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Posts posted by bobbytodd

  1. hi all i was [b][color="#000000"]wondering how hot the di signal from the streamliner is as i tend to di into the desk[/color][/b]
    [b][color="#000000"]instead of using a mic.i used to have a marshall mb450 but the output from the di was massive and i ended up having to mic up [/color][/b]

    [b][color="#000000"]cheers [/color][/b]


  2. no but i once headbutted a pissed up guitarist or bassist who spent 10 mins shouting i can play that better than you.that bit didnt bother me cause i see myself as very average it was when he got on stage and tried to grab the bass from round my neck that i lost it with him and the best bit was that the members of the crowd gave him sh*t for doing it

  3. on friday i will be going down to york for a few days with my wife and daughter they have a days shopping planned but im going to sneek off for a wonder so are there any decent music shops in york?



  4. i think mine was about two years ago when just as we were getting ready to play the first song of the night the singer had bent down to tidy up his set list while i had my back to him tuning up.as he stood up i turned and he got my headstock right in his eye leaving a huge gash thorugh his eyebrow the gig got cancled as he had to go to the hospital for stitches

  5. to be honest i wouldnt dream of taking all my expensive gear (not that i own much expensive gear) to some of the dives we play.i mean we played at a pub in millom cumbria where a lot of our gear got damaged and i ended up minus a front tooth because of the local roid boys acting like arseholes.

  6. with the tweetertone knob on the rh750 controling the hights do you have to turn the horn right up on the cab then controle it from the tweetertone knob.im only asking because im not sure how it works

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