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Posts posted by bobbytodd

  1. i was talking to another bass player last night at our gig and he asked me a question that i didn't know the answer to so i thought id ask on here
    he has a peavey max450 head 1 4ohm cab and 2 8ohm cabs.if he was to put the 4ohm cab into one speaker jack and then daisey chain the 2 8ohm cabs from the other would the amp see a 2ohm load or less.just to be on the safe side i told him not to do it


  2. well got mine this morning and erm not to sure i will ever use it live.saying that i will use it if my streamliner ever goes down just plug it right into the desk.lots and lots of effects i'll never ever use.kids are home now so i will have another go with it on sunday

  3. no not really.because ive gone with a streamliner and 2 2x10 cabs stacked verticaly i get really defensive when our singer gets women up onto the stage.it might not be the most expensive rig but its mine and i worked hard to pay for it so i dont want it knocked over by some drunken bint that wont give two shits if it gets damaged

  4. half way through tonights gig i almost came to blows with some bints boyfriend because i dared to tell her to get down off one of our bass bins.even though i tried explaining that they were over a grand each and that they wernt ment to be stood on.as they were busy calling me asshole ect she spilled her drink all over the bin she had been standing on.so how do you deal with pissed up punters?

  5. we have the same problem but its our guitarists that sneak the volume lelevs up during the gig.because our drummer uses an electronic kit he has stored the drum tracks for a few songs so that he can go out front and set the pa.
    so at the start of the first set alls good then you start to get louder and louder guitars and by the end of it its sounds like we are standing in a music shop.but you cant get it through to them . +1 to charics post

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