabs from Richard and you will not be disappointed. Great cabs and an easy load into your hatchback/hummer/ cruise liner. These cabs sound fab And you might get compliments from the guitarists, for once. Like we care đŸ¤Ŗ
  3. Good to hear from you Mr Blue Welcome back Missed you on here
  4. I think this also applies to tung oil soaked rags. Maybe other oils are similarly risky ? Also if anybody is mad enough to be sanding floorboards in this heat, the same danger exists, i.e. don't leave bags of sanded wood waste inside the house overnight, put them outside. Anyone understand why this stuff spontaneously combusts ?
  5. Wouldn't a set of allen keys or hex keys be just as good ?
  6. Hen party drowns out Cambridge band in ongoing volume debacle. Hen party heft. It's definitely a thing. Or it was đŸ˜Ĩ
  7. Enjoyed playing some gigs at the Green Man in Royston ( North Hertfordshire don't you know!!) before all of this ... could get a bit lively !! Welcome TobyC
  8. "Unions still get paid, if the workers they represent go on strike and don't." Er what ? like to try that again using some words that make sense ? Semaphore maybe? "Meanwhile......EVERY eBay Trader that still uses RM is switching to a crappier/cheaper courier as we speak...." Well that is frightening news for any employees of Royal Mail but at least they will know that there are crappier/cheaper couriers available to take the vitriol from the informed masses. I am speaking in jest of course no offence
  9. It may well be a commonly used figure of speech etc. I've never ever heard of it before... "Sighthill depot in edinburgh is vast. It could easily hide 2 dozen trailers." Did you actually mean this.... "Sighthill depot in edinburgh is vast. It could easily hold 2 dozen trailers." Yes of course there are some vast Royal Mail premises, they have to be vast to to do the job that in normal times, most of us, are unaware of. I'm not having a personal go at you jacko at all, but the suggestion ( not from you jacko) from the quote at the top of the thread, that Royal Mail are hiding dozens of unsorted trailers in most of their premises, is offensive to all Royal Mail staff that are trying to do their best in these circumstances. It is untrue, unhelpful and has an agenda of its own.
  10. Holding dozens of trailers is one thing "Sighthill depot in edinburgh is vast. It could easily hide 2 dozen trailers." Puts a very different spin on things, I don't understand your use of the word hide, or did you mean hold?
  11. Cos that's what Royal Mail staff and management would do isn't it? Hide two dozen trailers. FFS
  12. Yes I completely agree that the large depots could hold dozens of trailers, but this " there are literally dozens of artic lorries full of post to be sorted at most sorting stations" is pure fantasy.
  13. It's all Captain Tom's fault THIS IS A JOKE 😀😀
  14. "I have no idea if its untrue and anecdotal nonsense." It is. "I quoted it as he was the one who posted my strings" Wonder why he would make such a ridiculous statement?
  15. Fair enough, don't doubt your own experience at all. Why quote untrue and anecdotal nonsense from Mark at BassDirect?
  16. Just presenting the "facts" according to Mark at BassDirect ? Given the size of Royal Mail sorting stations do you really think it is possible that "dozens of artic lorries full of post" could even fit in the premises? Really?
  17. Spotify playlist "This is Matthew Seligman" RIP
  18. "Life is not fair though is it" Jean-Michel Jarre (translated from the French)
  19. Grumpy guts 😀
  20. Anybody else download this ? Belated thanks lemmywinks đŸ˜ļ
  21. Any updates Ash ?
  22. To my deaf old ears there is a clarity to the recording that is er... refreshing to listen to... but the constant panning left right right left gets annnoying very quickly... feels like 1968 all over again. ....Number 9..... Number 9 The Barber shop bit with the bag over the head at 1.18 is astonishing and a bit spooky!! As others have said above, apart from that we supposed to hear lateral movement up down front back ? What are we listening out for ? Not really getting this unfortunately and I wish I was ☚ī¸
  23. Good to have you on board Chris Welcome
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