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Freddy Le Cragg

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Everything posted by Freddy Le Cragg

  1. Well, the neck has bowed one hell of a lot and the electrics are pretty much shot too. This is gonna take longer than I anticipated
  2. Much obliged. A few more pics The Lego bridge! Surprisingly effective as a solution. Guts. It has 500k pots but the wiring is shot. Time to get the multi-meter out, kids. No ID on the pup. The body looks like it has had a hard life. I will not be doing any cosmetic work on this. Just fix the leccys and the neck and it will be rocked. I plan on gigging this a.s.a.p. More posts to come. And thanks for the welcome. I must admit that the site name containing both "bass" and " .co.uk" were a massive draw.
  3. It was 15 quid with 8 quids worth of stuff but near enough
  4. Couldn't think of anything original fro my first post proper so I though this would do. I saw this listed on a local selling group on Facebook and had to rescue her. It is a Satellite Precision copy from god knows when but I am guessing a "lawsuit" (sorry) seventies thing. The body looks to be 4 or 5 pieces and was once a redburst colour. The checking and patina look really sweet. The bridge has a Lego brick in lieu of saddle screws and the electrics need a bit of love. Worst of all, a rather savage looking crack has rent the stock asunder. Operation SALVAGE has commenced, brought to you by the twin fun of No Nails wood glue and G-Clamps. Pics The pic from the seller THE CRACK! OOOOOOOOH! Clamp MORE SOON
  5. Hello all. I am Freddy, bass player/singist and word-wrangler from obscure Oxford band Dirty Sweet Lies. Currently playing a MIM Jazz into a totally unsuitable Carlsbro guitar head. Glad to make your aquaintance.
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