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Posts posted by bobbytodd

  1. sorted took the machine head off it turns out that the peg is two halves joined by a small splined shaft they pull apart.so I put a small bit of plumbers tape round the splined shaft and pushed it back together no more rattle

  2. while playing my vmj tonight I noticed a huge rattle when playing open strings.it turns out the top half of the g string tuning peg is loose compared to the threaded bit and that's where the rattle is from.so before I take it apart can it be re tightened or do I just need to replace it



  3. when we first got our srmv's both of them packed in pretty quickly.they went away came back, broke went away again came back, broke then Mackie sent two brand new replacements which have been ok so far.but while they were away we had to buy speakers to gig with so we went with rcf and they have been great

  4. yeah me I went with a gotoh bridge fender 60's custom shops and new pots and wiring loom off of [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/7835-kiogon/"][color=#282828]KiOgon[/color][/url].the end result is a bass with a lovey tone.its quite dark sounding compare to my other basses properly to do with different value pots and cap and theres no hum when just using one pick up.overall still chuffed with the end result and my fender p is now my back up

  5. if lots of bass is your thing then the streamliner will fit the bill.ive used my streamliner every weekend for almost two years now and never had a problem.it did take me a while to find my sound it wasn't straight forward.and with the offers they have on genz gear atm theres no better time to buy.but if you can try them first

  6. my normal amp/cab set up is streamliner into 2 2x10 gb focus cabs.but I have a back up max450 which is happy to run at 2ohms all day.last practice I dusted off the peavey and give it a blast.now im starting to think I prefer the sound from the peavey.it just seems sharper and not as lazy if you know what I mean.any way am I right in thinking the 450 could run 3 2x10 focus cabs or would it knacker the head?

  7. now that ive upgraded the pick ups and electrics on the vmj the next thing on my list are new new tuners and a bridge.i have a gotoh 201 on my fender p and im very happy with it so another gotoh is an option but ive been reading about the babicz bridge and how great it is.so has any one used the babicz bridge and is it really that much better than the gotoh ?


  8. hi and welcome.for your budget id look at the squire jmv series.i got mine second hand but was really pleased with it in stock form.it has a really nice neck and the pick ups are ok.you can always upgrade the components at a later date

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