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Posts posted by bobbytodd

  1. breakthrough took our guitarist to one side last night and showed him a select few of the above posts(the more technical posts)and it seems to have done the trick the back line was nice and quiet and the pa did all the work.for the first time in ages my ears wernt ringing like hell afterwards.so cheers lads

  2. the whole point of our drummer getting an electronic kit was so the bands onstage volume could be really quiet.well that was the idea anyway but (guitarist)"i need to drive my amp to get the tone i want".if he used a smaller cab he wouldnt have do drive his amp that hard to get his tone.i'll let you know how it goes on friday

  3. the back line we use is drummer-roland v electronic kit with 300w drum monitor,im using a peavey max 450 and peavey 4x10 rythm uses a marshall mg50 watt combo and lead retardist marshall jcm 900 and 4x12 and a 2x12 one each side of the stage.says it all really and our pa consists of 4xrcf art subs and 2xrcf 12"tops and 3xmackie srm 450v2 as monitors when they work.mind we dont use all the pa in small venues

  4. when we saw the band in the other pub i tried to explain that the sound they had was way better because you could make out each individual instrument and they were all equal more or less.his reply the guitarist isnt as good as me so you can see what we are up against.the trouble is he's good and knows it he is the look at me type.back of the head solo's and eight finger tapping show off.so come this weeks gig im taking a lad from another band with us he's gonna set the levels

  5. i said we should get some one to set the sound but unless we get a guy in every week we are just going to go round and round cause he has an ego to keep happy.it must be a guitarist thing because last year we realised that our singer/ryhtm guitarist used to sound check with his guitar turned down he dosnt do that now.its like banging my head off a wall at times

  6. right im in a rock covers band with 2 guitarists and a drummer.latley things have been getting heated between myself and our lead retardist over our live sound.he thinks that the live sound should be vocals loudest then him then the rythm retardist(who agrees with the lead retardist) then drums and finaly me.at our sound check last friday night i stopped playing after the first verse and only the drummer noticed after the song had finished the guitarist turned to me and said thats a good sound.if i can hear myself out front im to loud and its really starting to piss me off so much so that i thought about packing in then i realised ive two grand tied up in this band.and to piss me off even more there was a band in the pub over the road with a pa worth about 53pence and they sounded miles better because you could hear the bass.rant over any ideas on how i can get through to him

  7. hi all right my problem is this when i plug my 450h into the mixing desk it causes the signal to peak even when the gain on the bass channel is right down.so apart from using a mic is there anything i could do to solve this problem



  8. when the amplifier section is built into the same cabinet as the speaker its refered to as a combo

    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=95042&hl=peavey"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...2&hl=peavey[/url] this is in the for sale section and would be plenty loud enough for small gigs

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