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Posts posted by bobbytodd

  1. i still gig a peavey max450 that i bought second hand off here and its the most reliable amp ive ever had.and it still works even tho my mate decided to fall down a small flight of steps while carrying it.

  2. im almost 40 and still cant afford my dream gear lol.oh and i refuse to buy into all this hair dye for men pap so i just shave my head.also i find ive almost no tolorence for people who faff about taking there time

  3. i got shot of my mb45h and cabs.the build quality is awful on the cabs all the speakers kept working themselves loose and the pcb is of rubbish design.and if you use the two mb cabs together its a 2ohm load therr times my head went into thermal shut down.so im now back using peavey gear that runs at 2ohm all day with no problems

  4. normaly 2x45's but theres a few pubs where we do 1 two hour forty five set because just to keep folk in because theres 11 pubs in the space of 600 yards(workingtons circuit was featured on booze britan a few years ago)

  5. when i first bought my marshall 450 head his website said he made the cover for it so i placed my order.the fist cover he sent was for a marshall guitar amp so i sent it back then another wrong cover arrived it went back.i then got an email off him saying could i give him the exact dimensions for the head as he had never made one before.he got it right third time but i wont use them again

  6. i found the pcb in the cab caused a lot of problems for me lots of bad joints and the built quality is suspect just last week i had to take the grill off and retighten all the speakers.they are heavy aswell.there is a thread on how bad the mb range is

  7. the Steve Harris signature Precision is the next bass on my list played one in guitar guitar when i was over in newcastle and it was awesome.the neck seemed slightly thicker than on my p but it still felt right

  8. a few folk here will recognise this bass.its my main bass now and its strung with optima golds



  9. since im sick of lugging heavy gear about i had decided to go light weight.i had decided on tc's head and cabs then i had my working hours cut so now im thinking about the orange terror head.the thing is i can't decide on the sp212 or a bareface super twelve.i play mostly covers going from brown eyed girl to enter sandman.so any opinions welcome.my buget is about £1100


  10. ive got an old presonous tubepre di our desk is some yamaha thingy that can run 2 monitors but we use 3 mackie srm450v2 as monitors so i was thinking if we linked two of them together for vocals ect then run the other one from the second aux with just my bass through it.

  11. hi just a quick question.now my band have sorted the onstage volume issues i was wondering if any of you lot just run direct into the desk and not bother with a bass amp.our gig on saturday is up four lots of stairs and to be honest im not looking forward to carrying my amp up them.

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