Wowser, the V-Amp! I had one, which I re-chipped to turn it into the Mk2 version. You could buy Pre-programmed EPROM’s from some manufacturer in the U.K., and do it yourself. What larks!
I used the V-Amp live for several years. A lawyer friend of mine, who has so many vi take guitars and boo-teek amplifiers it’s scary, heard a recording I did with it, and wanted to know how I’d gotten such a cool tone! You should have seen his face when I told him.
I went over to a Zoom G3, which I still have. I like it for delays and some modulation, in tandem with my B3n.
On Gumtree I recently found a Johnson Mirage JT-50 112 combo for thirty quid.
Basically a J-Station with an amp. I really dig it! The effects and delays are great. Also it does a very passable Fender Twin style clean, which is the only guitar amp sound I use. The worst thing about it is that it smells like it was kept in a curry house.
But, of course, I’m much better now that I’ve come back to playing bass, so please don’t be angry with me.