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Everything posted by bobbytodd

  1. I haven't gone back but wish id never sold my 70's fender bassman head and cab
  2. very nice.the elwood x looks amazing
  3. for me david ellefsons is as good as it gets
  4. we played at a wedding last night and while we were packing up some pisshead came over and said "not to bad considering your stuffs f**king rubbish.ive never heard of genz benz and i now my stuffwhat you need is a marshall like your guitar man"
  5. last time a saw xentrix they did fight for your right to party instead of ghostbusters
  6. awesome amp.you must be into demolition with that bass setting.
  7. I always wanted different gear until I got my genz streamliner and lakland dj4.now im happy with what I have
  8. if you have time give xentrix listen they were the british metallica my fave thrash band was kreator but they might be a bit heavy
  9. do I qualify?I play lakland basses through genz amp/cabs in a covers band.but I transport my gear to gigs in a 240 bhp gold Volvo t4 with dump valve and exhaust
  10. our durrr moment was a few weeks back two gigs in a row Friday night was at a caravan park Saturday was a wedding.we turned up to the wedding started setting up only to realise the power pack for the mixer was 50 miles away still at the caravan park.luckily one of our friends lent us his mixer so we had to pay him as well
  11. ive put a set into my vmj as well as a gotoh hi-mass bridge and a fully wired bell plate from Kiogan the result is a lovely mellow almost dark tone but if you dig in you get a really nice growl from them.if its crisp highs you want choose some different pick ups.all in all im very happy with them
  12. I dont know what I would do.all my genz stuff is discontinued
  13. honestly I found the marshall utter rubbish poorly made big heavy chipboard cab cheap and no name drivers.ive never owned a markbass amp but my mate has I think its an f1.and that sounded nice mind you his bass is a mm bongo 4
  14. did you try different leads both guitar and kettle.also did you have a tv on at the time?my genz buzzes like hell if my plasma telly is on .lastly how high did you have the gain
  15. don't know if you can class it as a mistake but iron maidens dave murry never seems to play the same solo twice.and kirk hammet is a whole bag of bum notes
  16. i have a lakland a couple of fenders a horrid bc rich but the bass i enjoy playing most is a squier vmj.
  17. I had a mpj for a brief moment.i found the pick ups really noisy so I sent it back.got a email from andertons saying that they tested a few of the mpj's and they were all noisy.i splashed out on a lakland dj which is now a back up for my modified jazz
  18. I've always enjoyed daves videos.fun but informative
  19. unfortunately it 100 percent true.which is proberly why he played away in the first place.would you want to be with an unbalanced bint like that?I know I wouldnt
  20. honestly you wouldn't believe me but here goes.she once told a friends girlfriend that she hated other women looking at him so she set out to make him fat because women wouldn't look twice at a fatty.she used to make stupidly large portions of dinner then kick of if he didn't eat it.he got lot bigger but he still managed a bit on the side
  21. last year he got caught cheating and he now on a very short leash.when ever we finished packing up he had to phone her to say he was setting off.she used to use aa route planner to see what time he should be home.she was/is a nutcase
  22. ive spoke to the drummer and weve decided to go the horrid backing track route and advertise for a new vocalist maybe try a female vocalist.new bands going to be aimed at club land as a lot of our pubs have stopped doing live bands
  23. well I can defo say that last nights gig was the last for this band.all through the gig our singer who is massively under the thumb checked this phone 43 times (the drumer kept score) often half way through the songs.as we were packing up the drummer let loose with the you can tell she wares the pants and you are the bitch ect.shortly after the two were rolling round the carpark knocking sh*t out of each other.i looked at my car got in and drove off .think I might put all my gear away for a while because atm I just cant be assed
  24. kirk hamfist was the weakest link in metallica last night
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