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Posts posted by bobbytodd

  1. right ive always played using a plectrum always until now when i thought i would try finger style.but i think im just to heavy handed and always seem to get a lot of clack in the sound.the action on my basses are very low so have you guys got any tips i.m thinking about lessons but its hard to teach an old dog new tricks

  2. due to old age im thinking of getting rid of both of my marshall 4x10 and my peavey head all very heavy.and go for the tc 450 head and cabs.so i was wondering should i go for two 12's or one 10 and a twelve i play in a rock covers band using a fender p and a bc rich warlock

  3. when i first got my mb450 head his site stated they already made covers for it so i placed an order.two weeks later a cover for a marshall guitar amp arrived so i contacted him and was told they didnt make a cover for my amp but he would give it a go if i sent him all the mesurments.it took another 3 weeks of emails before i got the cover.he did make a good job of it but it was to much of a faff dealing with them

  4. recently i acquired a washburn ab-34 very cheap but i can't seem to find any info on them apart from that they were discontinued.ive looked on ebay to but theres none for sale so any info you have will be appreciated


  5. i think we have been under selling ourselves we've been charging £500 to £700 for which they get band and disco.the night usually goes like this disco(well easy listening)while the folk eat. then the proper disco starts till about about 9 oclock.after which first live set.another disco followed by a audience participation game then live band again .then disco till the end

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