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potato bass

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Everything posted by potato bass

  1. For the time being I play pasive Bass (just wanted to coment on one of the best looking Basses) Newer played a bad Stingray nor one that did not feel good & I played á hole lot of them I think MM has maybe the higest standard in the industri 4.5 kilo will give crazy punch for slapping , & á wery sollid tone! in general together with one of the best Preamps ewer made.~{*_*}~ I dont recall who Leo Fender got help from to do the preamp, or if he did it alone? I think Louis Johnson had a big Impact on the Stingray design corect me if i’m wrong
  2. What á Lot of Crap!!! (did not read it all at all) and one Freaking! Funky!!! Bass!!! Must say one of the most beuatyfull Musicman I’ve seen Wauv! Good Luck with sale! (dont sell that Musicman for that kind of silly coin) ok just have to read it Cool! & I just Love your potamotrygon motoro, how big is your Tank? or do you just drive around in that ugly sports car all the time?- [•_•]-~{*_*}+ Love this Forum!
  3. Michal Arnopol is also working with Sonic Farm, that says a’lot! havevent tried the MAS cabs but I know Sonic Farms make’s perhaps the best Gear in the industri, I gues MAS is equal Good. wish I had the cash for theese Cabs, Looks really Great!
  4. Okay I was of topic(usualy is) sory!(still ment ewery word) ‘BB800/802 why other than size’ (gues i’m not the only one getting carried away of topic D...,just Happy that im still a’Live on the werry Cool, or to be clear Funky! Forum) so the BB800 part of the thread is done, (ám I right???)so from here of there is kind of only the 802 left to talk about(I GUES?) -acording to thread title. does the BB802 have that xtra juice for slapping da passive Bass all Night & all???- (Roughly said/asked) Annyone with BB802 expirence?
  5. Funny I feel the complete oposit than you- I allways think my amp whatewer it is sounds better with band, or on gig than at home(thoug 2DI4 does both perfect)I gues its the more wolume/heft wen im out) it’s unposibol to say how an amp will act live, wen you have had no Gig or Rehearsal with it some amps can be monster at gig/rehearsal but not at home & some great at home but thin at the gig & ewerything inbetween exsist for me the 2DI4 is perfect at home & at gig spending monny on Magic Dust? I rather spend á Good deal of monney on gear twice the price Witch is thougt thru and with good components,than spend the same amount of monney on twice as mutch gear.(from china?) It’s simple & more rewarding in the long run.-(you will love your gear) (just my opinon)
  6. It sounds like you are testing a’lot of gear Dave sorry if it’s of topic? Were is this going? you shut try the 2DI4 from Sonic Farm, the sound of it is just Insane! It’s the best thing I ewer heard, I belive it’s The Holy Grael((Werry Pure!)) 2DI4 has taken my playing to á new Lewel (You Band wil Love it-*_*)
  7. Ok Dave sorry if sounded á bit negative I gues i did. just thougt it was á short period you hat it to get familiar with it my mistake cheers
  8. There is some “few” people that have expresed that they have a hard time fidling a good sound out of the bb800, for me & I gues most other users it has been like the most easy thing to do,. Dave5Bass it sounds a bit strange to me, you coment how good it sounds & wauw stof, & then not mutch more than a month later you sell it(not for you) and later you say the band hate it? what kind of music did you play at that time? & what Bass were you playing at the time?
  9. The BB800 Sounds Monster thru TKS H115(14kilo!) of Hard hitting Cab! Werry Sollid & Pretty Vintage Sounding, Í got mine with out rhe horn, it simply does not need it And werry good price’s Amazing that it’s so light & still has á huge sollid Sound with annything you pair it with chek out TKS!
  10. Hey Graham56 if you play a P-Bass then you wil be Werry Happy with the BB800 the P-Bass is one of the simplest Bass’es out there & the BB800 is maybe one of the simplest Amp’s out there, for me it was so easy to start use with out anny reading or annything. if you have a great pasive Jazz it can do Jaco in loads, thoug I see why people say its so great with the P(I gues BB800 is á bit Vintage sounding, look at the Man who built it!(?))
  11. The BB800 is maybe not for slapping all day on your passive Bass, but still it has the best Sound I’ve ewer heard on a “micro amp” werry meaty & cuts thru the mix Reggae, Blues, Rock Music. if you wanna do somthing hardcore you might need án active Bass / or some pedal Mine is a Keeper! The Sound is Really Good!
  12. What's the weight? Great looking/ Do it play as good as it Looks😍 chers.
  13. looks, .I bet it makes, anny building pop the roof, .
  14. Great P,looking amazing! what strings, you got on that,monster. how is the neck, chunky?or-?. Best of luck with the sale
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